Scale Aversion- the Struggle is Real

Scale Aversion

One of the hardest things about trying to lose weight is the daily weigh in. Did I or didn’t I lose. If the scale goes the wrong way it’s such a let down. But when those few ounces slide off its cause for celebration! Too often that celebration is allowing a forbidden food. Then I spend the next day wondering why the number on the scale went up. 

Books Vs Programs

My Doctor wouldn’t sign the medical release so I could join Awaken 180 , a popular weight loss program. I’ve tried Jenny Craig and Weight Watchers. I thought NutriSystem was way too expensive for a packaged food program. Tried it on my own by eating Lean Cuisine. That didn’t work out. I tried supplements like Apple Cider. All of them provided some weight loss but it never stayed off. So my Doctor started pushing gastric by-pass surgery. I know many people who have had this surgery and quite successfully but after serious consideration I decided it just wasn’t for me. So my Doctor gave me a book to read. The End of Overeating  by Dr. David A. Kessler.  So boring. I can’t read a chapter without falling asleep. I need something different or I’ll be fat forever.


Noom, Noom Noom Noom…makes me think of zoom, zoom zoom. A little car just speeding along. I don’t know how long NOOM has been around but it’s a little different. Nothing is off limits. Its all psychology based. I admit I am skeptical but nothing else has worked so why not give it a try? I got my Fitbit first to try to get myself moving and added NOOM a couple of weeks later. Between the two I’m been plugging along. Some success some back sliding. Like I said last week, I’m not ready to say what my weight is right now but I am ready to share the results so far.

The Weigh In

Sept 26, 2019

Its time to bring you guys into the loop. I began the struggle (this time) on September 13. As of my weigh in this morning, Oct 5, I am down 2 lbs exactly. Whew!  There were so many times it was two steps forward  one step back or sometimes 3 steps back that I wasn’t sure what this morning would bring. Now I’ve got a definitive goal in mind for next week. To keep this momentum going! 

Oct 4, 2019



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  1. Keep up the good work. I know how hard it is but the overall benefit will be feeling well and having more energy…with thyroid issues for years then thyroidectomy I have had my battles also!

    • Thanks Nancy If this doesn’t work I think I’ll be trying hypnosis next. I quit smoking so you’d think controlling my food intake would be easy compared to that! The Doctor checked my thyroid and its fine so I don’t have any excuse

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