How to pack for a Trip

I travel a lot and often I pack at the last minute so I thought I’d mention my preferred method of packing. If you search the internet there are tons of suggestions and I have never done a “scientific” experiment to find the “best” way.

I don’t have much difficulty packing to leave but the return trip is a different story. By the time I’ve added the souvenir sweatshirt and the new T shirts I have a bulging bag.


I had a huge suitcase when I went to Alaska because of all the heavy winter clothes. It was fine when we left but it was overweight when I returned. Cost a bundle in fees too!


 One of the advantages of a timeshare is that very often there is a washer and dryer in the unit so when you are relaxing at the end of a busy day/ week you can toss in a load of dirty clothes. It is so much nicer to bring clean clothes home than a suitcase full of stinky, dirty socks and shirts.


But I digress….My preferred packing procedure is as follows:

·        Step 1. Open suitcase

·        Step 2. Remove Cat

Rocky suitcase

·        Step 3. place tripod diagonally in the bottom of the suitcase

·        Step 4. remove Cat again

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·        Step 5. add pants, shorts T’s

·        Step 6. remove Cat one more time

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·        Step 7. tuck socks, undies and sleep wear in the nooks and crannies

·        Step 8. Wrap any extra shoes or sneakers in plastic bags and tuck in next to the sides of the suitcase.

·        Step 9. Remove Cat for the last time

suitcase cat

·        Step 10. Quickly close and zip suite case. Double check the Cat is outside and not tucked into a nook or cranny of the suitcase

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You’re done! 10 easy steps!

I Was Just Thinking…

Awww, you know what that means. I was stumped for a subject to write about.  But seriously I do think sometimes.

I read a post from a fellow travel blogger titled 7 Questions all Long Term Travelers Hate.


 This is a very humorous blog but it did get me thinking. First of all she refers to eighty-year old adventurers and twenty something homebodies.

(We’re not 80 yet but we are getting up there)



When I was twenty something I never went on vacation unless it was to sit at my mother’s house usually with a book or two. I was convinced I couldn’t afford to travel. I soothed my wanderlust by moving my whole house every 2 years or so.


Back in the day (yes I said that on purpose) young women didn’t pack up and move on their own but I did. First I left my folks home in New York and moved to Massachusetts. Then I proceeded to move from town to town every 2-3 years. My family claimed they couldn’t keep up with all the address changes. Looking back it would have been cheaper to just travel a little and keep the same apartment.

 She goes on to say that Wanderlust is for life and I really think that’s true. The older I get the more things I want to see. I go through my “bucket” list all the time. It doesn’t get shorter with each vacation, it gets longer! In my mind I have vacations for the next 2 years all planned out! I just have to keep healthy and the money coming in to cover the trips. I don’t think I’m cut out for “roughing it” anymore.


 I’m always looking for ways to increase my freedom and flexibility while developing multiple ways to pay for my travel addiction.

 What about you? Are you an arm chair traveler or do you have a touch of that wanderlust too?

Wacky Friday the 13th Superstitions

Are you superstitious? Do you run from black cats?


Then today you are probably home in bed, refusing to even attempt to go out. It’s Friday the 13th!


The fear of Friday the 13th is the most widespread superstition in the world today. Dr. Donald Dossey, a psychologist who specializes in phobias, estimates that there are 21 million Americans who suffer from the fear.

Enough people are afraid of the date that there is even a phobia name for it. Paraskevidekatriaphobia (I’m glad I don’t have to pronounce that)

Here are 10 superstitions that relate to Friday the 13th.


10. If you pass a funeral procession on Friday the 13th, you will die the next day.  (This comes from across the pond so blame our British friends)



9. If you cut your hair on Friday the 13th, it results in the death of a family member. (Who knows how this one came about)



8. Ships setting sail on Friday the 13th will encounter disaster. (The deck may have been stacked against her but for the source of this superstition, look up the HMS Friday)



7. Starting a business on Friday will result in a disaster. ( Not just Friday the 13th but all Fridays. Eve tempted Adam on a Friday, the Great Flood was Friday, the Crucifixion took place on a Friday; God tongue-tied those who built the Tower of Babel on a Friday; and the Temple of Solomon was destroyed on a Friday…nuf said


6. If you were born on Friday the 13th, your entire life will be plagued by bad luck. (Now that’s just plain depressing)


5. Consulting an astrologer on Friday the 13th is a very bad idea. (In astrology, there are 12 signs of the zodiac as well as 12 months in a year, which might have given rise to this particular superstition…I guess throwing that 13th day in there messes up the system)



3. If you change your bed on Friday the 13th, you will have bad dreams all night. ( I don’t even know what to say to this one)


2. Starting a trip on a Friday will bring misfortune. (Perhaps the most famous example of unlucky 13 is the Apollo 13 mission. It was launched at 13.13 hours and was aborted on April 13.)


1. Cutting your nails on Friday the 13th brings you very bad luck. (A very unlucky Friday the 13th occurred in the Middle Ages. Friday the 13th, 1306 was the day that King Philip arrested the Knights Templar, torturing them in a “day of evil”.)


With Friday traditionally considered an unlucky day and the number 13 considered unlucky too, it’s no wonder that the fear of this day is the most widespread superstition alive today. What is more mysterious is why it has more power now than it did 100 years ago. I guess you should avoid walking under a ladder on your way to work!


Election 2016

I think we all know there’s a big election coming up. Trump v Hillary; boys locker room v email scandal.; hyper bully V “old Lady” and on and on. This year is really a choice of  who you like the least. The choices are scary no matter what. I may just flip a coin. (sorry strong supporters of either candidate. It’s my blog and its how I feel.)


But I didn’t start this post to discuss who I think should win this travesty of an election. (Remember , it’s rigged)  No I just realized that I’ll be away on election day so I have to see if I can either vote early or by absentee ballot.


Have any of you been traveling when an election rolled around? How did you handle it?

I think I’ll start by calling my local registration office at city hall. I’ll let you know how it works out.

So light up that joint ( You can make the hard choice and be really mellow about it)img-2883717-1-marijuana


Remember…Vote Early, Vote Often!


Bayside Miami

At the Bayside we were herded off the bus and led through the complex of shops, stalls and retail outlets to the marina. Before we boarded our boat for the Boat Tour we had to have our lunch.

The Tradewinds was expecting us with special menus geared to quick preparation and service. The Tradewinds is outdoor dining on a covered deck. You are protected from a passing rain shower but not from marauding sea gulls , as I was about to find out.

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I was sitting with a mother and daughter who was visiting America for the first time. We had a bit of a language barrier but there were still lots of smiles. I am not a big taco fan so I ordered the fried shrimp which came with tons of french fries. I’d just settled my plate and had a shrimp in my hand when I was dived bombed from behind. Something hit the back of my head and tumbled over my shoulder. It was a  big old seagull! (Mine, mine, mine).

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It landed right on my french fries, grabbed a beak-full and took off. Everyone at the table froze in shock and then we started to laugh.  We spent the rest of the lunch on high alert protecting our meals.The restaurant wouldn’t replace my french fries but that was ok. I only wanted the shrimp anyway.

As everyone was gathering after lunch to get ready to trek over to the boat I went in search of the parrot man we’d passed on the way in. I love these beautiful birds but could never have one as a pet myself. They would outlive me for sure but I can enjoy them when I run across these folks who share their pets (for a price).

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Time to board our boat for the views of the Islands of Biscayne Bay and the homes of Miami’s rich and famous.

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Once again we passed the “Fast & Furious” bridge. The drawbridge was open this time.

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As we slowly cruised by these beautiful homes our tour guide played the music associated with the stars, maybe a theme song from a movie or if the celeb was a musician one of their hits. He shared a snippet about each property. Everything from the price tag to the history of the ownership. It was relaxing and enjoyable although not being a big celebrity follower, I couldn’t tell you much about who owned what.

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As we headed back to the marina everyone crowed the bow for pictures of the Miami skyline.

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Meanwhile back at the Bayside some free entertainment was getting warmed up. It was time to salsa and I don’t mean on chips. I spent the rest of my afternoon there while my tour companions scattered to shop or drink.

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Eventually it was time to catch the bus back to South Beach. It was a very nice day!