Housework , if you do it right, will kill you

Housework , if you do it right, will kill you. This is a quote from Erma Bombeck. Do you remember her? She was a very funny writer.  February 21, 1927 – April 22, 1996. She would take a look around her and see the humor in everyday lives. In the course of her career she wrote over 4000 newspaper columns about the life of a midwestern suburban housewife. Her columns appeared twice weekly and were read by 30 MILLION readers in 900 newspapers! She was also the author of 15 bestselling books, most collections of short stories about life in the suburbs.

What made me think about Mrs. Bombeck? Quite frankly, envy. I loved her writings. They always made me laugh. I remember one titled “The Grass is always greener over the Septic Tank”. You know, that’s true. We had a regular jungle of healthy green plants growing over ours behind our house. If only the lawn had looked half as lush.


Her stories were short, humorous and contained a kernel of truth. I never would have given that green grass a thought if she hadn’t pointed it out.

And what about those big holiday meals? For years I’ve been saying I cook all day and the meal is over in 30 minutes! Well Erma beat me to it. Her quote was :Thanksgiving dinners take eighteen hours to prepare. They are consumed in twelve minutes. Half-times take twelve minutes. This is not coincidence.


So here I am staring at the blank computer screen with a major case of writers block. I haven’t been anywhere lately, the weather has been horrible, (it’s raining cats and dogs and pitch black as I write this) and I just couldn’t think of a thing to say. In desperation I thought I could  gain inspiration like another blogger friend did from the alphabet.


She wrote a blog post for each letter of the alphabet. Author Sue Grafton is wring a whole series of fictional crime novels known as the Alphabet Series (A is for Alibi, etc. ) so it seemed like a good idea but the only thing that I could think of that started with “A” was Arthritis. Unless you’re a doctor I would think that would be a very painful subject.

That’s when I thought of Erma Bombeck. How did she do it? How could she look around  and see something not only worth writing about her everyday surroundings but write it with such humor. She could take everyday events and routines and have wonderful observations. Another example: My theory on housework is, if the item doesn’t multiply, smell, catch fire, or block the refrigerator door, let it be. No one else cares. Why should you?

clean cat

My hat’s off to you Erma Bombeck. If I can be only half as original and funny as you in my feeble writing attempts I will consider myself a success!

Let’s Keep It On Ice

I’m sure I’ve been telling you how much I hate the cold. Now I learn that by hating the cold I’m not “socially acceptable”.

The “In” place to be these days is the Minus5 Ice Bar in New York. From what I’ve read the entire facility is carved from ice! Every bit including the walls, bar, glasses and even the seats. I guess you don’t have to worry about being on the “hot seat” if you hang at Minus5. I remember sitting in a walk-in freezer to drink a “yard” glass of beer once. I didn’t want the beer to get warm before I finished. Guess that’s not a problem here!


Now I’ve just heard that you don’t have to go all the way to New York if you live in Massachusetts. Not to be out done Boston has opened the Frost Ice Bar in Faneuil Hall. The Frost Bar keeps the temps at a brisk 21 degrees and for the low, low price of $18.99 per person you can enjoy the frosty ambiance. Drinks not included but they will give you a cape. 🙂


As if that wasn’t enough to keep Jack Frost happy there are several Ice Hotels. The closest one to the US is in located in our friendly neighbor  to the north, Canada. The Hotel de Glace in Quebec City, Quebec is made of 500 tons of ice and 15,000 tons of snow and unlike Minus5 and the Frost Bar, this icy structure only lasts until it warms up. Once the temps start to rise the building melts away.


But before it turns into a puddle it could be an interesting place to stay. The hotel has about 3 dozen rooms, a Nordic area with tubs and sauna, an ice bar and a grand ice slide. Room temperatures range from 23 degrees to a balmy 27.  But don’t worry about staying warm. Each guest is provided with a sleeping bag. The hotel is open from January to Mid-March depending, of course, upon the weather.

More ice hotels can be found in Sweden, Finland, Norway and Romania. I think I see a trend here.

Git ‘er Done!

It’s 2014! Just another day, but it’s not. I’ve said it before and I’ll probably say it again many more times. The symbolic page turn of the calendar is a clean slate, a new beginning. I can’t help but feel filled with optimism and curiosity about how this year will unfold. The only thing I know for sure is that how I handle what 2014 brings will be up to me.

So as Larry the cable guy says…Let’s Git ‘er done! 🙂

Happy New Year! 


Out with the Old

What changes do you plan to make in 2014?


I have to be careful when it comes to the “Out with the Old” adage as I could be included in the “Old” category and I have no intention of going out yet!

But I’ve been giving 2014 quite  a lot of thought. 2013 turned out to be a year of changes and in some ways I haven’t fully adapted to all of them so I think 2014 will be a year in which to get my routines established again. That would include everything from work to finances to personal challenges.


Have you noticed …I haven’t said the dreaded “R” word yet? That’s because it is my humble opinion that calling challenges set on New Years  “RESOLUTIONS” is asking for failure. A resolution is a pledge of sort..I resolve to do this and this. So what happens when you screw it up, like we all seem to do. Most of the time that’s it. Done! Made a resolution and broke it , end of story.

But what if I/we think of them as goals or challenges. A goal is something that you work toward until it’s achieved. You expect there might be a few set backs but that’s where the challenge comes in.


Sports examples come to mind. The New England Patriots start the season with the ultimate goal to win the Superbowl but each week the goal is to just win that game. Sometimes they fall short but the next week they are right out there again trying to “kick butt” for that Superbowl spot…one game at a time.

They didn’t “resolve” to win the Superbowl and then give up as soon as they lost a game. That’s why whatever I/we want to accomplish in 2014 should be a goal and a challenge not a resolution. And if I don’t meet that goal, well I’ll be a better person for trying.


An example….weight loss (ugh). Lets say I resolve to lose 50 lbs in 2014. The first time I “pig out” at the local Pizza Joint I’ll just give up. I blew it. Look at that, resolution broken. But if I say I have a goal to lose 50 lbs, that’s only 1 lb. per week. That’s like the 1 game a week for the Pats. Suddenly it’s not so overwhelming. And if I only lose 30 lbs? Well, I may not have hit the goal but I’m still 30 lbs thinner than when I started.

new years resolutions copia

So that’s my approach to resolutions. Goals and Challenges. Tomorrow I’ll share some specifics. Maybe we can encourage one another to meet the goals we set for a fresh new year.

The Cat’s Meow, A review

We did get to try out the Cat’s Meow on Christmas. CVS was open so I did make a battery run.

It’s easy to put together so it was ready to go in no time. I set it on the floor and pushed the button on the center post. The ball started moving under the nylon cover making a scratchy-squeaky sound.

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It caught Rocky’s attention first. He circled it with caution then backed up and watched. About that time Buddy arrived from the bedroom to see what all the noise was about. He was a bit more bold than Rocky. He tried to tap the center post with his paw and then settled down with his nose to the edge of the nylon but so far neither kitty tried to catch the moving ball.

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About 5 minutes into the staring match it was as if Smokey couldn’t take it any more. He hopped down off the couch, walked over to the nylon circle and sat on the moving ball effectively trapping it under his butt. Game Over!

I could hear the motor straining to move so rather than take a chance on burning it out I stepped in and moved Smokey off the nylon freeing the ball to move again. The minute I set Smokey down he was back after that ball again. This time he got it between his front paws and once more, wouldn’t release it. I guess he forgot that cats play with their prey.

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Once more I intervened and had him release the ball. I guess 2 tries was enough for him. He headed back to the couch. Rocky had watched the whole thing and now decided to get into the act too. He and Buddy lined up on opposite sides and each batted and played for a few more minutes.

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I got up to get the camera and that seemed to break the mood. Rocky left for his sun lamp.

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Only Buddy was still interested. He just watched for quite awhile. I was about ready to turn it off and save the battery when I saw the tell-tale butt wiggle and  Buddy attacked.

I guess all that concentration worked up an appetite. Buddy played alone a bit longer then headed to the food bowls. I turned the Cat’s Meow off for now. If they show some more interest,  I’ll turn it back on but they have all gone their separate ways for now.

cats meow

My cat testers give it 2 Paws up (Smokey & Buddy)  and one Paw down (Rocky) or as they say on the show “Does it Work?”. Yes it does but the amount of interest varies from cat to cat.