A Message from The Mayor

I’m happy to report that I am now back home in Talkeetna, where I continue to mend. I must thank my brother from another mother, Morris The Cat, for helping to cover my medical expenses. All donations I’ve received that exceed my expenses will be donated to the Mat-Su Animal Shelter, to support fellow animals in need.
Unfortunately due to my strict recovery diet, I am unable to drink my usual catnip-laced water from my wine glass, but I do hope to be back in my normal routine in the near future. Thank you all for the cards, packages, donations, and Facebook love you’ve shown me during this difficult time. I do hope you will all consider moving to Talkeetna so that I can repay you with town-wide dance parties and mouse hunts, because let’s be real, there will be a party as soon as I’m back on my feet.
Love, Mayor Stubbs

Mayor Stubbs Update

Dr. Lehman, my amazing doctor through this ordeal, has released some information on my condition which can be found below. I am so thankful for the treatment I’ve received at BLSVH. I also thank each of you for your get well wishes and the cards & donations you’ve sent to Talkeetna. I’m one blessed Mayor.
Love, Stubbs

Stubbs the Cat, “Mayor of Talkeetna” trauma update – Canis Medicus: BLSVH Animal Blog


Stubbs update

This and That

Mayor Stubbs: We know what’s going on with Mayor Stubbs, how he was mauled by a canine assassin and is clinging to life. I checked his Facebook page to see if there was any update on his condition but I didn’t see anything new. However there was a cute post. One of his young fans wrote him a song.  http://youtu.be/XOEaFNfdQfo Now that should make him feel better. Maybe we could get him to run for President?


In Sports : NFLFootball

Tim Tebow was released by the New England Patriots.tim tebow

He vows to continue his pursuit of an NFL career. Reports are that an unnamed NFL team was willing to pick him up if he’s change positions..no more quarterback. Tim allegedly declined.


And Aaron Hernandez appeared in court where he pled not guilty to all charges. You know who he is, right. He was a New England Patriot until he was charged with murder. Then, of course, the Pats fired him. Makes me wonder how they could have hired him in the first place. He had a history of violence and it seems like the team should have known.

And more cat news!


Alaska isn’t safe for kitties at the moment! Mayor Stubbs is mauled and now a cat in Juneau survives an 11 story fall from a window. The cat did not get away unscathed. He suffered broken bones and had to endure surgery to , Like Humpty Dumpty, put him back together again. According to the Juneau Empire, the cat, named Wasabi, was chasing the Alaska State Bird when it flew out the window of the 11th floor apartment and he followed.


Maybe next time  he’ll remember that cats can’t fly .

Mayor Stubbs Update

This update is from Mayor Stubbs Face Book Page.
Thank you once again for your tremendous outpouring of love since my attack. I had the tube from my lung taken out today, and have even had a bit of an appetite (though no mouse hunts are in my immediate future). Several of you have kindly offered financial support with my medical bills.
Cards or checks can be sent to:
Mayor Stubbs c/o Nagley’s Store Box 906… Talkeetna, 99676
Any funds raised exceeding my medical bills will be donated to the local animal shelter. I appreciate each of you and am thankful for your support.
Love, Mayor Stubbs