Beau Update

I may have more links. I couldn’t find this one when I wrote the original post. I believe you can find the facebook page here:


Here is the most recent post from my facebook feed.

Team Beau:

Good morning. This is a thank you for remaining BEAU STRONG!

Since this all started, the admins on this page have been dedicated to saving Beau’s life and we remain that way. Beau is still incarcerated but is remaining strong and so are we.

You, as supporters, are Beau’s most vital asset. The legal process can grind slowly and it becomes even more frustrating when city officials send mixed messages. There are two lines of attack, one is working on continuing to spread Beau’s situation and message. You can do that by inviting friends to like this page. Numbers do count, and each and every one of you supporting this cause make a difference.

You can share the original petition, or ask friends and co-workers if they have seen it.

On a second front, there is a further movement on billboards and ads that people have asked for. As that formulates, you will be kept updated.

Please remember that without you, the city would have already euthanized Beau and walked away. It is only the public outcry and with your help that Beau has a chance to survive.

As soon as there is any update whatsoever, we will pass it along to you. We all continue to strive for Beau’s release.

Because of you all, your sharing and support, we remain BEAU STRONG! Thank you again for your support. It takes a community to save the animals, and you are a great community of voices and supporters!


Beau is a 2 and 1/2 year old Golden Retriever/White German Shepard mix with no history of aggression or biting. But after Beau allegedly killed a duck that wandered on to his own property, he was seized by animal control and the city of…

It’s Christmas Eve

I just wrapped up my last minute errands so I’m all set for tomorrow. The house may not be perfect but it’s in better shape this year than ever before. The cats are both well and content. I have an awesome job with awesome people. I have much to be thankful for. In fact, I should be so happy that I’d be turning cartwheels if I could!


Then I turned on the TV. It was set to a news channel. What was the lead story? Another police shooting in MO., a white police officer and a minority teenager. It breaks my heart. This one was also fatal. These are mistakes that can’t be taken back. Once done its done. The family grieves but the officer will never be the same again either. I don’t know if it was a justified shooting or not and I, unlike many, will not judge because I wasn’t walking in either parties shoes.


Want to know  what the follow up story was? A shooting in an Atlanta movie theater! At least in this one no police were involved and the injured parties will survive. But I can’t help but ask myself how we reached this point.

I am not a proponent of gun control. I don’t want to ban handguns and rifles, maybe assault weapons, but not the rest. I grew up around guns. I had my own 22 and a 30-06. Shooting was fun. My family all hunted and we ate the meat from our kill but pointing a gun at another human being…it would never have crossed our minds.


It’s Christmas Eve. This should be a happy time of hope and joy. Instead families are grieving and fingers are being pointed.  Police are on guard and demonstrators are out of control. This is a sad state any time of year …but come on people! According to legend, even a war stopped for Christmas! (The Christmas truce  was a series of widespread but unofficial ceasefires along the Western Front around Christmas 1914)

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My wish this year is for Peace and Understanding to touch the hearts and minds of all. Santa, please bring JOY to the World!


God Bless Us Every one!


I Was Just Thinking

I still haven’t felt up to going out and about much which is a big reason I haven’t posted much this summer. I think in addition to “feeling poorly” that I’ve also been a little “down in the dumps”.  I’ve been lazy. But I admit I perked up when my last two posts of Buddy got some attention. I thought sure I’d neglected things for so long that no one would be paying any attention.


That got me thinking about things that have been in the news lately. First of all was the Robin Williams Suicide. So so sad. Of course it brought out all of the well meaning people who want to use Robin’s death as a call to arms to prevent other suicides. I guess if it helps save someone else then that’s ok. But I feel more for the man and all the demons he has battled. I think his recent diagnosis of Parkinson’s may have been the last straw. He just didn’t have it in him to keep fighting. RIP Robin Williams. You have earned a rest.


And what’s up with Ferguson, Missouri? I missed the beginning of this disaster. I just turned on the news one night and thought I was watching riots in a 3rd world country, not right here in the good old US of A. Are we back to the Civil Rights days? I gather that a white police officer shot and killed a black teenager. The police officer is on paid suspension while his world is exploding. No matter what I read I can’t get a handle on what happened here. A call for a sick person and a call for a robbery. Someone says Brown (the teenager) attacked the officer but another account says the officer was in his cruiser when he fired the first shot. The teenager was unarmed. He was shot 6 times. It sounds terrible. It is tragic. But haven’t we gotten past the riots and looting? Black or white, that doesn’t help anyone.

market basket

Is the Market Basket saga news to anyone besides people in Massachusetts and New Hampshire? A family owned business fired it CEO and almost all of the employees of it’s chain of grocery stores (Market Basket) walk off the job.  The chain is losing tens of thousands of dollars while this dispute rages but the rift in the family is so bitter that they can’t come to any agreement. I think they are in the 5th week of this battle. The ousted CEO has offered to buy the chain of stores but no one can come to an agreement and the strike goes on. I don’t know the  inner dynamics but from the outside looking in it seems we have a case of biting the nose off to spite the face. No matter what, the family is not going to let the ousted  cousin win. They’d rather bankrupt the business.

What a sad, sad state of affairs. 🙁



Of Furniture, Shingles and Life

I feel like I’m neglecting this page. 🙁 I’ve so little time/energy during the week. I felt much better this week than last. I had much more energy. I wonder if the crushing tiredness was more from the meds they had me on for shingles than the disease itself. It hasn’t been too painful. The nasty rash reminded me of poison ivy. It blistered and oozed but it didn’t really hurt like I expected it to. I had one bad day when my right side from my toes to my head throbbed like a toothache. I even had an earache in my right ear. But it was just one day and some extra  strength Aleve took care of that in short order. Now the rash has scabbed over but I’m tormented by a strange kind of itchy feeling; like I have little creatures running around just under the skin. Can’t wait for my check up on Tuesday!

One thing I did decide was that I needed more comfortable furniture. My old sectional couch was just too lumpy and uncomfortable. So after almost 20 years it was consigned to the trash. Getting rid of furniture in the city is an adventure. You can’t leave it in the dumpster. You can put it by the road and the city will give you 24 hours to remove it. Cross your fingers a “picker” will grab it or you’re in big trouble.

I didn’t have those options because I couldn’t move the pieces out of the apartment by myself anyway. I felt like the moving commercial that Comcast runs where the guy calls all his friends for help and no one steps up. My friends and friends with trucks all managed to disappear this week. So I called “Got Junk” and they arrived right on time to take my old furniture and my money. But at least it was done. Now I had an empty living room until Saturday when my delivery would arrive.

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I had some concerns when I was told my delivery was scheduled for  6:30 AM Saturday…I live in a condo. I’m sure my neighbors would be thrilled with the bumping and banging and loud voices from the movers at 6:30 in the morning on a weekend! Arguing, begging and threatening to cancel my order didn’t have any effect. My delivery time was still 6:30 am – 9:30 am.

On Saturday  I rolled out of bed at 6:15 am and waited and waited and waited. At exactly 8 AM my doorbell rang. There were 4 movers and they had my love seat and chair in the unit in less than 10 minutes! Yes they banged and yes their voices were loud, but it was 8 am not 6:30 and it was quick!

I didn’t measure the room. I just figured a love seat was smaller than my old sectional. I was about to be surprised.

My new love seat turned out to be much larger than I planned but even though the furniture takes up more room than I expected, I love it and its sooooo comfy. I should have replaced that old sofa years ago! (PS Ignore the messy “office” in the background)



A Milestone

WOW! I finally did it! I published my 1000th post on! I almost missed it too until a little notification from wordpress popped up to let me know.

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The exact post was  “Sky High in Gatlinburg”. That’s a real milestone.


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Now I just have to do it all again. Thanks for coming along for the ride. 🙂