About Rocky and Me the Selfie

By now most of you have probably seen Thursday’s Photo of the Day, that “Selfie” of Rocky and me.

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I have to share the story behind it. I really wish I’d had a video camera to capture what led up to it. This may turn out to be one of those.. .well you had to be there… kind of stories.

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I’d been playing with the idea of doing a “selfie” for one of the daily photos. It’s not the type of picture I normally take so I thought it could be a nice stretch for me. No matter what I came up with, I just wasn’t comfortable. I don’t like being in front of the camera even when someone else is taking the picture but for me to take me? Well it just seemed wrong to me somehow. But I couldn’t let it go because it’s a pretty common practice these days, especially with the advent of Cell phone cameras. Why, whole ad campaigns are built around people taking pictures of themselves.

That in mind I decided that for me it would be easier with a “co-star”, one of the cats would be perfect.

I set the camera on a tri-pod and aimed at the top of the empty cat tree and took a few practice photos for exposure and focus. (Love digital) Then I set the camera to remote release and looked around for a cat.

Smokey and Rocky were both on the multi-level cat tree and Buddy was in the bedroom asleep by the window.

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Smokey was asleep but Rocky was in the middle of an ambitious grooming session under the heat lamp. He paused long enough to look at me so I said…come on, you look fine.

Ever so slowly he stood up. It was more like he uncurled and stood up, then he stretched. It was a long, slow stretch. I swear it was like watching slow motion. Then instead of just jumping down he slowly stepped down, one paw at a time stretching each leg and his back as he did. I couldn’t believe it. Was he for real? Talk about stalling!

Now I had to watch the whole stretching process  again as he covered the short space between his cat tree tree and the one I had set up.

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Once at the bottom of my cat tree he had to give himself another “groom” before climbing up to the top. All I could think of was “What a primadonna!” But like any star,  once he was on the set he was all business. He looked at the camera, he looked at me, he cuddled my hand and even tried to do head bumps.

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(unfortunately those suffered from motion blur and couldn’t be used).

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In less time than it took him to get his silly butt over there, the photo shoot was done and I had a keeper or two for the project. As if he heard  “Cut” and “That’s a Wrap” he calmly stood up and hopped down. After a brief stop at the water bowl he resumed his favorite place, under the heat lamp.

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And that’s a Wrap!

A Little Housekeeping

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I am home. I arrived in Providence last night at 11:09 PM. By the time I retrieved a bag, yes I checked one going home, got picked up by the parking shuttle and retrieved my car, I finally walked into the house at 12:30 am. 3 little furry faces met me at the door.

Coming home is such fun.

Today, in addition to work I plan to get caught up with my cross country adventures right here. The only problem is…I can’t tell you much about San Diego. I’ll explain shortly when I update this space on my adventures and misadventures.


I got behind on my photos of the day because I couldn’t post them from my camera since I only had the company laptop. I have remedied that. The missing pictures are on www.dustyroadsphotos.com. Be sure to share your favorite and leave comments so it will get counted. I think I’ll delay the scoring tally to give everyone time to make their selection.

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That’s all for now but the stories will be coming soon. 🙂

Photo of the Week~ Week 3

The tally was incredibly close once again. If this keeps up sooner or later we’re bound to get a tie.  Only 5 points separated them! Runner up is Rocky Sleeps

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The score is made up of the total of the number of hits, the number of blogger likes, the number of comments and the number of shares. The picture which gets the most when they are all added together is the winner for the week. It’s a lot more  fair than counting on me to be objective. After all, I picked the subjects and have my favorites too. 🙂

The number #1 Photo this Week is Snow Again!

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The stats are from the companion blog, www.dustyroadsphotos.com so be sure to head there for your likes and hits to be counted. And remember, making comments and sharing to your facebook feed count too.

A “Clowder” of Purrr-sonalities~6

Well that theme kind of got away from me.

I’ve read that when a novelist starts writing they don’t know where the story will end up. They start with an outline and change it as the characters evolve. I think that’s what happened in this series.

When I started A “Clowder” of Purrr-sonalities” I was only going to write one short post mainly featuring Buddy and how much he has grown and changed in the year he’s been here. What prompted it was what happened  after my shower that morning.

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Buddy came in the bathroom right after I got out of the shower. He sat on the towel at my feet and watched me with the hair dryer. I took a minute to give him his morning “blow dry” .  Then he did something that concerned me. He hopped in the tub, which was still wet from my shower and started licking the bottom of the tub.

He didn’t seem to care that his butt was getting wet and there wasn’t all that much water if he was thirsty. I was afraid there might be some soap residue so I ran to the kitchen for a trusty plastic bowl, filled it from the sink and set that in the tub.

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Buddy checked it out, looked at me and proceeded to take a long drink.

Cats can be territorial and recently I read that they don’t like to have their water right next to their food. Rocky will drink from the pet fountain but Smokey and Buddy do not.

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Smokey and Buddy prefer the green plastic bowl in the living room. Even Rocky occasionally drinks there.

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So maybe Buddy is being pushed aside when it comes to water. I hadn’t noticed it but then I don’t sit and stare at them either. So now my tub now has a plastic bowl of water in it too.

See how short that was? Kind of hard to believe it evolved into a mini book! I think I’ll give you and the cats a rest for a little while. Let them do something special before I make them a subject again.

A “Clowder” of Purrr-sonalities~5

I do believe cats mourn. After Little Joe left us Rocky wandered around the apartment like he was searching for something. The most bizarre thing he did was climb up to a picture of Little Joe , paw at it  and meow. Even Smokey was subdued.

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Eventually life went on and I moved. Unfortunately I moved from a 2 bedroom apartment to a one bedroom condo. Rocky and Smokey would have to adjust to sharing a little smaller territory. I was concerned about that so I filled the condo with cat trees and perches where they could look outside.

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Kitty toys are piled in baskets that they plow through and drag out at their leisure. Cat races from bedroom to living room and back to the bedroom are common and Rocky loves playing hide and seek  in the cat tunnel.

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Rocky is still the hardest one to entertain. He still gets into everything. I opened the linen closet doors to find him perched there.


I have learned to block the trifold doors or Rocky will open those and get himself locked in closets.

Smokey is my lap cat.

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He visits my lap for a little while every night and still purrs loudly. Life seemed to be settling back into a routine again when along came Buddy.

I believe when it comes to cats, they find you. I didn’t want another cat when Rocky came along. I accepted Smokey to be a companion to Rocky and to give Little Joe some relief. Then I tried to re-home Buddy …twice but he was a boomerang cat. He just kept coming back.

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Buddy, another boy!  Poor Buddy! Once again, Rocky was the one to accept the newcomer first. He’d follow Smokey’s lead and hiss but if Smokey wasn’t around he wanted to make friends.

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Buddy joined us just about a year ago for the first time. I have chronicled his journey here before so I won’t spend too much time. I’ll just update you that he has come a long way. He’s my “Bud” joining me for primping in the morning, lounging on a cat tree and just staring or playing with Rocky and even Smokey when Mr. Cranky Pants is willing.

Buddy may have a touch of pica too. He likes to lick the emulsion from photo paper. He can dismantle my printer completely, even pulling the trays out, to get to that paper. Then he carries it around with him everywhere. At least he doesn’t eat the paper.

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Today, Rocky remains the most active, Buddy and Rocky together are a great team of escape artists who also enjoy a good wrestling match.

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Smokey seems to be moving into his twilight years, he gets disoriented, he doesn’t see as well but he seems happy. So for now, life will continue on. They are all so different. But one thing is the same, they are all bundles of love and joy. My little furr-by family.