Remember The Alamo

Our first day in San Antonio was spent on the Grand City Tour. It was a full day of exploring Old Spanish missions, a river boat ride on the San Antonio River, a Japanese Sunken Garden and much more. It was very overcast and threatening rain but we were intrepid souls determined to see the sights in spite of the weather.

Of course no visit to San Antonio would be complete without a stop at the Alamo, the Cradle of Texas Liberty, so that was where our tour began.


In some ways the Alamo was a bit of a let down. The iconic facade that everyone recognizes was blocked by modern equipment while a master stone mason worked to restore the entrance.

We all realize that these historical buildings need maintenance so they don’t crumble away but of course we all wished it could have been done “on someone else’s tour”.


Inside the chapel section was considered sacred ground so no photos were allowed. It’s a small area but you could almost feel the weight of the atmosphere…the impact of what had happened here. A docent was available to answer questions and a model of the original mission as it would have looked in 1836 was prominently placed.

A side room held displays of artifacts including a rifle purported to have belonged to Davy Crockett, himself.

Outside of the Chapel, but still within the walls of the Alamo we could take photos to our hearts content. We saw the monument erected to the only men that came to reinforce the defenders, led by Colonel William Travis, when he sent out a call for help.

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32 men from the nearby town of Gonzales perished in a futile attempt to dispel Santa Anna’s forces.

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A narrator in period clothing demonstrated the flint lock rifle that was in use at the time. He did a good job from making humorous observations about how one could injure oneself before even going to battle to showing us the spark the flint made that hopefully set off the powder allowing the gun to fire. Ever heard the phrase “flash in the pan”?

The court yard was surrounded by the mostly original walls.

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Access was gained through a sally port.

Back outside we marveled at the Cenotaph. Towering 60 feet high and located adjacent
to the surviving buildings of the Alamo itself, San Antonio’s “Alamo Cenotaph” pays tribute to the men who died defending the ancient mission in 1836 rather than surrender to overwhelming odds.DSC_1348_edited-1

According to tradition the Alamo Cenotaph marks the spot where the slain defenders of
the fortified mission were piled after the battle and burned in great funeral pyres.

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There are no remains under the marker rather the ashes were collected and are said to be interred in a marble casket in San Fernando Cathedral.

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The universal opinion seems to be that Santa Anna was cruel and despicable but I was surprised to learn that he offered to let everyone leave if they would surrender. The heroes refused and the rest, as they say, is history. After the battle Santa Anna did allow the women and children to leave. It is from the recount of events by these survivors that historians have pieced together the events of that day.

It is amazing to think that a handful of defenders, probably less than 200 , held the mission for 13 days against an army that is said to be both battle hardened and greatly out numbering those in the mission.

David Bowie, Davy Crockett, William Travis are the most often remembered heroes but a full roster of those who fought and died can be found at



About San Antonio

It always seems that after I make a vacation plan I start to see the location everywhere. Sure enough, I was cleaning out a pile of magazines that have accumulated over the spring and summer and there, staring me in the face was “Celebrate Cinco de Mayo in San Antonio”. Well, obviously we missed Cinco De Mayo But that’s ok. There’s still lots to see.

According to the magazine article San Antonio is often called “the northernmost city in Mexico”.The city proudly embraces its Hispanic traditions both cultural and culinary.


The River walk, a main point of interest in our trip, is described as al fesco cafes and lively galleries on the 2.5 mile heart of downtown.


Item 2 on our planned trip is the Alamo and the article touches on that too. Imagine “visiting the Alamo, site of an 1836 battle that made Davy Crockett and Jim Bowie heroes.”


I think I’ll want to be sure to have plenty of room on the old credit card too. Especially if we have time to explore the stalls in Market Square where they are selling Brightly colored blankets, turquoise jewelry and other handcrafts.

Market place

Other side trips and highlights are  The Natural Bridge Wildlife Ranch, a 400 acre drive through safari park.

Natural Bridge Wildlife Ranch


The San Antonio Zoo with more than 9000 animals…lions and tigers and bears OH MY!

San Antono Zoo

and the  San Antonio Botanical Garden, a traditional Japanese garden designed to fill the senses.


Since our trip is an “Escorted Tour” I don’t know how much we’ll get to explore but there is some down time when we’re on our own. It’s nice to have some suggestions for things to see and do.

Perhaps we’ll even get brave and try a San Antonio Cocktail.

San Antonio

Whatever we do you can be sure you’ll be along for the ride  right here on this page.


In the words of Carly Simon

Anticipation, Anticipation
Is making me late
Is keeping me waiting

And that’s where I am with travel right now.

It looks like work has really slowed back to a manageable/ normal pace. I even have another weekend off! But this time I have a sick kitty so I’m sticking close to home to keep an eye on him. It’s Buddy and he woke me up this morning vomiting. Cats throw up but this is different. He’s not barfing hairballs but just clear bubbly fluid. Fingers crossed he’ll bounce back quick.

So I took the time to get my travel plans pinned down and submit my time off requests at  work.

The first trip planned is late fall and it’s an Amtrak vacation. Sandy & I will fly into San Antonio for 3 days. We’ll get to experience the river walk


and see the Alamo.the_alamo_mission_in_modern_day_san_antonio_2_postcard-r351d5d6b383e4cb4901643fb529c4a45_vgbaq_8byvr_512Then it’s onto the train for a day on the rails traveling to New Orleans.


I’m sure I’ll have a lot to say on this trip and lots of pictures to share. Something to look forward to…Like I said…Anticipation!

Have You ever wanted to go to Venice?

Venice, Italy is called one of the most beautiful cities in the world. But with all the unrest around the world, terrorism, plane crashes not to mention cost to go jetting about, how many will actually get out a pass port to take on an international adventure. I’m told I’m a chicken because I want to stay within the confines of the good old USA. But if I do that How will I ever get to see Venice?

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Why by going to the Venetian Hotel/Casino in Las Vegas. This wasn’t even on our to-do list. The concierge at the Linq told us it was not to be missed. She really gave it high marks so after our morning at the Mirage we headed back out to the strip to wander down to the Venetian.

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I think I had to pick my mouth up off the floor when we entered the shops. The ceiling was a breathtaking mural! My head was back so far I almost fell over!

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Strolling  past the shops on the promenade we passed one of the human statues. The actor was very good. I got a good laugh when Joe jumped when he moved.

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Once again the ceiling was painted as a sky and each shop had a facade making it appear we were actually strolling through Venice. They even had a canal. And just as if we were in Venice we had to take a gondola ride. We shared our gondola with a nice couple here on “holiday’. He was from Wales and she was from London.

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The gondolier even serenaded us as we returned to the launch site at the end of our ride.

Our Gondolier and another couple that shared our ride.

Our Gondolier and another couple that shared our ride.

I enjoyed our little trip to Venice so much I had to bring a Gondolier home with me to serenade me when ever I miss Venice.

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Dinner on the Miracle Mile

The show we reserved for this evening, “Las Vegas the Show” didn’t start until 9:30 so we had time to find a place for dinner.

Las vegas

The show was inside the Miracle Mile Shops at Planet Hollywood Resort and Casino.  The first thing you notice is the sky or roof or…well, it’s a beautifully painted ceiling that looks like blue sky. It’s easy to forget that you are inside.


The first thing I spotted were glittery lighted columns.


They bordered the escalator which was topped by a huge disco ball that changed colors. Pretty impressive.




As we entered the Miracle Mile Shops it was like entering Disney. Do you notice a trend here? I think I said that before but really, the sky, the buildings, right out of a Disney set.


We had a free dinner at one of 3 restaurants. I picked the Italian restaurant. We were seated “outside”  but since it was play-off season flat screen TV’s were conveniently located so everyone could watch the game. Go Pats!


We had Pats fans sitting next to us but we were mindful of the “Atmosphere” and kept our cheers and fist pumps to a conservative level.


Back to the free dinner, the meal was free if you chose from a limited menu. I had the chicken Marsala and Joe had fettuccine Alfredo. (I forgot to take a picture before we ate…oops)  It was very good. But we’re sitting in a lovely restaurant in Las Vegas so of course we had a drink   and since we didn’t have to pay for dinner we could indulge in desert, well bottom line our dinner bill was bigger than if we’d paid for dinner and skipped the drinks and desert. But it was worth it.


Then it was time to wander back to wait for the show.