
On Saturday the sun was back out. Originally I was supposed to be attending an all day photography seminar at Busch Gardens but thanks to my budget I didn’t get the registration fee into them in time so I found myself a bit more flush but with time on my hands.

Once again I turned to my friendly concierge. They are an absolutely awesome resource. They are familiar with the area and attractions and even have discounts on tickets if you get them through the resort instead of on your own. I had already searched the internet and had some idea what I wanted to do so now I turned to them to set it all up. I handed over my credit card and gave them my available times and what I wanted to do and they handed me back the tickets and brochures and the itinerary. Couldn’t have been easier.

For the morning I wanted to go to Gatorland. I hadn’t been to a place like that in a long time..years actually…and alligator sanctuaries are big on TV right now with shows like Gator Boys and Swamp People and Operation Wild. I plugged in the coordinates and was off.

I didn’t expect to spend a lot of time at Gatorland. After all, they all look-alike except for the individual’s size but I was sure wrong. I could have spent the whole day there.

The first thing you see when you leave your car is a building with a huge mural meant to look like an old post card from Gatorland.

 As you turn the corner there a big “gator head” that makes a great photo spot!

Once in you follow board walks between gator pens, big one, little ones,  medium-sized ones but what really hit me was the birds!

There were a ton of them and they showed no fear.

They sat on the decks right under the alligator’s noses.

Obviously these alligators are well fed and the birds know it.

They had a small petting zoo and some parrots.

In another enclosure were white alligators. 

 Each enclosure had educational material posted by the exhibit. In the White Alligator section it was explaining the difference between an Albino alligator and  a Leucistic Animal. This was educational for me. I knew about albinos but I had not heard of leucism. I’ll let you look it up. 🙂

In back of the pens and enclosures there was a little train.

 Riding that was an additional charge but it was only a couple of dollars so I bit. It was a short ride around the grounds. the narrator pointed out more enclosures with animals like Florida cows and emus. There was a salt water enclosure for some crocodiles and well as more alligator pens. They also have a Zip Line over the farm.  Keep your feet up over the alligators!

Back from the train ride I hustled back to the main enclosure for the alligator feeding show.

 Here the keepers, I hesitate to call them trainers, were tossing raw meat out to the alligators. The black headed vultures were hopping up and down for scraps. One actually went right up to a big ‘gator and plucked the meat right out of its mouth.

That gator never made a move.

The the keepers tried hand feeding them, teasing them over to the side of a platform and the reaching down as the ‘gator jumped up.

 Another way they encouraged the ‘gators to jump was to slide raw chickens down a rope suspended above the water. The ‘gators would swim over and then leap up and grab the chickens. Chomp chomp and it was all over.

I’m sure it sounds gruesome but it was actually pretty interesting. After that show I went back out to one of the many trails that crisscrossed the park. This area was a bird breeding area. The birds love to make their nests near the alligators because the alligators protect them from predators.

 Yes they lose a chick here and there that falls out of a nest but the birds seem to feel it’s a good trade-off. It is breeding season now and the Egrets are all fledged out in their breeding plumage. Just beautiful.

By now it was almost noon and time to head to my afternoon appointment in St. Cloud. I wished I’d reserved more time so I could walk the other trails. On my way back I spotted swans and pink flamingos in a pond that seemed to be ‘gator free”.

Some really ugly birds were lined up along the railing. They were big white birds but they had heads that were black and scaly like a vulture. A passing keeper said they were storks. Wow, somehow they didn’t look like I imagined when we used to say the stork brought the baby.


Mermaids and Manatees

Day 3 dawned with overcast sky’s and light rain showers. It was tempting to just crawl back into bed and sleep-in but my time in Florida is limited so that would be a waste.  I was here and opportunity only knocks once (or so “they” say). Joe was at Disney, working, so I was on my own today. I don’t mind that. In fact I told Joe before I came down that I  would visit him while I was here. I wanted him to understand that he didn’t have to play host to me the whole week. I had exploring to do and I like doing a lot of that on my own at my own pace.

The concierge at my timeshare said that the cold snap they had the previous week had driven the manatees into the springs for warmth. He suggested I take a drive up to Weeki Wachee State Park. He thought there were some in that spring. Seeing a live manatee in the wild would be an awesome experience.

Weeki Wachee State Park is about an hour north of Orlando. I had my GPS and the roads were good. I drove in and out of bands of rain. It was a scenic ride once I was off the highway. I think most of the drive was on RT 50. There were orange groves both well-tended and abandoned. The well-tended groves were loaded with fruit. As many times as I have been to Florida, I had never seen orange groves so this was really neat.

 The weather report said it was supposed to clear so I was hoping the sun would be out by the time I arrived.

I remember hearing about the Weeki Wachee Springs when I was much younger. They had mermaid shows and I thought that would be an awesome job to have when I grew up. I was surprised to find out that they still have those shows at the park. I thought they were a thing of the past like so many other  things from the 50’s.

 There are a couple of different shows. One show, Fish Tails, gives the history of the mermaids  before a pageant style  show is presented and the other is based on the Little Mermaid. There is also a reptile show and a boat ride  with a conservationist. But I am jumping ahead. Let me walk you through my visit.

Arriving at the entrance to the Park you have a large paved parking area. The entrance is attractive with flags and sculptures of mermaids.

The ticket price includes all the “attractions”, the shows and boat ride I mentioned. Unfortunately the ranger at the window said the manatees were gone now, back out to sea, but she highly recommended the mermaid show.

I was here so I paid my admission and set about exploring.

Inside the park there were paved paths and benches and peacocks…loads of peacocks.

They were pretty but kind of dirty. They liked to sit on the benches too but they left  quite large piles of calling cards if you get my drift. If you go, look before you sit.

I took the boat ride first and was surprised to be the only passenger. I guess the threat of rain had put a damper on visitors.

There was a captain and the conservationist and me. The ride is not long but we saw  Ibis,

 an eagle nest,

 Great Blue Heron,

 and a Little Blue Heron

, even a domestic Muscovy duck.

Looking into the clear water of the spring fed river I could see fish darting about through the water. They even jumped and splashed occasionally. No wonder the wading birds were hanging out.

The guide said there was an alligator that made it’s home in the spring but that it didn’t come out too much before dusk. On the previous trip down the river they saw white tail deer but they were gone when we got there. Both the captain and the guide recommended that I take a kayak down the river if I had time. Unfortunately I had missed the last trip with a pick up so I would have to come back another day to do that. (I suspect it will have to wait for another trip)

Back on shore I wanted to get some lunch but I would miss the mermaid show if I did that so I headed to the Mermaids instead.

You enter down a flight of stairs and then turn into the theatre itself. The benches are stadium style and surround a curtained wall. While waiting the history of the facility and the mermaids is shown on TV screens above the curtain. And then it was showtime.

The curtains go up and you are looking through a wall of glass like an aquarium but it’s not an aquarium. It’s really a window into the spring and there are the mermaids, young women in mermaid tails, performing synchronized swimming.

Each has a breathing tube which allows them to perform their stunts without surfacing for air. This was a traditional show like they have been doing for years here. Near the end of the show one of the “mermaids” returns from a costume change without her tail but wearing ballet shows. She hands her breathing tube to her  spotter and dives to the bottom of the spring at 117 ft holding her breath.  It ends with a water ballet sans tails dedicated to patriotism and the American Flag.

It certainly is different and quite enjoyable.

I skipped the reptile show in order to grab a quick lunch at the snack bar, Typical park food…hot dogs, hamburgers, fries. I was the only one there although I did see a few people wandering the grounds while I ate.

After lunch I checked out the stage where the reptile show took place and sure enough, I had missed it. The herpetologist was packing up his stage props and animals but he was willing to let me pet his alligator.

There was another mermaid show but it was getting late. I didn’t want to get stuck in Orlando Rush Hour on my return so I skipped the 2nd show and just wandered the grounds a bit more admiring the peacocks.

As 4 pm approached I headed back to the car for the drive back to the condo.

 So no manatees but I bet you didn’t really expect me to find mermaids! 🙂

The Universal Experiance continues

After we finished the Harry Potter Ride we walked into  Hogsmeade to explore the little Wizarding town. We skipped Olivander’s Wand Shop as there was a long line and we were all quite familiar with the scene that would be played out…everone knows  “The wand chooses the wizard”.

At the Aviary the Stuffed Owls were animated and could be purchased as owl mail carriers. We had to check out the offerings at Honeydukes Sweetshop.

 They were all there from Any Flavor Beans to Chocolate Frogs and Caldron Cakes.

We admired the Hogwart Express and saw the Wanted Poster for Sirius Black.

There were vendors offering Butterbeer all along the main street.

 We slipped into The Three Broomsticks for a leisurely lunch. We were able to get a table on the back veranda where an umbrella shaded us from the sun. Hogsmeade had it all!

After lunch we started back to the remaining sections of the park. As soon as we left The Wizarding World we were winding through a middle eastern bazar. Then as we rounded a corner we spotted the Poseidon Adventure ( not the Shipwreck). It’s a walk-through experience, not truly a “ride” but it’s fun and interesting, definitely worth the short detour.

We had our eyes on Dr. Seuss land. There was Horton and the Cat in the Hat with Thing 1 and Thing 2. We took a ride on a small rollercoaster (clearly geared to small children) that told the story of the Star-bellied Sneetches.

The Cat in the Hat ride whirled and swirled as one might expect. Then it was time to find a cold bit of refreshment so we stopped to get a bite of ice cream and discuss what to do next.

We though about going back for one last ride with Harry but to be honest my blisters had blisters. I was about done for the day. I would have gladly camped out somewhere and let the others go play but they all said they were ready to wrap up too. So slowly we trudged (I limped) alllll the way back to the car. Joe, Tim and Saralyn were going out to dinner in Orlando but I had to take a pass.

Our busy schedule had done the “old lady” in. Back at the condo we reloaded Joe’s car and I crashed. It was about 3 hours later before I woke up and  ordered a small pizza from the Pizza shop right on the premises.

My final thought/ recommendation …If you are only going to Universal like I did in 2010, you’ll have a great time. If you are going to both Disney and Universal, go to Universal first. Disney has set the bar really high and you will be less likely to notice the difference if you go to Universal first…you know the saying “You’ve tried the rest, now try the best”. Well Universal is the “rest” and Disney is the “Best.”

Is that Harry? Harry Potter?

It’s Day 2 and we’re all meeting up to have breakfast together before heading off to Universal Studios. I made sure to be up early so I could make a run to Walgreen’s before the others got here. I needed to get some big band aids to cover my big blisters. Hopefully that will get me through the walking we will have to do today.

When Joe and company arrived at my condo we put their luggage in my suite and then took my car to Shoney’s for the breakfast buffet. I’d never been to Shoney’s but I’d heard of it. I think it’s more of a southern chain. The buffet was quite varied and certainly filling. I think we all were fully fueled for the day. 

Once we arrived at Universal and parked we had to make our way to the gates. It seems like you have to walk forever to get from Universal’s Parking area to the park. No busses, trams or trains here just the occasional moving sidewalk. Then another long walk through a section of push carts and vendors. Once the gates come in sight you prepare yourself to stand in line.

Entering the Islands of Adventure

The line wasn’t too bad. There was a gate attendant working the line taking out anyone paying with credit cards so it made the whole line move faster. I had a voucher for the 4 of us so we had to wait but once at the window I was treated very nicely and the ticketing process went smoothly and quickly. Islands of Adventure here we come.

Entering the Islands of Adventure

The big draw for us all was the Harry Potter Ride

First Glimpse of Hogwarts

and even though we wanted to make a bee line for it we did detour long enough to take the Spiderman ride.

Inside Spiderman attraction

 It’s been updated since I was there in 2010.  You really feel the heat! That’s all I’m going to say. I don’t want to spoil it for anyone who is planning a visit.

Good Guy or Villian?

Outside of Spiderman we passed a Super villian…I think he was a villan…signing autographs. Then the little comic section ..Gasoline Alley, Beetle Bailey and there was Boris and Natasha.

Those two villains from the Rocky and Bullwinkle Show are two of my favorites! There was also a Dudley Do-Right ride with a run-away log shooting down the flume.

A bronze Popeye was a popular spot for  photos.

Popeye the Sailorman

Then we entered Jurassic Park but to our disappointment most of the attraction was shut down.

 We lingered for a few photos but for the most part followed the winding path through the prehistoric era to enter the mystical world of Hogwarts and Harry Potter.

Any true Potter fan will feel their heart start beating faster when you first see the entry to Hogsmeade with its snow covered roofs and crooked chimneys with the majesty of the Castle that is Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry looming over it all.

It may stand back but it is still the prime showcase of the attraction.

Today the Beauxbatons and Durmstrang and a young woman from Gryffindor are standing in the square between Hogswarts and Hogsmeade allowing  the “muggles ” to take pictures with them. 

 We turned left and headed to the castle. It was time for THE RIDE.

I caused the first delay. Having been here before I knew we couldn’t bring any large objects but I had seen many people with Point and Shoot cameras so I had mine in a small shoulder bag. I was stopped at the gate told to put it in a locker. I tried to refuse but was told I couldn’t ride unless I left it behind. The lockers were packed with other people who were being forced to leave their belongings behind and only one attendant to assist. He was clearly overwhelmed.

First the computer said there were no open lockers. The when I saw one become available and grabbed it, the computer assigned me a different locker. I couldn’t reopen the one I’d snagged to get my bag back out. I had to wait for the harried attendant to get to me to cancel the previous transactions and let me request another locker. I don’t know how long it took but it seemed like forever, especially since  my 3 friends refused to go one without me.

The line itself moved fairly quickly. As the  horticulturist  among us, Tim was appalled at the condition of the plants in the greenhouses that lead up to the castle. Once inside the queue moved almost too fast. You never got to see the scenes play out, from Dumbledor’s speech in his office to Harry, Hermione and Ron explaining what the ride was about. (Sneaking us muggles out of the castle to play Quidditch)

As we passed through the various halls the pictures on the walls moved and offered commentary  and then we were there ; stepping onto the moving sidewalk and getting plunked quickly into a seat. In an instant an attendant was there locking you in with a heavy bar that really restricts your movements. I would think if you were prone to claustrophobia that about now you’d be going crazy but almost immediately after the lock down you’re off!

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You are swept up and away , twisting , turning and dodging. There are huge spiders and tons of dementors. You weave between the flailing branches of the Whomping Willow. You are riding a broom and dodging fire-breathing dragons, swooping over the spires of Hogwarts following close on Harry’s heels as he encourages you to keep up. And then as fast as it started it’s over.

In my case I staggered off the moving sidewalk and waited for my heart rate to come back to normal. Everyone else was off and as exhilarated as I . The exit took us back to the lockers where I retrieved my camera and we headed back to Hogsmeade to explore the little town and have some lunch.

Much better to eat after the ride…not before ! 🙂