Stuck at Home

You’d think that being stuck at home with these annoying shingles that I’d have plenty of time to write. Not so. I’m not sure if it’s this disease or the meds they have me taking, but I am exhausted by the end of my work day.


I finish up at 6 pm, fix dinner and by  8 pm I am falling asleep on the couch. If I’m not asleep, the ache in my back from the shingles sends me to bed so I can stretch out and once in bed ..that’s it, I fall asleep even with the TV on!


I can say I should be well rested once this is over.

For those who have asked, so far I’ve only had 1 bad day. ( Night actually) Most of the time I have a dull back ache. I joke that now the lower back on my right matches the constant ache I have on mt left. The result? I am walking better than I have in months.

I had one bad night. That night I had the back ache but also my right shoulder hurt, the rash burned and I had, of all things, an ear ache in my right ear.  I finally broke down and took some Aleve and that took care of it. When I woke up the next morning I felt better than I have since this started.

I must be on the mend because I’m getting tired of being cooped up. Shingles are not contagious so there’s no real reason why I can’t go out except that my rash is right on my waistline and my clothes hurt. Plus the rash oozes and I don’t really want that stuff on my good clothes. But I’m getting sick of being sick.

Being stuck here in the house I see everything that needs to be repaired.

The kitchen has reached the point of no return.

kitchen 001

It needs to be trashed, gutted, torn out and completely replaced. I hate to think of the expense and disruption to get it done but the plastic in the drawers is failing and can’t be replaced. To fix the drawers is to replace that whole cabinet section. I think they are the original cabinets from the 1970’s so I guess it’s time for a change.


The recliner part of my couch finally died. Another thing that’s giving up to old age. I spent about $400 on the couch back when I lived in Norwood, MA. It moved to Randolph MA with me where I spent 6 years. Then it came with me when I moved here to Taunton 7 years ago. So I’m estimating the sofa is 14-15 years old. For a discount couch, that’s a pretty long life. I’d like a recliner and a love seat to replace it. We’ll see what my paychecks look like with the bonuses I get now in my new position.


One things’s for sure, if I don’t get back to my normal routine soon, I’ll be in the poor house! I’ll be happy with the changes but my wallet will protest for the foreseeable future!


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