Oh, the Places I’ve Been!

Oh, the Places I’ve Been!

Oh COVID how you’ve clipped my wings! But that doesn’t mean I can’t revisit the places I’ve been. Today I thought I’d take a trip back in  time to re-visit some of the places I’ve been. Care to come along?

Key Largo Fla – 2019

John Pennekamp State ParkNature at it’s finest. This northern most Island in the Florida Keys offers diving, snorkeling and a lot of Ocean Fun. My favorite spot- John  Pennekamp Coral Reef State Park. But be prepared with water shoes . The shoreline is sharp coral that can bruise and cut bare feet.              

Great White Heron in Mangroves – Key Largo 2019

Iguana at Pennekamp Park 2019


Busch Gardens – 2018

Colonial Williamsburg, VA (and Busch Gardens) – 2018

Just weeks before my hip replacement surgery I made a trip to Colonial Williamsburg. It was much colder than I expected Virginia to be even if it was November. I was joined by family and friends. 

Colonial Williamsburgh 2018


Carriage Colonial Williamsburgh 2018

On the South Rim, Grand Canyon 2008

Grand Canyon Arizona- 2011

If you have not been to the Grand Canyon you are missing an amazing sight. I’ve been twice and can’t wait to go again. When I first saw the canyon my mind could not embrace it all. It was too large, too majestic. I was with a guide and he warned us but I still felt dizzy and overwhelmed. Something this magnificent just couldn’t be real! But it is. 

Grand Canyon- 2011

Grand Canyon 2011

Maui Hawaii – 2020

Hawaii is one of my favorite places. I’ve been to the  Big Island, Oahu and Maui.  My latest trip was right before the pandemic. I was back on Maui and had a chance to go SNUBA diving. It’s like Scuba but your tank is floating on a raft on the surface and you breathe though a hose. The other big difference is that you do not need to be certified to SNUBA making it something everyone can try.

snuba at Turtletown 2020

Wind Surfing 2020

Oh, the Places I’ve Been!

This was fun. It’s nice to reminisce now and again. And I have so many other trips to share. Maine for Puffin watching, Sedona and my first helicopter ride . The amazing state of Alaska and Denali National Park. I can’t forget Yellowstone and Old Faithful, Florida and swimming with Manatees or the Big Island and snorkeling with Manta Rays. Not to mention Bears and Moose and Elk in Wyoming. The Teton Mountains are magnificent rising from the valley floor. We have a lot to talk about!

The Grand Teton

The Grand Teton 2017

The Hana Highway Finale

 The Hana Highway Finale

As you know by now The Hana Highway aka The Road to Hana is a repeat adventure. I seem to end up taking that trip either by tour or by accident on every visit to Maui. When I got stuck on my rock on a one lane road I was looking for a beach on the Road to Hana that I had seen on a previous tour. We were nearing the end of this tour and I almost missed it. The tour bus drove right by. I blinked and tried to look quick as we shot past. Was it the same beach? I thought so but why weren’t we stopping? Time for the Hana Highway Finale.

Hana Highway Windsufers

We were well past the turn off when the tour bus finally pulled over. I had to ask. Was there a beach with lots of vendors behind us? The driver said yes but new ordinances prevent tour buses from stopping there now. It was such a popular stop that it just got too congested so the tour buses were banned. Violators received hefty fines.  When he saw the room on the road shoulder to pull over he did so we could watch the windsurfers. The last time I was here it was all about surfing but today it was windsurfers.


Windsurfing Competitions

Jeff, the driver, went on to tell us that large windsurfing contests were held here every year and these windsurfers were here to practice their moves. Sometimes they went far out and came racing back. Jeff said they were practicing their speed runs. More fun was watching them ride the waves like surfers with sails. They would be on a crest of a breaking wave and pull the sail over. This made them flip sometimes completely over. It was awesome when they were successful but there were far more failures. That’s when we watched the brightly colored sails splash into the water and the wave break over it. But like a phoenix the surfers got back up and tried again. This was a colorful wrap up to our daylong tour of the Hana Highway and back.

Hookipa Beach Park

I’m not sure but I think this is Hookipa Beach Park. Now I’ll need to return to Maui and the Hana Highway to confirm this for you. See how easy it is to convince me to go back! And you can see why I always end up on the Road to Hana- so much to see.

The Legend of Sweetheart Rock

Sweetheart Rock , Lanai

We were on our way to spend the morning on Lanai. As we passed a large cliff we could see waves crashing on a smaller rock at its point. Small is a relative term because this little rock is actually 80 ft. tall! Named Puu Pehe in Hawaiian, Sweetheart Rock is s recognizable landmark even for tourists like me. Like so many of Hawaii’s landmarks, this one has a legend attached to it too. 

The Legend of Sweetheart Rock

Once upon a time a beautiful young princess from Maui was captured by a young warrior from Lanai. He was so taken with her looks that he made her his wife and brought her back to his home island of Lanai. But the warrior was so jealous of her beauty that he was afraid to let any other man see her. To keep her secluded he confined her to a sea cave near the rock.

One day while the warrior was away a huge storm came up with the sea pounding the rock and flooding the sea cave. Frantic the warrior rushed back to the cave but it was too late. His beloved bride had drowned. With the help of the gods the heartbroken young warrior retrieved her body and took it to the top of the steep rock island. There he made a tomb to lay her to rest. Then, overwhelmed with grief, the young man jumped off the top of the island to his death. 

Puu Pehe’s Tomb

Puu Pehe is located between  Manele Bay and Hulopoe Bay .  If you look closely you may see a small mound at the top of the rock that could be a tomb. We were too far out in the channel to see but I’m told its there. Archaeologists who have studied the sea stack say the only bones are those of sea birds.  The legend is romantic and tragic but don’t let that draw you into exploring the rock. The sides are steep and treacherous and the waters surrounding the island are filled with strong currents and swift waves. 

Red Sand Beach

Red Sand Beach of Maui

You don’t want to miss the Red Sand Beach while you are on Maui.  It’s called Kaihalulu Beach in Hawaiian. Located just outside of Hana we made a stop after we went to the Black Sand Beach. It’s just a tiny beach tucked into a pocket cove. The rust colored sands of the beach are just that, rust. The lava that forms the Ka’uiki Head cinder cone is filled with iron which rusts. The lava breaks off and washes up onto the beach breaking down into the red sand. 

Beaches of Many Colors

The Islands of Hawaii are blessed with many colored sands in their beaches. We visited both a black sand beach and a red sand beach on Maui. There’s a green sand beach on the Big Island. The green sand is created by a common mineral in Big Island lava called olivine,

All of these beaches get their colors from the lava rock that breaks down to form the sand. The exceptions are the beautiful white sand beaches. White sand beaches are actually fish poop. Shocking I know. But the parrot fish eat the coral to get the algae that grows there. Then the hard coral passes through their system to come out as , well,  Fish poop.  It then washes up onto shore to form beautiful white sand beaches. Parrot fish can poop up to 200 lbs of sand per year per fish! Think about that next time you spread your blanket on that pristine beach. 

Stoplight Parrotfish (Sparisoma viride) at Salt Pier

Be Cautious at the Red Sand Beach

Like most of the beaches in Hawaii there are no life guards on duty so you swim at your own risk. Kaihalulu Beach is beautiful to visit and look at. The water is usually a deep blue with splashing white where it breaks against the rugged coastline.  That very rugged coast creates currents and rip tides that can drag an unsuspecting swimmer out to sea or toss them against the sharp lava rocks. Either way the swimmer is likely toast so Beware. 

Cultural Highlight

Ka’uiki Head is the birthplace of Queen Ka’ahumanu, and site of historic battles and an ancient heiau.

The Hawaiian name means “roaring sea.”


The Black Sand Beach

The Black Sand Beach

There is a Black Sand Beach on Maui. We stopped for a visit while on the Road to Hana Tour.  Waianapanapa State Park is located just outside  of Hana. I think this is one of the most spectacular stops on the Hana Highway. The beach is nestled in a private cove. The tour bus dropped us off in the parking lot and we followed a wooden walkway. Eventually you come to the stone stairs down to the black sand beach. I never got down there as I was captivated by the views from the lookout.

Not just the Black Sand Beach

Waianapanapa State Park is not just the black sand beach. It includes Hawaiian Cemeteries, Sea Stacks, Blow Holes and even a Lava Tube. There are various legends associated with the park. One such legend is as follows: 

A Hawaiian legend states that long ago in Hana a Hawaiian princess named Popoalaea was forced to marry an older chief named Kakea.  The chief was very jealous and suspicious of his young bride and beat her often.  One day she fled with her faithful serving maid and they hid inside a lava tube cave near Hana’s black sand beach.

To enter the cave required a dive into the fresh water pools called Waianapanapa (the meaning of the word is “glistening fresh water”).The king and his men grew furious looking for them.  Finally one day while searching for her he spotted the two women’s reflections in the waters of the cave as they sat on the ledge.

They were killed on the spot and every spring thereafter during the dark nights of Ku when this murder took place the waters seem to glow red, signifying the blood of the princess.

Cliff Jumping from the Sea Stacks

As I sat quietly enjoying the sun, the sea bird colony on the large sea stack became quite agitated. Moments later a head appeared. Then the rest of the body followed. A young man must have swum out to the Sea Stack and was now climbing the huge rock. Eventually he made it to the very top. I watched him set himself then cannonball out over the water. What a long drop! He is either crazy or far more brave than I!