Some This and That and a Map

This and That

We finally had a week of nice weather. Temps in the 70’s & even 80’s. Low humidity. Sunshine and a breeze. Prefect days And I was on vacation! How did I get so lucky? So how did I spend my vacation? Did I take an exotic vacation? Did I bust out my camera and go adventuring? Nope. I sorted and cleaned and still didn’t get everything done. But I made a dent. At least now I don’t look quite so much like a participant on an episode of Hoarders.

With the nice weather I wasn’t afraid to re-pot my Thanksgiving Cactus and move it outside.

That may save it’s life. Balboa was fixated on it and pruned (chewed on it)  it every day. I started some cat grass for him and hope that by fall when I bring the cactus back inside that he’ll be over it. 


Boxes – Gone

I crushed up the Chewy boxes and dragged them out to the recycle bin. There will be more but at least for the week I got my Livingroom back. I don’t mind stepping over the boxes as long as the cats are playing with  them but when they stop – out go the boxes.


And speaking of boxes. I cleaned out my file cabinet and packed up my taxes and bank statements so I can start filing all the paper that’s piled on my desk. Hey folks, we’re in the age of digital! What ever happened to a paperless society?


I follow several consumer and travel websites. I’m still not convinced that this is a good year to travel. Restrictions are being lifted all over. Next week Massachusetts is removing all COVID restrictions. The most recent advisory that I’ve seen on domestic travel  says we’ll still need  to mask up to fly but if you are fully vaccinated that’s about the only time you’ll need a mask. You won’t need a negative COVID test either.  The exception might be Hawaii. I haven’t seen an update on their restrictions yet. 

One issue that I’m still seeing in the news is the rental car shortage. In fact I recently heard a car dealership advertising that even new car purchases are being affected by the car shortage! I’ve been hearing of rental prices of over $1000 for a 1 week rental and that wasn’t a high end luxury vehicle either. That rental was from Fort Lauderdale airport. Rental car charges are one of my biggest expenses when I travel so I’m watching that closely. As rental companies restock their inventories I’m sure those fees will come down.  Until then I’ll wait.

The Map

I finished adding photos of the states I’ve visited to the map.


There are 4 states that I’m debating about.  Years ago I went to a drum and bugle corp. competition in Allentown PA. I remember it rained and our tent leaked. It wasn’t a fun trip but still I was there. I don’t have any pictures and I don’t feel like I really got a feel for the state.  

South Carolina is another one. My brother got married in South Carolina. My sister-in-law is from Charleston  and I attended their wedding. I bet I could get a wedding picture from them to mark off South Carolina but there’s so much about that state that I want to explore that I’m reluctant to take it off the list.

#3 is Illinois. Again it’s a really old trip and it was for work. I had a week long training in Chicago. It was my first ever work trip and one of my first times on a plane.  There wasn’t much sight seeing. I was too introverted at the time and remember being kind of overwhelmed.  No pictures of that trip either.

Last but not least was my brother’s retirement from the Navy in Kenosha Wisconsin. I think I have a few pictures of my brother in his dress whites in a photo album. 

Although technically these 4 states meet my criteria I didn’t really get much sight seeing done. What do you think? Should I add a picture (google has plenty) or leave them as “still to be visited”?



Banner’s New Toy

Banner’s New Toy

Kittens are so much fun but keeping them amused can be a full time job. To help avoid kitty boredom I got Banner a new Toy.

It’s not like he was lacking toys . His starter arsenal included 12 mini mice, a crooked cat tree, a kick toy, catnip and a scratching ramp.  He lost the mini mice within 1 day. I found myself trekking back to the store for another package of 6.

Boxes, Boxes and more Boxes

I’ve been ordering from Chewy almost daily so the living room is filled with Chewy Boxes. I have to start throwing some out but Banner uses them all. They are another form of toy for him. Which one will I steal away from him first? One of his favorite games is “Find the Kitty” sort of a cat hide and seek. 

The Feather Wand

Rocky my cat

“Uncle Rocky”

Just like his “Uncle Rocky”, Banner loves his feather wand toy. Of course that requires my attention. He bounces and jumps like Tigger trying to catch that feather. We play with the Feather Wand every morning before I try to go to work. It’s fun but it’s also my way of trying to tire him out so I can work. He likes to sit on the computer keyboard or chew on my headset when I’m in a zoom meeting so getting him tired is a necessity.

The Wellness Checkup

Dr Ross, a mobile vet in our community came over for Banner’s wellness check that was required by the shelter I adopted him from. He passed with flying colors. Dr. Ross played with Banner and gave him treats. What a difference from my previous vet visits. No stress on Banner. No stress on me either. Switching vets was such a good idea. Yes, I know, I am spoiling my kitten. But I have to say he is one happy kitten. He’s my purr machine. The only thing I can’t get him to do is to eat wet kitten food. He only wants the dry. This is the first cat I’ve ever had that didn’t want wet cat food. 

All I want for Christmas

Sigh! I’m beginning to understand a bit about the aging process.


All I want right now is to get my home back in order and cleaned up. It seems like forever that I’ve been living in boxes. First the kitchen and now the furniture that I need moved.


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And it’s mainly because I can’t do this by myself. I used to be able to move this furniture alone but now I can’t get it to budge! So I am at the mercy of other people’s schedules.

I can see how someone, particularly the elderly, could become hoarders! No strength or energy to throw stuff out!

The kitchen still isn’t finished.

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I’m still waiting for the electrician to install the microwave range hood. That would get one big box out of the way. Then I’m waiting for my neighbor to help me move the sideboard and hutch.

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I emptied that out to make it easier and lighter to move but I haven’t connected with him since he said he’d help. So that means I have all those boxes sitting here.

There’s an armoire on it’s way. It’s a Saunders so I know that means it will have to be put together. I hate putting together furniture. My knees and back hurt so much it makes it very hard but the ones that were already assembled were terribly expensive. To make room for the armoire I need to clean out the book case and move it to another corner. I used to be able to move this book case by myself. Now I don’t know if I still can or not. I sure hope so!

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Then there’s an old rickety book case in that corner that needs to be cleaned off and thrown out. It’s sitting where I want to put the book case that’s where the armoire is going to go.

It’s like a puzzle.

It makes me tired just thinking about it but everything is at a standstill until either my electrician gets here or my neighbor. Until one of them makes me some room I am stuck and I hate being dependent on someone else. I hope one of them gets here before the armoire otherwise I have no idea where that box will go!

In the meantime I am living surrounded by boxes, dust and cat hair. I may not be the best housekeeper but I’ve never lived this long surrounded by such chaos, not even when I’ve just moved.

I mean it when I say all I want for Christmas is a clean and organized home.

Another Box Down

Believe it or not I’m still emptying boxes and sorting what to put where in the kitchen. I emptied another box today. Only 2 more to go. Whew!

The new over the range microwave came today. Now I have another big box in my living room.  Rocky did the inspection.

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I hope I can get  my electrician to come out this weekend. I’m not sure what to do with the old microwave. I won’t throw away a perfectly good one. Maybe I can find someone who would like it.

I ordered some “wall art” today to go on the soffit area of the kitchen. It says “Many have eaten here…few have died. ”  If I get sick of it I can peel it off and put something new up there.

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In other news, my sister and I are booked for the River Walk to French Quarter Amtrak vacation. It’s booked for October 2015 so we qualified for an early booking discount. The discount was $300.00 so I used  $140.00 of it to upgrade from coach to “roomette”. It’s not a bedroom but it has seats that convert to beds in case we want to nap. Plus all 3 meals on the train is included.


We’ll fly into San Antonio and then have the rest of that day to explore. The next  2 days is all San Antonio which includes a tour.


On day 4 we have to catch the train at 6:30 am! We won’t get into New Orleans until 10 PM. so no sight seeing then but there should be some great scenery as the train travels from Texas to Louisiana. Day 5 & 6 we’ll be in New Orleans and we fly home on Day 7. How much we can explore will depend on what flight we get out.


In a previous post I mentioned that I didn’t see any singles rates. Well I asked and was told there aren’t any. If you are single and want to go on the trip you pay double! I’ve heard of singles penalties but I thought paying double was a thing of the past. Guess I was wrong. Now I’m really  glad my sister agreed to come along. I’ll have good company and a fun traveling companion and it saves me  $$$.