A Day In The Life

A Day in the Life

Good Morning World. I thought I would share a day in my life. Being retired isn’t easy when you have 2 cats. Mine are named Banner (AKA Fluffy Butt)

Photo Credit – Deb Neumann


and Balboa

Photo Credit- Deb Neumann



(Aka Munchkin or Wreck it Ralph or Sir Talks Alot. Some times he’s described as the “Annoying Little Brother”. If I hadn’t had gray hair when I adopted them I would now. I don’t know what has gotten into these guys. The terrible twos maybe?


The Adventures of Fluffy Butt

Banner used to be so quiet.

Photo Credit- Deb Neumann


He was a funny kitten. He didn’t want to sit on anyone’s lap but he did want “pets”. When you gave him those pets he would purr so loud his little body would shake with excitement. Then he’d bite you. He thought it was a love bite.  He still gets that way but he’s bigger now and so are his bites.

The Mini Monster

Balboa is much smaller than Banner but he seems to get in more trouble although appearances can be deceiving. 

Photo Credit- Deb Neumann


Balboa taught Banner how to open cupboard doors. He also demands attention- constantly.

Photo Credit- Deb Neumann


Where Banner bites Balboa stretches up a little paw. He’s got the  “look” down pat. 

Cute cat that looks exactly like Shrek's Puss in Boots has ...

The “Look”- Photo credit- Internet

So cute until he extends his sharp little blades of claws. “Pay attention Hooman!” “Pick me up”  Once up he gets picked up he wants to get down so we can do it all over again.


One of the first things I discovered when I started streaming was the PBR Championships.  For those who don’t know PBR stands for Professional Bull Riding- That’s Rodeo Baby! Bucking bulls mostly but sometimes they throw in calf roping and barrel racing. I love to watch it but Banner and Balboa , not so much. They have a 2 pronged attack. Balboa climbs onto my lap while Banner sneaks behind my chair and proceeds to scratch. I respond with the compressed air can and both run. (Water didn’t work) It doesn’t keep them away long so I try distraction. 

We have the feather wand and the Red Dot (Laser pointer) They have a short attention span so that only works for maybe 10-15 minutes. I try cat nip and when all else fails treats. In the meantime I am missing all the PBR action.

Glendale to host stop on PBR Team Series schedule | The Daily Independent at YourValley.net

Photo Credit – Internet

Thursday night PBR was on late. 11 pm. I tried to stay awake to watch but gave up around midnight. That’s when Banner decided a serenade was in order.  

Midnight Music

The Meows started just as I was drifting off. Banner was sitting in the bathroom so he could get the most amplification for his melody. I got him out of the bathroom, gave him some heavy duty petting and hoped that would settle him down. Nope he headed for the living room to continue with his distressing ballad. I think he wanted to enlist Balboa as back up singer. 

Photo Credit- Deb Neumann

It took awhile but finally the concert was over. Right at the edge of sleep I was pounced upon, I guess since Banner was quiet now Balboa was bored and decided to come to bed with me. Mind you, I have a twin bed. That was ok when Balboa was a kitten but he takes up a lot of real estate now that he’s grown.

Photo credit Deb Neumann

Finally around 2 AM I managed to fall asleep.

Good Morning!

It’s 5:30 am! Rise and shine. Banner wants breakfast so he’s in the bathroom again.

Banner’s evil face- photo credit Deb Neumann


Not only is he doing the cats version of the top 40, he has opened the medicine cabinet and is pulling everything out into the sink.  Ignoring him is not an option if I am to prevent widespread destruction. That means I got about 4 hours sleep.

With the cats fed I decided to share my woes with all of you. The cats decided to explore the kitchen.  You’d think they were deprived. Look at all the toys!

Photo Credit- Deb Neumann

But they’d rather play with a piece of plastic they found under the sink. 

Photo Credit – Deb Neumann

Agh! I’m going to try to get a nap!


Guess What Day It is!

Guess What Day it is? 

Mike Mike Mike, Guess what day it is!? Nope not Hump Day. It’s February 2nd – Ground Hog Day. Today’s the day we find out if the groundhog will see his shadow. So what you ask, Why do I care? Well if tradition is right when the ground hog sees his shadow he’ll be  scared and run back into his burrow. He’ll hide and we’ll get 6 more weeks of winter. If he doesn’t see his shadow then we’ll have an early spring. As you can imagine everyone is hoping  “No Shadow”.

Punxsutawaney Phil

Punxsutawney Phil is a groundhog in Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania and they go all out for Ground Hog Day. There are lots of local ground hogs and mini ceremonies but Puxautawney Phil gets the lime light. And according to the Punxsutawney Groundhog Club, Phil’s opinion is the only one that matters. He was even the Ground Hog in Bill Murray’s movie Ground Hog Day. As I write this I’m waiting to hear if Phil saw his shadow this morning or not. It’s quite overcast here in Massachusetts but who knows what it’s like in Pennsylvania? 

Meanwhile in Punxsutawney PA

The top hatted, frock coated, officials are leading a chant…Phil, Phil, Phil. They have to wake him up to get him out of his den. I guess you could say that’s the original rude awakening! Phil has a “Handler” and he’s approaching Phil’s home. He looks a little hesitant to me. Maybe Phil wakes up grumpy?  As he reaches in the crowd quiets and there’s Phil! 

Did The Little Critter see his shadow?

Groundhog Day results 2020: No shadow! Phil predicts early spring is coming.

This is only the 20th time out of 124 in his recorded history (there are 10 years where no record remains) that Phil hasn’t been able to find his shadow. That’s only a 40% successful prediction rate. Still at this mid-point of a New England winter it’s nice to think we might get an early spring.

Meet Merle The Alaska Moose

Merle the Alaska Moose

Merle the Alaska Moose

Merle The Alaska Moose

I’d like you to meet Merle the Alaska Moose.  Merle moved with me to the lower 48 from Alaska back in 2013 when our paths crossed at a remote souvenir stand. Merle isn’t much for travel and adventure. He’s more of a homebody. I’m not sure he has fully recovered from his  move south from Alaska. From Wilderness to Suburbia-talk about a culture shock! That was Merle’s great adventure and he’s happy with that. Merle now spends his days with a menagerie of friends from other trips.

Merle and Friends

Merle and Friends


Merle’s Cousin from the North

Marvelous Marvin

Marvelous Marvin

Thanks to Merle I’m expecting a travel companion to join me on future trips starting in February (maybe sooner). As much as a homebody as Merle is, his cousin, The Marvelous Marvin, sufferers from a bad case of Wanderlust. Merle let me know yesterday that his cousin is looking for someone to travel with on his adventures. Since my sister doesn’t travel as often now I jumped at the chance to connect with Marvin.

I’m pretty good at solo travel but having a friend along is nice too. It was late last night (those pesky time zones you know) when we finally managed to connect. Marvin didn’t need much persuasion and promised to be on his way real soon thanks to the miracle of USPS and FedEx. His ETA isn’t until the end of next week so he’ll miss the Atlanta trip but will be here in plenty of time for Maui.

Marvelous Marvin the Alaska Moose

I’m very excited about this development and can’t wait to meet The Marvelous  Marvin in person. From the picture he shared with me he looks a lot like Merle. Marvin thought having his own Adventure Blog called Wanderlust might be a good thing but I told him I thought Wanderlust was already taken. And besides, who knows if his adventures will be interesting enough to fill a blog post. We all know how spotty posts for aroundustyroads have been the last couple of years.





A Sure Sign Of Fall

New England Colors 2018

Its a Sure Sign Of Fall

Turkeys behind the office- Canton MA 2019

A sure sign that its fall in New England isn’t just the colorful foliage. Its the return of the turkeys. Some communities have reported the turkeys all year ’round but I usually see them in the fall.  How brave these birds are …or maybe stupid…to show up right before the big day. You know the one, pie, stuffing green bean casserole and oh yeah, that big bird in the middle of the table ready for carving. Do you suppose these wild birds know that we use turkeys that we grew just for the purpose of eating? 

Wild Turkeys Canton MA Oct 2019

Wild Turkeys are Mean

The wild turkeys we have around here are bold and aggressive. They have been known to trap motorists in their cars. They are either stupid or very brave as they show no fear of humans. Me, I’m kind of on the fence. I’ve been threatened by more Canada Geese than I have Turkeys. I like to photograph them. Now that I know they are back I plan to bring the good camera with me instead of relying my cell phone camera. I love when the males start strutting around, fanning their tails and displaying for all the lady turkeys.

Strange Turkey Behaviors

There was a turkey video that made it on to an Animal Planet show and I recently saw it again on “Strange Evidence”. Filmed in Randolph MA it seems to show a satanic turkey ritual. Why not? Randolph Is  only  a hop skip and jump from Salem MA. Why not a Coven of Turkeys?

Watch Out Turkeys

So all you Turkeys out there whether wild or witches BEWARE.  Turkey hunting season is upon us. Yes here in MA we can start defending ourselves on October 22. There are still some folks who prefer a wild turkey rather than domestic turkey for the center piece of their Thanksgiving table.