The New Kitchen

Except for a few little spots that need a coat of paint the kitchen is done! I even have new under cabinet lights!  I don’t know what I love most…the new microwave?

New Kitchen 001 copy

The solid new drawers?

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The amazing counter tops?

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or the rustic backsplash?

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And I can’t forget the new lower cabinets that give me so much more storage space.

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I got some wall art for the soffit area. It reads  “Many have eaten here, few have died” I like a touch of humor. I haven’t had a chance to put it up yet but I will soon.

Do you remember what it looked like before?

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kitchen 001

Much better now don’t you think? Its amazing that its the same size but it feels larger.

Now I’ll have to think about new appliances to match that beautiful microwave. Maybe next year. 🙂

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