Lighthouses, Eagles and a Seal , Oh My!

As we headed out of the harbor into the Bay of Fundy we passed the first lighthouse.

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The 2nd one would be on Machias Seal Island.  Both Canada and the United States claim sovereignty. The Canadian Coast Guard continues to staff a lighthouse on the island.

Machias Seal Island

The whole Island is considered a bird sanctuary so boardwalks have been constructed for the humans to walk on to avoid stepping on nests or baby birds.

On the way out of the harbor we  spotted a pair of bald eagles.

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It gives me a thrill to see so many of these magnificent birds. It was hard to get a picture  as the Barbara Frost was starting to pitch a bit as she picked up speed.

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We didn’t see any whales.

It was about an hour trip and it felt like it. It was cold even when we huddled near the cabin. Hard to believe that it was 90 + in Boston!

Our first indication that we were nearing the island was a raft of small black and white birds.

A raft of Razorbills

They are called Razorbills and also nest on the island with the Puffins. Right after the razorbills came in sight a puffin flew across our stern. These bird make me think of bumblebees. They have such round little bodies and stubby wings. Its hard to believe they can fly at all!

Bumblebee of the Bird World

Right after that we spotted the lighthouse.

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We were surprised to see some gannets mixed in with the razorbills on the rocks but the biggest surprise of our approach was the stranded seal!

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I mentioned the huge tides in a previous post. Well apparently this guy hauled out at high tide and forgot to leave when the tide receded.


Now we watched in fascination and horror as he slowly (and painfully) worked his way down the rocks. He landed face first more than once. I mean, that’s got to hurt!

Still Going


Almost there

He was almost to the bottom when we got the go ahead to land from the coast guard and had to miss his big splash. It was time for us to start part 2 of our big Puffin Adventure.


Its Puffin Day!

Saturday arrived with more clouds and threatening rain. We were up really early. Breakfast was 5:15 am! We had to go to Dunkin Donuts because Helen’s Restaurant wasn’t open that early. That’s when I found out that we didn’t even know if we would be going out. The leaders were manning their cell phones with the captain while the rest of us got our breakfast sandwiches and coffee.

To the relief of all we were given the green light and headed off to Cutler where the Barbara Frost was moored and waiting for us.

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The Barbara Frost is a bare bones, hard working charter boat. It’s no frills all the way. Bench seats line the sides and stern. The only heat is in the little cabin where the captain and mate were steering the boat. (Notice I did not call this a ship)

boatYou may be asking yourself “heat? Its July why do they need heat?” Well That thought crossed our minds too but a winter parka wouldn’t have been out of line. It was March in July. Cold and blustery!

On board the Barbara Frost

On board the Barbara Frost

This was the Bay of Fundy, known for 50 ft. tides, tidal bore rafting and whales! It was exciting just to be on one of the 7 Wonders of North America.

Getting to the Barbara Frost was also an experience. They loaded us into a tender, a little boat, to ferry us out to the “mother ship” (That was the Barbara Frost) but there was no ladder. You got your butt onto the gunwale and then swung your feet over and into the Barbara Frost.  Then you got out of the way so the next person could get in. Captain Andy, owner of the Barbara Frost and Bold Coast Tours was right there to help everyone.

Bold Coast Charters is the only US based company to be authorized on Machias Seal Island. The only other tour company  is based in Nova Scotia, Canada.

Machias Seal Island

As we headed into the bay I realized this was not the same island I visited from Bar Harbor. That one was located in Frenchman’s Bay.



Campobello Island

No matter how picturesque Quoddy Head State Park was we couldn’t linger too long. The afternoon was booked with a trip Campobello Island

We headed back to Lubec where we presented our passports for entry into Canada. We crossed the bridge from Lubec to the Island immediately stopping at the visitor center for maps and information.

Lubec Bridge





The main attraction is Roosevelt Campobello International Park. This was FDR’s childhood summer home. (a 34 room “cottage”) It was where , as adult, he was diagnosed with polio. The island played a huge part in Roosevelt’s life and I would not even have known about this if not for going on this trip.


The grounds are beautiful, clean and well maintained. There is a video that tells the story of Roosevelt’s life on the island and it’s significance in history.

The park is a joint venture between Canada and the US representing our close ties  and friendship.

Dinner was at Helen’s Restaurant at 6:30 so it was soon time to head back.

Tomorrow is the big day. Tomorrow we look for Puffins!

I am a Wimp

I am a wimp. There I admit it. Last weekend the cold in the northeast smashed all records. With wind chills we were being warned about frost bite in 10 minutes!

With this dire prediction I got up at 4:30 am to drive to Scituate Ma to take pictures of the “sea smoke”. I wanted to get there around dawn.

sea smoke

Sea smoke is a phenomenon where fog wisps up off the water like smoke tendrils. The bitter cold and the warmer ocean were perfect conditions. But I am a wimp.

I got as far as sticking my nose out from the warm, toasty covers before I pulled the covers back over my head and went back to sleep.

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I was really ashamed when I saw the absolutely beautiful photos my friend Sean took. I wish I could share them with you but I don’t have his permission . Search him out on Face Book. You’ll see some great pictures.

Sean Goss photography

To The Beach and Beyond!

Gurnet Light came into view shortly after we left the snow buntings behind. That signaled we had to be approaching our turn-around as this was the end of the road. To my surprise Dave parked the van and invited us all out to follow him over the dunes to the beach beyond.


There was a lot of bird activity here. No Snowy Owls but enough other feathered friends to hold our attention.


Ducks bobbed on the waves. A seal popped his head up for a quick look around. Several Cormorants stretched their wings to the sun drying their feathers before their next dive. A flock of snow buntings winged past, banking sharply as one before swooping back past us.

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Through all this activity the  deep blue ocean made a breath-taking backdrop.


Closer to shore the breakers were dropping their bits of sea grass before receding.

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A Sandling raced up and down the edge of the waves.

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A relative to the Sandpiper this comical little guy didn’t stay still for one second.

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Finally it was time to go back to the vans for the return trip. We spotted a finch and a sparrow and Dave began to explain the difference when a flock of snow buntings swooped over the van and settled on the fence next to the road. Dave pulled the van to a stop but before anyone could move there was Mr. Copper’s Hawk dive bombing the little gathering. We didn’t see him catch anything but he got an A for effort as Snow Buntings scattered in all directions.

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Show over we moved on a bit further until Dave once again stopped the van. He set up the scope and all he said was take a look and there it was. Our Snowy owl was still right there on the ice but he was a bit more active now. He still had the remains of his breakfast and he hopped up and down on the carcass. Even as far away as we were he seemed to sense us and slowly his head swiveled around and he latched that golden-eyed stare right on us. Those of us at the scope let out an audible sigh before he turned his attention back to his meal.


We watched with scope, binoculars and cameras for quite  awhile as he put on his little rapter show but eventually all things must end and we left Mr. Snowy to his lunch.

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This was a great experience. I was disappointed that we only saw one owl but it’s better than none. I was also disappointed that he was out of my camera range but at least I got to see him. The hawk was a great encore. I loved the hawk! The sandling and snow buntings were a plus as well…and I was warm the whole time!

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I’d call this experience a success!