The Weight Loss Struggle Is Real
I’m not Oprah Winfrey. I don’t think my weight loss struggles are for public consumption. Weight Watchers and I have never been a comfortable fit. All those meetings and public weigh ins. Nope, Not for me. So I find it a bit out of character to be writing this blog post. My current weight loss program wants me to share. It’s supposed to make failure more difficult. Seems to me it will just make it more humiliating if I fall off track. Weight loss and me, always a struggle. The Battle of the Bulge so to speak. Sometimes I win but more often than not the weight wins.
Oh To Be Thin Like I was Fat
I thought I was fat when I was in high school. Boy would I like to be fat like that now. The only place I’ll ever see 140 lbs again will be in my dreams. Still I have to put a stop to this steady weight gain. It’s bad for my health and it affects the things I like to do. I’m not getting any younger but I still like to hike. Tough enough when you get to my age without lugging around enough weight to have a 2nd person on your back! Can’t go horseback riding. I weigh more than the maximum, unless I want to ride a plow horse. And lets not talk about what I look like in a bathing suit. Airline seats are shrinking so if I keep expanding they are going to make me buy 2 seats! I’ve a new hip and artificial hips can fail if you get too fat. I love my hip. I am not going to go through that surgery for nothing!
How Times Have Changed
I remember when it was cool to smoke. Now smokers are ostracized. Public buildings are non- smoking. No smoking in restaurants. Being fat is well on the way to the same thing. There is a lot of prejudice against fat people. It can be hard to get heath and life insurance. It leads to diabetes. There’s even evidence of discrimination in the workplace. It’s just not good and I don’t want to be a part of it anymore. So that brings me to this post. I’m supposed to share my weight loss journey. Forgive me if I don’t post my weight. I promise I will a some point but that’s too much to ask of me right now. But I will post a photo each week and any weight change, for better or worse. Maybe my struggle will help someone else.

September 26 , 2019—Fat Fat Fat- Next year I’ll half the woman I am here