It’s Just a Little Tree

We started out to visit the  valley between the west mountains and Haleakala. Then we planned to stop at Mama’s Fish House in Paia. A friend said to have lunch and watch the surfers. On the map it looked like quite a drive so we figured it would be a full day.

Of course we didn’t stick to the plan. Why should we? We’re on vacation.

Our first diversion came in Lahaina. We’d driven through there but didn’t see the huge Banyan Tree. Now I was determined to find it. How can you hide a tree that is said to be 60 ft tall and takes up .66 acres! It’s a whole block! And we didn’t see it??? Maybe we’re blind.


I found a map with the location of the Banyan Tree and it was right where were were the day before so before we headed out to Paia we headed to Lahaina.

We turned down Prison St so named because there is an old prison built in 1882 to lock up rowdy sailors.

Some of the original rules posted on the prison wall are:

  • Tobacco, opium, or intoxicating drinks may not be used by prisoners unless the physician determines they are necessary for health.
  • Prisoners must not spit on the walls or floor.
  • Singing, whistling, and laughter are prohibited.
  • Prisoners who violate the rules may be flogged, or have their food reduced, or their head shaved.

But back to the Banyan Tree. We parked at the bottom of Prison St. As we left the parking lot on foot we turned right. We walked about 1 block and spotted the tree. Its in a park at the corner of Front St and Canal. I remember driving right past it but I was busy looking at the restaurants and shops to my right and missed the tree all together.


I’m glad we found it now as it is quite impressive. Planted in 1873,  the tree now has, in  addition to it’s main trunk, 16 secondary trunks of major size. The canopy spreads over more than 1/2 acre.007

It only takes a minute to visit the park unless you get caught up with the vendors who set up stalls in the shade so be sure to add this to your Maui Bucket List.

Surf’s Up!

Day one on Maui and it was time to do some exploring.

We sat through an Expedia Presentation so we had some ideas on where we wanted to go for starters.

First of all we headed back toward the airport to see what we’d missed in the darkness when we drove in. It was a beautiful drive. The sun was out and the road (rt. 30) followed the coastline.

People were already gathering at the various beaches along the way. Finally at Ukumehame Beach Park we spotted some “would be surfers”. We pulled over to watch but it soon became clear that there just wasn’t enough surf. The ocean was calm and all the wannabe surfers were just sitting on their boards hoping for a wave that wasn’t coming any time soon. Time to move on.


Next stop was the scenic look-out over the whale sanctuary. There were some boats and a couple of divers but no whales.



We moved on a bit further then turned around and headed back the way we’d just come. We wanted to go to mile marker 38 to see what was on that stretch of road. The Expedia rep said after mile marker 38 the road got very dangerous so that was going to be our stopping point.


We had lunch at Beach Bum’s Bar & Grill then headed back up Rt 30. It had started to rain and the traffic was slow. Eventually it came to a halt. After sitting for awhile we finally began to move and around the corner we saw the reason for the hold up…paving crew! Once past this obstacle we were surprised when all of the cars ahead of us began to turn off the road. Not knowing what was going on we followed and there they were… surfers! The real deal.


We later learned that we’d stumbled on one of the premier surfing spots on Maui, Honolua Bay. This was a great experience. Much more thrilling to watch in person than on the TV. I hope we see more surfing like this while we’re here.



In The Morning Light

Maui is beautiful.

Ka’anapali Shores is beautiful.



I got a good nights sleep. Woke up at 6:30 am Maui Time, that would be like 11:30 am east coast time. At first I couldn’t understand why I was seeing my co-worker’s text. Then I realized it was Monday and I was waking up in Paradise.


To prove it I stepped out on our balcony to check out our “ocean view”.


Our alarm clock was the best kind. The natural kind.




The birds.

Whales or no Whales????

When I spoke to the concierge  from Diamond Resorts he said the whales hadn’t arrived and that the whale watches weren’t running.

I told him it made my Facebook feed that the first whale had been spotted. He said it was possible a few were there but still no trips. He suggested we watch for them from our balcony.

Well now I have more news:

The whales are most definitely here! This #amazing photo was taken by Jamey Baumgardt, one of our guests on board Ocean Voyager during Molokini & Turtle Arches Snorkel cruise. Mahalo Jamey! We don’t officially offer our first #whalewatching cruises until Nov.7. #maui


And check out the date! Whale watches start  November 7. Looks like we’ll get to go after all!

Aloha From Hawaii

No I’m not there yet but I did get a call.

Yes a nice surprise. The phone rang and caller ID said Diamond Resorts. That’s my time share so I grabbed the phone before it could go to voice mail. As I gasped out a Hello I heard a man’s voice call out “Aloha”.


That got my attention.

It was a combination confirmation call and orientation, not that I remember everything he told me. He gave me so much information. We confirmed check in times,  talked about the facilities, tours and events, what I had in mind for the vacation, everything.  It wasn’t a short call but it was very pleasant.

Oh and we talked about the weather. I mentioned it looked like they were getting a lot of rain. He laughed. He said the weather reports always show rain because at any given time its raining someplace on the island. Right now he says its mostly 70-80, low humidity and sunny. If it does rain, its warm and no lightening so just keep on with what we’re doing!


Nice touch Diamond Resorts. Mahalo!

Current Weather Conditions

A few passing clouds. Low 71F. Winds NE at 10 to 20 mph.