Not In Vegas

All of my co workers are off in Las Vegas for the annual company meeting so it is very quiet here at work. This is the first time I’ve skipped the annual meeting and everyone wants to know why.

las vegas

 Originally I had planned to go but the company would only fly me out for 2 days, all work meetings and then I’d be jetting back. I didn’t feel the jet lag was worth it. I considered using some vacation time and staying in Vegas at my time share, Polo Towers.

polo towers

Its right on the strip and I could have used the time to do some more exploring. Vegas is a fun place even if you don’t gamble. But in the end I decided my vacation time was better spent going back to Hawaii. That trip is only a few weeks away, my birthday present to myself.


I’ve booked one excursion which is a combo whale watch and snorkel trip. I’m looking forward to that. I’m still on the fence about trying a “Snuba” dive. Snuba is a cross between snorkeling and scuba. The mouthpiece or regulator that you use with snuba is connected to an air tank that is on the water’s surface either in the dive boat or on a raft with an air hose connected. You get to breathe through your regulator just like with scuba but you don’t have any clumsy tanks attached to your back. On the downside you are limited to the length of your air hose. On the plus side you don’t need to be certified for snuba. That’s important to me as I foolishly let my scuba certification lapse. I tried to get it reinstated but NAUI couldn’t find my records so to scuba dive means getting certified all over again. Not an inexpensive endeavor especially since I’d probably only go diving if I was on a tropical vacation.


The excursion I booked is with one of the many tour companies on Maui but I also want to go out with the Pacific Whale Foundation. I follow their posts on FaceBook . They are a non-profit organization that was founded to help save the whales from extinction. Everything I’ve heard of this organization is positive and since 1980 they have been leaders in educational wildlife watching and eco-tourism. I’m just waiting until I get to Maui to book anymore tours. I can probably get a discount at the concierge desk at my time share. pacific-whale-foundation

Speaking of the Pacific Whale Foundation, they present a Festival on Maui on February.  That’s World Whale Day, a celebration of all things humpback. The annual celebration is used to raise awareness and inspire action to protect the whales and their ocean habitat. It’s on the Saturday before President’s day each year but sadly I will not be there that day. I’ll have to keep that date in mind for next year.

Close to the Boat


In addition to my quest for the perfect breaching whale photo, I was hoping to be able to see the Iao Valley and the Iao Needle but it was closed due to rain and flood damage when we were there in November.


  I keep checking the official web site for updates on when the area may be re-opening but so far it is still closed. Since February’s the rainy season in Hawaii they probably won’t have made enough progress to re-open but I’ll keep checking.

Bye Bye Maui

Every Hawaiian Island has its own flavor. Different paces and feelings.

The Big Island will always hold a special place in my heart. Maybe because it was the first Island we visited?


But Oahu was special too. It was a much more urban Island. After all, it’s the “Gathering Place.” But Oahu will always be linked to Pearl Harbor for me. Very emotional. Everyone should visit the Arizona Memorial. Watching the History Channel specials about the Pearl Harbor attacks took me right back to the feeling I experienced the day of my visit.


Maui falls somewhere in between. It seemed to have more commercial/urban areas but there was a lot of unspoiled area too. Of the 3 islands Maui was the hardest to drive around. The “Road to Hana” was without question the most dangerous and challenging. Its the only island I did not drive around completely myself. We took the tour.


We didn’t get into the interior too much. That area is the wet section and is probably similar to the Hilo area on the Big Island. The road to the interior was washed out and closed. I hope to explore it more when I go back in February.


Maui was filled with things to do. We kept busy on the sea , in the air and under sea. We filled our days with sunset dinner cruises and luaus, helicopter rides over  Haleakala and a submarine journey 127 ft under the sea. Great adventures all. And all in a tropical paradise.


So which Island do I like the best now? I’m still not sure. I’m beginning to think it depends on what I want out of the trip.


Its interesting that Sandy said the one regret she had about this vacation was that we didn’t go on the whale watch. That had been high on our must do list but the whales were just arriving while we were there. We probably would have seen some but the general scuttlebutt when i asked was that it would be a blow or a tail here or there. Not the wild antics Hawaii is known for. That comes later in the season. So we, or maybe it was me, made the decision not to include a whale watch trip this time. Maybe with the wisdom of hindsight, that was a mistake.


We’ll just have to time it better next time we go. And there will be a next time!


Maui Luau

Everyone should experience a Luau at least once. Sandy and I are getting to be old hands. We went to a Luau on the Big Island. The imu with the kalua pig was a pit right next to the beach.

On Oahu we attend ed a huge luau at the Polynesian Cultural Center. Now on trip 3 we wanted to be sure Kathy had a chance to enjoy the experience.

This time our Luau was at the resort, Kannapali Beach Club better known as the “Pink Pyramid”. The luau was held on  a large flat  lawn behind the pool. There was a stage and the Imu pit was just off to the side of the stage. Tables were lined up filling the area.  The buffet tables off to the left.


Each group was welcomed and shell leis given out. We were then directed to the bar for our complimentary Mai Tai.

There is a well known Luau in Lahaina which is purported to be the mist authentic Luau in the islands but it doesn’t have the fire dancer. The Fire dancer may not be “traditional” or “authentic” but its always a good show so I wanted to be sure that this would be a part of the luau we attended and it was.

Once everyone was seated the imu pit was ceremoniously opened. It was quite windy but the luau progressed anyway as napkins and light weight objects were blown around the area. No one let that stop the fun.

Shortly after the Imu pit was opened the buffet was opened and everyone went through table by table. Once everyone had their food the show began.


My favorites were the children or Keiki. Seeing them perform so young gives some insight as to how they can all be so confident and relaxed as adults.


And finally the fire dancers. There were 2.


The larger gentleman was very funny too. His amazing sense of humor really came through.


Then the finale! A great show and a good time.

dsc_4040-3-copyAnd the nice thing about going to the resort Luau…no traffic or driving when it was over, just a nice stroll back to our rooms.