How much does it Cost?

Ever wonder what it would cost to give every gift from the  song, The Twelve Days of Christmas?


Every year someone manages to figure it out. This year (2013) according to PNC Wealth Management the cost breaks down as follows:

— Partridge, $15;

— Pear tree, $189.99;


— Two turtle doves, $125;

turtle dove

— Three French hens, $165;

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— Four calling birds (canaries), $519.96;


— Five gold rings, $750;


— Six geese a-laying, $210;


— Seven swans a-swimming, $7,000;


— Eight maids a-milking, $58;


— Nine ladies dancing (per performance), $6,294;


— 10 lords a-leaping (per performance), $4,767;


— 11 pipers piping (per performance), $2,562;


— 12 drummers drumming (per performance), $2,776;


Wow! But I don’t know about those Maids a Milking… $58.00 seems a little low even at minimum wage.

A Little Bit of This and That

Happy Snowday everyone. 🙂 (Yes for those of you in warm climates…New England is getting snowed on right now)

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Wow, that was quite the honor yesterday, to be nominated for a blogger award. I truly appreciate it but the required post went way over my daily limit. 🙂 1500+ words instead of my usual limit of 400-500. I hope I haven’t used up all of my brain cells.


I’ve noticed my most popular posts are travel related or pet related, mostly the antics of my 3 cats, unfortunately I don’t think I’m original enough to post regularly with just those two subjects. It’s not that there isn’t enough material but rather my story telling has limitations. So I’ll just keep muddling along and hope you bear with me.

How’s the Christmas season turning out for all of you? I am so far behind I can’t even begin to describe it. I haven’t gotten my Christmas cards created much less addressed. I mean really, I sell cards. I can’t go to the store for them.

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I have to use my own products. I have one more client photo session that has to be done fast so I can get their cards to them and then I can work on mine. Not sure I’ll make the deadlines but maybe they’ll be New Years cards instead. Whats’ the story about the shoemaker’s children..something about them being shoe-less?

How about resolutions? Anyone started thinking about making any yet? I have 2-3 in mind and that’s probably the most I can handle. Not going to share yet. It’s too soon 🙂


My 2014 Interval Catalog came yesterday. Yippee! That’s the book of time share exchanges outside the ones that are free exchanges. These have a fee to swap but usually lower points. Maybe I should write a post on how that works. In the meantime I’ll be able to dig in and see what places I can consider for my 2014 vacation. Williamsburgh VA has been high on the list of possibles but I noticed more places near Jackson Hole listed so maybe I can go back to my original plan and go to Wyoming.

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Well Rocky just came over and sat on my keyboard. That’s a pretty good sign that I need to wrap this up before he deletes it.

Rocky the Flying Cat

From 1959 – 1964 the airwaves were filled with the Adventures of Rocky the Flying Squirrel and his side kick Bullwinkle the Moose. Their adventures included matching wits with the villains, Natasha and Boris, archenemies of the “Moose and Squirrel”.


I loved that show and wish I could say that Rocky the Squirrel was the inspiration for my cat’s name but it wouldn’t be true. He was actually named after the boxer in the “Rocky” movies. In the movies no matter how battered and beaten Rocky ended up, he never gave up, shook it off and came back to win the boxing match. Well, when I rescued my Rocky he was a tiny kitten and a young boy was abusing him. When I came racing to the rescue the kid tossed the kitten  into a shopping cart and ran. That little bit of orange fluff was so tiny he fell through the wire floor of the cart to the ground. As I approached, the kitten stood up, shook himself and headed for me with his wobbly little kitten walk.


When I took him to the vet they said I had to name him or they wouldn’t treat him. Rocky was the only name that came to mind. From that first day he embraced the name, even coming when I call “Rocky”.


Now 12 years later Rocky the Cat continues to be unique compared to any other cat I have ever shared a home with, and there have been many. He likes affection but barely slows down long enough to get any. He will cuddle but not in your lap…that’s another story for another time.

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Today is a classic Christmas Disaster Story.


I’ve been working from home now since July. When I do go out ( for meetings, photo shoots, shopping, life) the cats, Rocky, Smokey and Buddy all get very hyper when I return. It’s usually pretty funny to watch them all racing around. What a happy welcome!

This time it wasn’t so funny. My little 48 inch table top Christmas Tree was all set up in the living room. Rocky had shown some interest but that had begun to slow down as he got used to it. The other two cats paid it no attention at all.

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I was at a meeting in Dedham from 11am- returning home around 3pm and the cats were doing their run around crazy greeting. Buddy ran past the tree at ground level with Rocky in hot pursuit except Rocky decided to try for the “High Road”. He launched himself in a great leap that brought him down right in the middle of the tree. A little to the left and he would have flattened Buddy . Instead down crashed the tree to the floor where it landed on top of the shocked kitty. Still tangled in the string of lights, Rocky took off like a shot , dragging the tree across the living room floor, ornaments  scattering everywhere. Then Rocky broke free and made a bee line to the bedroom.

RIP Christmas Tree 🙁

scan0002I didn’t take pictures of the carnage. My first reaction was to unplug the tree to avoid a fire or electrocuting the cat. My 2nd reaction was to check Rocky for broken bones or cuts and scrapes. He seemed to be unscathed.

Then I returned to the living room to pick up the mess. The silence was strange. No curious cats poked in the wreckage or teasing for treats. No one was running around anymore. It was almost like they had all  put themselves in “time out”.


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The tree is back together. It’s artificial. Only one light bulb was broken. The ornaments are plastic or Styrofoam so no damage there. It lights up and I’ve re-trimmed it. Rocky the Flying Cat has checked it out…from a distance. The other 2 cats ignore it. Maybe I’ll get Rocky a cape to wear for Christmas.


See You Later Alligator

Recently alligators have been making the news and not just on Animal Planet’s Gator Boys show.

I told you about the gator that went shopping at a Walmart in Apopka, Florida.


Well now we get  word that one turned up in Chicago, in the airport no less. It must have missed it’s flight and gotten lost in the terminal. A maintenance worker discovered the alligator, which is about a foot long, on Friday in Terminal 3.


With all this attention to the scaly reptiles I thought I’d see just how often they turn up in the news. Quite a lot it seems and going back a number of years.

A couple of really interesting articles that caught my eye were a bit older. This first one concerns a 66 year old retiree that may have a new career as an alligator wrestler.

In some crazy alternate universe called “Florida,” a mild-mannered retiree dived into a pond and fought a 7-foot gator that was making off with his terrier—and the retiree won. Seems 66-year-old Steve Gustafson was trimming an oak tree at his home in a retirement community when he heard what the Orlando Sentinel calls a “blood curdling yelp.” He turned and saw the gator snatch his dog from the shore of a nearby pond. Gustafson then kind of wigged out.

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“For whatever reason, I don’t know, I just yelled, ‘You’re not going to get her!’ and just leaped on the gator—just like you do some silly belly flop in a pool,” he recalls. “The only difference was I landed on top of a gator.” They wrestled, and Gustafson won. At one point, he tossed the gator deeper into the pond to enable him and little Bounce to make it to shore. Both are fine. The gator, however, was later trapped and is bound for Gustafson’s mantel.


For years it’s been said that there are alligators in the sewer in New York City. It’s debunked periodically as Urban Myth but in searching for interesting  Alligator stories I found this blurb–
Hold the phone: it’s not a croc; there are alligators in the New York City sewer
system—at least in Queens. The alleged urban legend turned out to be the real
thing when Joyce Hackett pulled over to find a group of passers-by and a cop
staring, agog, at a 2-foot-long young alligator tucked beneath a car at an
intersection curb. “It was like the urban legend washes up from the sewer and
says, ‘What the heck am I doing here?’ and hides under a Datsun,” Hackett
quipped to the New York Times.


So is it “Fact or Fiction”? The Gator’s aren’t telling.

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Cracking the Bigfoot/Yeti Legend

Can it be true? Has science finally solved the legend of the Yeti?


A British scientist has told ABC news that he tested the DNA of hairs found in the Himalayas and it is a match to a prehistoric polar bear.

Bryan Sykes compared DNA from hair samples taken from two Himalayan animals — identified by local people as Yetis — to a database of animal genomes. He found they shared a genetic fingerprint with a polar bear jawbone found in the Norwegian Arctic that is at least 40,000 years old.


Sykes said Thursday that the tests showed the creatures were not related to modern Himalayan bears but were direct descendants of the prehistoric animal.

He said, “it may be a new species, it may be a hybrid” between polar bears and brown bears.

“The next thing is go there and find one.”

I guess the folks at “Finding Bigfoot” can relax and keep filming. The search will go on.


In other news those sneaky felines are at it again.

CHISINAU, Moldova (AP) — A cat has been busted for smuggling pot into a prison in Moldova.

Guards became suspicious about the feline, which routinely entered and left the prison through a hole in a fence, when they noticed its odd collar. On closer inspection, they found two packets of marijuana attached to it.


The Department of Penitentiary Institutions said Friday that someone in the village of Pruncul was using the cat as a courier to supply inmates with dope at the local prison.

Whoever the human was, this wasn’t a first regarding cat couriers at lockups.

In June, guards caught a cat carrying cellphones and chargers taped to its belly to inmates in Penal Colony No. 1 near the city of Syktyvkar in northern Russia.

Hmmm That puts a new spin on cat burglars.