Home Again

Wow ..I’m finally home. I left Fort Lauderdale at 12:45 this morning and finally made it home at 10:55 pm! 2 happy cats greeted me. Smokey hasn’t stopped purring since I came in the door and Rocky is just beside himself..not even interested in eating…just right in my face LOL. I guess they missed me.

And what a pleasure to have fast internet again! I’m already planning the stories and pictures I’ll be able to share now. But it’s late and I still need to unpack but watch for those posts to start sometime tomorrow.

Packing Time

It’s been a few months since I did any traveling. Sometimes I just need to take some time to recharge that way I appreciate my trips more. I found last summer that one trip after another was exciting but draining. By the time I was headed out on my last trip I was worn out. It was so easy when I reached my sister’s house for the Adirondack Balloon Festival to just kick back. The weather helped because it rained so several launches were canceled.
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It’s a new year now and my travel schedule is just getting started. The first thing I found was that my new and improved tripod with it’s “ball head” doesn’t fit in my old suitcase. After much debate I decided to get a new suitcase rather than leave the tripod home.
It was also time to replace my luggage tags. The old ones were starting to fade and I’d even managed to break the corner on one.
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Rocky was ready to perch on my suitcase for a new portrait for the new tags.
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(I’ve covered up the name and phone # on the tag for obvious reasons)

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But one thing hasn’t changed. I’ll still have the suitcase with the most cat hair on it. Rocky immediately took his place on top of the suitcase. I can see packing is going to be its usual challenge!RockyTravel 003 copy
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