Bring on the Heat

Last year I was trying to figure out a way to make my orange cat, Rocky (you may know him better as Editor -in – Chief )DSC_0342ab

relax and stop over grooming. I started using Feliway which is a pheromone diffuser and that seemed to help some.

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Rocky also like to “escape” out into the hall where he happily chirps at the sun spots and rolls on them.  My apartment is on the shaded side of the building so I don’t get too many sunspots. I began to think I was depriving him of a basic cat right, to lounge in a sun spot. This  got me  to thinking about how lizards and reptiles like to bask in the sun. So on a trip to Petco I picked up one of the sun lamps they use in the reptile cages.

Rocky took to it right away.

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Then suddenly, this spring he seemed to lose interest. I turned it on for him  a few times and he’d sniff around it and then walk away. I had no idea what had changed but I wasn’t about to waste electricity running a heat lamp he wasn’t using. Neither Smokey nor Buddy showed any interest so I packed it away.

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The first really cool, fall weather finally hit today. About noontime Rocky started wandering around meowing quietly. It was a very sad, plaintive kind of meow. Then he hopped on the desk and got in my face. I took a time out to pet him but that didn’t seem to satisfy him.

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Then a light bulb seemed to go off. Could he want his heat lamp? I pulled it out and plugged it in. After a couple of experimental sniffs he stretched out and was down for the count.

Cracking the Bigfoot/Yeti Legend

Can it be true? Has science finally solved the legend of the Yeti?


A British scientist has told ABC news that he tested the DNA of hairs found in the Himalayas and it is a match to a prehistoric polar bear.

Bryan Sykes compared DNA from hair samples taken from two Himalayan animals — identified by local people as Yetis — to a database of animal genomes. He found they shared a genetic fingerprint with a polar bear jawbone found in the Norwegian Arctic that is at least 40,000 years old.


Sykes said Thursday that the tests showed the creatures were not related to modern Himalayan bears but were direct descendants of the prehistoric animal.

He said, “it may be a new species, it may be a hybrid” between polar bears and brown bears.

“The next thing is go there and find one.”

I guess the folks at “Finding Bigfoot” can relax and keep filming. The search will go on.


In other news those sneaky felines are at it again.

CHISINAU, Moldova (AP) — A cat has been busted for smuggling pot into a prison in Moldova.

Guards became suspicious about the feline, which routinely entered and left the prison through a hole in a fence, when they noticed its odd collar. On closer inspection, they found two packets of marijuana attached to it.


The Department of Penitentiary Institutions said Friday that someone in the village of Pruncul was using the cat as a courier to supply inmates with dope at the local prison.

Whoever the human was, this wasn’t a first regarding cat couriers at lockups.

In June, guards caught a cat carrying cellphones and chargers taped to its belly to inmates in Penal Colony No. 1 near the city of Syktyvkar in northern Russia.

Hmmm That puts a new spin on cat burglars.

Superstitious Time of Year

It’s October and everyone knows that this is the month that imaginations run wild. Little ghosts and goblins, witches and ghouls come knocking on your door demanding a treat or suffer a trick.


I thought today I’d take a break from the state countdown and visit some of the common superstitions, this time about cats and dogs. Most everyone is familiar with the belief that black cats bring bad luck or that a howling dog signifies that someone is about to die. (If that were truly the case, people would be dropping right and left every time an ambulance goes by with its siren blaring.) I’ve looked up some of the opinions about this, and believe me there are many, and thought I’d share a few today.

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Black cats bring good luck. In Britain, a bride and groom who encounter a black cat on their wedding day are ensured a happy marriage. Sailors, a notoriously superstitious lot, avoid saying the word “cat,” but having a black cat aboard ship is believed to bring good fortune. In fact, the wives of sailors used to keep black cats to ensure their husbands’ safe return.


A cat in the cradle protects babies. A well-known (and need I say unfounded) myth
is that cats will jump into a crib and suck a sleeping baby’s breath. In
Russia, however, new parents used to put a cat into a cradle to drive off evil
spirits that might harm the baby. Smart thinking! Who better than a loving and
protective cat with super night vision and an alert nature to ward off any
natural — or supernatural — meanies? (Of course, folklore notwithstanding, you
never want to leave any pet with a baby unsupervised.)

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Cats won’t run away if you take certain actions. Moving? Bring your cat into the new place through the window and he won’t leave (presumably because he doesn’t know where the door is). Or rub his paws with butter. The theory behind this one is that by the time he finishes licking all the butter off his paws, he’ll be used to the new place and won’t want to leave. My opinion…feed them. I never have any trouble getting them to stay. 🙂

And in the case of our Canine friends

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The lick of a dog has healing powers. Ancient Greeks and Romans had temple dogs whose licks were believed to cure disease. Maybe they were onto something — we know today that petting a dog can lower blood pressure. Some dogs can also scent out cancers and other signs of illness such as high blood sugar.

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Dogs lead us to the next world. Cultures around the world associate dogs with the
path to heaven — or Hades. A three-headed dog named Cerberus guarded the
entrance to Hades, ensuring that no one went in — or out — who wasn’t supposed


Meeting a dog is good luck. I always think I’m fortunate whenever I meet a dog, and plenty of superstitions support that belief. According to folklore in various parts of the world, it’s good luck to meet a Greyhound with a white spot or a Dalmatian (spotted dogs must really be something special). If a strange black dog follows you home, you’ll have good luck. Seems to me that it would be even better luck for the dog if you decide to adopt him.


Dogs and cats can predict the weather. For instance, if a dog retreats underneath your dining room table or curls up in a corner, cold weather is coming. The same is said of a cat sitting with his back to the fire: It’s a sure sign that frost is on the way.


There’s more but maybe we should save some for another time. I seem to have run out of space. 🙂 Excerpts from Lifestyle Blog and Dr. Marty Becker,

Does this mean They are Buddies?

There has been some tension between my oldest cat, Smokey

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and the newcomer, Buddy.

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Buddy is almost 3 lbs. heavier and bigger than Mr. Creaky Pants. Plus Smokey was declawed when I got him so he is handicapped in any confrontation. Too many times I saw Buddy stalking Smokey and Smokey trying to slink away like a prey animal. When I would see that I would distract Buddy but I didn’t like it. I worried about what went on when I was not home.

My pet sitter said they got along fine when she was in the house. She felt the behavior was caused by jealousy and that was why it only showed  up when I was at home because I’m the “mama” and they all want my attention.

Now that I ‘ve been working from home for a few months the behavior seems to have subsided. Smokey doesn’t act afraid and timid anymore and Buddy picks on Rocky, who is quite capable of holding his own.

In fact if Buddy and Rocky mix it up too much, Smokey jumps into the fray and starts batting them with his declawed paws. The combatants always separate for him. I think I need to get him a little striped shirt.

Speaking of Rocky and Buddy, they have what I think is a strange behavior. Cat lovers, have you had this in your multi-cat homes?

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One of the two cats approaches the other. It starts a grooming behavior by licking the ears and head of the other cat. This goes on for a bit and just when you think ohhh, so cute…bam! The first cat pounces on the one that was just being groomed. It makes me think of the hand shake before a fight.  Then they go bumping and rolling around the room. Growls and hisses are common but they have  their ears pointed forward. I assume they are playing because the ears are not laid back. No blood is drawn. The next day the whole ritual is repeated again but usually its the other cat that starts the grooming.

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This morning when I went into the bedroom to make my bed there were two cats sleeping there! Buddy and surprise, Smokey. They had bunched up the comforter between them like a wall to separate them. That’s the closest I’m seen them. Does this mean they are finally becoming friends?

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There is never a dull moment around here!