
Wow, who would have thought that the Superbowl would be such a blowout?! Peyton is a better QB than that.  Once the rout was on, the first play? why bother to keep watching? I’ll tell you why…The Commercials!


Yup they are what I watch for every year. Remember the Darth Vader car commercial? That was the cutest little Darth Vader I’ve ever seen and when his Dad started the car so Darth would think he’d done it… precious!

Budweiser commercials with those gorgeous Clydesdales are always my favorites.


Last year was the one about the foal bonding with the farmer and the reunion after the little horse had all grown up. This year it was horses and puppies. How can you miss with that combination? It’s my favorite from this year.

Ok I admit it. I also laughed at the Bud Light  commercial and the Tebow is Back (T-Mobile) commercial. I even chuckled over the Geico commercial with the pig at the registry. Let’s face it, we’ve all been there!

I thought the Muppets commercial was a let down but maybe you disagree.

What’s your favorite?

Will He or Won’t He?

It’s February 2nd and the question on everyone’s mind is…will he or won’t he…see his shadow that is.

According to tradition if it’s cloudy when the ground hog pokes his nose out of his burrow today, he’ll be pleased and go about his business BUT…if he peeks out and it’s sunny, he’ll see his shadow and it will scare him back into his den and with his retreat winter will again close her icy arms around the land for another 6 weeks.

That’s a lot of pressure on a rodent. Let’s face it, no matter what they say in Gobbler’s Notch , PA  Punxsutawney Phil is no Mickey Mouse.

If you want to join in the fun remember, statistically the ground hog has only been right 37% of the time. On the other hand, how often are the meteorologists right?

Happy Ground Hog Day. 🙂


So how ’bout that Superbowl?


One of my blogging friends recently wrote a post about her annual goals. She goes Birthday to Birthday instead of New  Year to New Year. That’s a good idea too that I never even considered. But anyway… this year she chose a word to be her inspiration and guide for the year. She chose a great word…Balance. I’m sure she will enjoy success with a great word like balance.

If you can find a balance in life or a balance in all things or however you want to think about it, then surely you will have a roadmap for a nice year.


Not wanting to be a total copycat I wondered what would be a word for me if I were to use the same idea. My birthday is right around the corner and although Balance is something I could certainly use I felt another word might be even more appropriate for me. That word is MODERATION.


I go overboard on almost everything I do. Oh my choices and decisions start out good enough. I plot and I plan and then I implement and that’s when everything gets out of hand. I once described my life as feeling like I was on a run away train going 90 miles an hour and all I could do was HANG ON!

I always have more on my plate than I know what to do with.


A perfect blog. I don’t have just one. I have this one which is my main baby, then I have a companion photoblog, then I have my professional  photo web page, and my photo card shop, and mustn’t forget  Updating all of them takes a lot of time.


Then there’s the posting frequency. I see the traffic drop off dramatically when I miss a day so I set a goal for myself to write a post every day and to post a photo every day. So now I have to try to be creative both in writing and in photography and do it over and over and over again all while working full time and trying to get housework done. Cat hair piles up quickly.

Obviously there’s no moderation in that! 🙂


The other big area that needs moderation is food. Remember the  line, I think from the movie  Field of Dreams, “If you build it they will come”. Well, in my case it’s “if I cook it I will eat it” and I never mastered the trick of cooking for one. It’s just easier to cook in “bulk”.  Of course then it can’t go to waste so it goes to my waist instead.


MODERATION…yup that’s what I need in my life. I guess that will be my word for the year. 🙂


Clear Skies Ahead

I’ll be heading to San Diego soon. It’s just a quick business trip.  I haven’t said much about it here because  there wasn’t any planning. The company told me when to fly out, where I would stay, what meetings to attend and when to come back. I would have loved to extend my time there for some sight-seeing but I’m still squaring away my new budget and felt the added expense would be more stressful than the time away would be worth.


I will be flying Southwest Airlines out of Providence. Most of my colleagues are flying JetBlue out of Logan in Boston. I wasn’t expecting the reaction from my co-workers when I attended a recent meeting at my office. My boss  made an announcement cautioning all to be prepared for anything from delays to getting snowbound but some of my friends chipped in with  “Or going to the wrong airport”.

Maybe you heard about it. On Sunday, Jan 12 a Southwest Airlines Jet carrying 124 passengers landed at a little  Missouri airport about 7 miles from their destination of Branson. The landing was without mishap even though the little regional airport isn’t set up for larger jets and the runway is only 3,738 ft. compared to the runway at Branson which is 7,140.


The pilots recognized the shortness of the runway and managed to brake in time to prevent disaster but to add insult to injury the flight attendant announced “Welcome to Branson.” Then, after a few moments, the pilot came on and said, ‘Ladies and gentlemen, I’m sorry to tell you we landed at the wrong airport.'”

Whew…if I were that pilot my face would be so red!


To their credit, Southwest didn’t just apologize for the inconvenience, they put their money where their mouth is. Southwest issued this written  statement: “We have since reached out to each customer directly to apologize, refund their tickets and provide future travel credit as a gesture of goodwill for the inconvenience.”


I’d take a landing at the wrong airport when no one is hurt in exchange for free tickets and credits any day. I’d consider it an “adventure.” 🙂 Maybe I’m a little nuts?

Anyway, the pilot and co-pilot, both very experienced officers are currently suspended while the incident is investigated. Airline insiders say these things do happen but very rarely so I guess my odds of getting a free ticket for a landing at the wrong airport just took a nose dive.