The Georgia Aquarium is one of Atlanta’s must do attractions.

Georgia Aquarium

The Georgia Aquarium is one of Atlanta’s must do attractions. As you approach, the  huge aquarium presents the silhouette of a ship’s prow. The majestic building sails across the the northern end of Centennial Olympic Park. Georgia Aquarium is the largest public aquarium in the Western Hemisphere. Its mission is to drive conservation, education and economic growth. 

Dinner at the Aquarium

As part of Redferno attendees were invited to an after hours dinner at the aquarium. Exhibits were kept open and we were free to roam among the exhibits all while indulging at the generous buffet tables. Servers circulated with trays of bite sized appetizers. Free-flowing drinks included all types of wines and beer So with drink in hand or a plate of chicken fingers we explored the massive aquarium. 


The Georgia Aquarium Experience

Right off the entrance we spotted the sweet, playful otters and typical fish galleries but exploring deeper is where the magic happens. If you don’t scuba dive have you ever wondered what it would be like to be able to swim with sharks and rays and fish big and small? Well this is the place to be. Welcome to the Ocean Voyager Tunnel.  There is no other way to put it. You are standing in a protected tunnel with water and marine creatures all around you. They swim beside you and over you. Yes look up. They are above you too. 

Shark! Shark!

Right now sharks swim in the huge tank along with the rays, groupers and other smaller fish. The Tunnel tank also provides a home  to the magnificent whale sharks but there is more coming. Georgia Aquarium is expanding. The construction zone around the aquarium will soon  be a new home for sharks. The saltwater gallery will feature stunning floor to ceiling acrylic windows to give guests an up-close and personal view of these majestic animals. This new experience will help guests have a deeper appreciation for the important role sharks serve and inspire them to join conservation efforts to protect our oceans. The new exhibit is scheduled to open in the fall of 2020.

 I may have to plan a long weekend back to Atlanta this fall!

Whale Shark at Georgia Aquarium in Atlanta. Original image from Carol M. Highsmith’s America, Library of Congress collection. Digitally enhanced by rawpixel.




Hog Heaven

Hog Heaven

Hog Heaven


You could say that I was in Hog Heaven at Ocean Point Resort. The suite was beautiful, the view was outstanding. The bed was comfy and gave me a good nights sleep but when I woke up this morning I was anywhere but Hog Heaven. My plan had been to do some more snorkeling but when I got up I nearly took a header getting out of bed. My feet were so sore. I think they were black and blue. They weren’t cut. I’d checked that carefully after my encounter with the coral rocks but they did get very bruised. I gingerly limped into the kitchen area, made some eggs and collapsed in a chair at the counter for breakfast. 

What to do?

As I enjoyed my eggs and tea I mulled over how to spend my day if my feet were going to be difficult. I quickly realized that walking or hiking would be out of the question. Braving the coral shore for snorkeling wasn’t appealing either.  The resort’s pool was an option but I was pretty sure I’d get bored quickly. I’d brought some books with me and decided to put my feet up on the deck and read a little. Then I’d reassess how my mobility was doing.

Hog HeveanIslamorada

Around noontime I made the decision to explore a little from my car. The next Key is Islamorada. I first heard of Islamorda a few years ago when HGTV held a Dream Home Getaway here. Theater of the Sea is also located on Islamorda so I figured I’l take a little drive to get familiar with the area. 

Hog Heaven Really Does Exist

As I cruised around I spotted a huge pig advertising Hog Heaven and ocean side dining. You’d be amazed how few places have ocean side dining considering we’re on a chain if islands.  I followed the sign into a dirt parking lot. A rustic building sporting a “crashed plane” welcomed me to Hog Heaven. Yes, Dad, it does exist! Inside I passed a  classic car, at least half of one, with speakers blaring.Hog Heaven

I could see the bar area and headed that way. This was the ocean side dining. Tables looked out on a small marina. I placed my order, fried shrimp and cornbread. It was outstanding! I really was in Hog Heaven on Islamorada Key, Florida!

Hog Heaven

Back to Real World Weight Struggles

Back to Real World Weight Struggles

Vacation is over so it’s back to the real world. For me that’s not just work and daily routine That’s the real struggle with weight. As the saying goes in for a penny in for a pound so I’m going to continue to bring you along with me for now. I hadn’t been near a scale all vacation and I didn’t check when I got home on Monday night. I need all the help I can get so I always weigh in first thing in the morning.


Real World Weight struggles - lunchTruth or Consequences

Tuesday morning I took a deep breath and stepped on my frenemy, the scale. Wonder of wonders it was only up .5 lbs! That’s amazing and I’ll take it. Like most people on vacation I didn’t exactly restrain myself. I had Florida Lobster 4 times, yes 4 Times! I just couldn’t get enough. Don’t forget the famous “Pink Shrimp”.  Fried , cooked and chilled, and in seafood scampi, I ate them any way I could get them. If I had been in heaven I’d have been thrown out for seafood gluttony. Yet the scale was only up 1/2 lb! I was so happy! I didn’t share the news because it wasn’t a Saturday, my “real” weigh in day. It was just a check in .


Real World Weight Struggles

8 Hours of Shut Eye?Back to Real World Weight Struggles

So I’m back to my regular routine and the real world weight struggles. I’m logging my steps and watching what I eat but I am not getting a lot of sleep. A good part of that is because I have an hour plus commute every morning and afternoon.  I’m up at 5:30 am to go to work and get home between 6:30 -7 pm.  If I went to bed in time to get 8 hours I’d be going to bed at 8 pm. Usually I’m just finishing up the dinner dishes at that point so I don’t see 8 hours in my near future.

Why am I talking about sleep? Since I’ve been back my weight has been creeping up and I couldn’t figure out why. Were all the calories from vacation just catching up now? Apparently it’s more to do with sleep deprivation. I just found out that if you get less than 7 – 8 hours sleep your metabolism slows, you burn less calories and your cravings for sweet, dense foods increase. Weight goes up! I’m doomed!

This time it’s for real

According to my Fitbit I’m averaging only 5 hours and 15 minutes a night since I returned from vacation. My step count has gone up but not enough to offset the lack of shut eye. The scale has crept up 1.8 lbs since my last Saturday  weigh in before vacation.  I’m going to try to get some more sleep this week and see if I can reverse that trend. I’ve got my meals pretty trimmed down, 1 egg for breakfast, salad with cold cuts for lunch and dinner can vary from chicken broth  to fish to a mini hamburger (no roll). I hit my calorie budget consistently. The wild card is the sleep. 

Back to Real World Weight Struggles

Deb 10/25/ 2019

My co workers think I’m getting thinner and I started wearing jeans a size smaller but the scale isn’t reflecting these changes. Guess I’ll just have to say I lost that battle but its only the beginning of the war.