Natural Wonders of the USA Part 5

Natural Wonders of the USA

After the last Natural Wonder’s post I got really excited. I’d been to 3 out of 4 and agree that they are wonders.  So it’s back to the list to see what wonder is next and have I been there.

17-Idaho- Craters of the Moon

Next on the list is Craters of the Moon, Idaho. I haven’t been there yet but it is on my bucket list. I shared my thoughts on that in a previous post. This natural wonder is a protected volcanic area with the best-preserved flood basalt in the country. While it may be on Earth, visiting the Craters of the Moon is certainly an other worldly experience.

18 – Nebraska- Chimney Rock

Well strike two for me on this post! I have not been to Nebraska either. The natural wonder for Nebraska is Chimney Rock. I could be wrong but I think it’s significance as a land mark for Oregon Trail, the California Trail, as well as the Mormon Trail makes this more impressive than it’s actual appearance although it’s height is impressive. It is approximately 286 feet high

Chimney Rock Museum (Bayard) |

19 – New Mexico – White Sands National Park

Strike 3! I haven’t been to New Mexico either but it too is on my bucket list. You can check out my thoughts on a New Mexico Vacation right here. I didn’t have White Sands National Park on my list because I was exploring in another direction. Maybe I will need to reconsider that.


White Sands National Park is comprised of white sand dunes made of gypsum crystals. The desert stretches 275 square miles. Preserved in the dune fields are human footprints and animal prints from over 10,000 years ago

20 – Kansas – Monument Rocks

I can’t believe it. I hit another state I haven’t visited yet. I admit when I think of Kansas I think of tornados and the Wizard of Oz. 


The natural wonder for Kansas is Monument rocks. When I first saw the photos on the internet I thought they looked like Monument Valley, AZ.  The Monument Rocks in Kansas are made up of a series of chalk formations that are rich with fossils as far back as the Cretaceous Period (80 million years ago).

Well those are some impressive wonders but I hate that I haven’t seen any of them yet. I hope I do better when the list continues.