Dreaming about Retirement

Dreaming about Retirement can Make it Real

So I’ve always been told that when you write down your dreams it gives them substance. It makes them real and possible. I’m a lot like the  Grasshopper in Aesop’s Fables.  I’ve worked hard but I played hard too. I haven’t planned ahead. I always figured there’d be more time. I’ve had a lot of fun but now when I think about retirement I don’t think I’m ready. So I’ve been dreaming and putting together a 5 year plan in my head. It’s time to put it in writing.  Make it real!

The 5 Year Plan

The first thing I need to do is develop a source of income. It doesn’t need to be a lot, just a bit to supplement  my social security so I don’t have to raid my savings account. And I do plan to keep on traveling. I’m thinking a e-commerce site maybe using my photos as a base. The downside is that everyone is a photographer these days with cell phones and all so I need a twist.  I’m looking into cards, puzzles as well as photos. I like the puzzles but to make them affordable I will need to make them, not farm them out and for that I need a work space. Which brings me to where I would live.

Location Location Location

I currently live in a condo. It’s convenient but small. If I want to have room to work I will need more space. Plus I have arthritis in my knees so getting up and down the stairs on laundry day is getting hard.  So in a couple of years I’ll update the condo, fresh paint, new rugs etc and put it on the market. Hopefully I will make enough from the sale to purchase another place. I don’t really care what state I’m in as long as it’s affordable. I’d like to stay in New England but property values may make that impossible. This little project will have to evolve as time goes on.  I see a cottage/cabin/ranch- one level. A small home with one bedroom and a work space. There needs to be a washer/dryer hookup and I’d like a fireplace.

Maybe a log cabin? Or a Manufactured home? 


Simple needs. I would want high speed, reliable internet, cell phone service and some type of TV. Sounds simple but I might end up very rural to make it affordable and those perks may not be as easy to come by. 

So anyone who has been through this, I’d love to hear from you. I’d really like suggestions for a side income. I think that’s the #1 priority. What do you think?


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