Planning the New Hampshire Vacation

I started looking into the things to do in New Hampshire when I head there the end of the month. I don’t want to give away my ideas for the photo contest but I don’t mind sharing some of the things I am considering. I had most of these on my list before I ever heard of the photo contest.

This past spring while trying to get pictures of the whales off shore on Cape Cod I met a vacationer who told me about the Moose Tours. He showed me pictures he’s taken of moose so that is high on my list of things to do. My online research shows there are a number of outfits offering these tours but I think I will be loyal to the guy I met on the cape and use the outfit he works for.

The Time Share where I am staying is the Valley Inn at Waterville Valley so I will be using that as the base of operations.

I found a reference to a waterfall near Waterville Valley called Sabbaday Falls. It says it’s off the  Kancamangus Highway which is awesome. I have the directions so that is on my list.

At Cannon Mountain there’s the Flume Gorge and The Aerial Tramway. Both sound like great opportunities for some amazing photos. I can’t wait to check them out.

I also pulled up the Mount Washington Cog Railway in my online research. I am not going to hike Mount Washington and I don’t want to put my car through the drive up. I’ve seen those bumper stickers that say “This car drove Mount Washington.” Maybe if it was newer but I’m having enough trouble keeping up with its aches and pains. I’m not going to add to it by pushing it up a mountain. If I get to the top of Mount Washington it will be on the Cog Railway!

I also heard about the Lost River Gorge and Boulder Caves.  The online information says there’s a board walk as well as more “ambitious” routes.

Any suggestions of not to be missed places within reasonable driving distance from Waterville Valley?

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