Rare Disease Awareness Network

This weekend the Rare Disease Awareness Network is holding a Blood Drive in Acushnet MA. I will be working  so cannot attend but all of those orphan diseases that are never diagnosed and do not have treatments because they don’t strike the “masses’ need support to bring them into the mainstream. There’s even a TV program that focuses on the difficulties victims face finding a diagnosis. Watch Mystery Diagnosis sometime.

RDAN has adopted the Zebra as their symbol. Why? Because of the way diagnostics is taught in med school.

Photo: As promised this morning...the zebra story!

Dusty Roads Photos wants to support this cause. We have created  2 Zebra Cards and will donate $1.00 for each card sold. You can order either or both of the cards on our companion website www.dustyroadsphotos.etsy.com

cards 009a

cards 002a

To find out for about this organization you can check out their page on Facebook. https://www.facebook.com/SaveBecka

I know there are loads of charities asking for your support but a simple purchase of a card or two will go along way. Thank you 🙂

Just cut and past the address. The link tool doesn’t seem to want to work. www.dustyroadsphotos.etsy.com

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