Photo of the Week~ Week 27

It’s been a good week for photos and that means chosing the Photo of the week was a challenge but there’s an old saying for entertainers: ” you never want to follow animals or children”, meaning, of course, that they have a cute-ness factor that will always make them the star.

So it was with this week. No matter how many times I went back to the fountains, trains, clowns, ferris wheels to review and consider them, today’s choice always drew me back. So here it is…the photo of the week…that precious chocolate lab puppy named Jack.


Provincetown or P-Town as its known locally is located at the very tip of Cape Cod. It’s not a short drive to get there by any means but it is a unique destination. For one thing it’s home to the Dolphin Fleet, a well-known whale watch tour company. I’m told they are very successful with their trips out to Stellwagon Banks.

The town itself is very touristy, known for its arts and crafts think “Artist Colony”. A favorite trait of the town is it’s pet (read dog) friendly policy. Shops up and down Commerce Street have water bowls out for your leashed pets. We even saw a dog pulling his owner while the owner rode his skateboard..shades of Cesar Millan (Dog Whisperer) .

The other thing that P-Town is known for is gay pride. It is very accepting of alternate lifestyles. There are  families and children side by side with lesbian couples and gay men. It’s a relaxed and easy atmosphere. Everyone is friendly.

We ate a Mojo’s, a little take out restaurant twice that day. Once for lunch and again for dinner. Lunch  for me was a grilled cheese and tomato sandwich on whole wheat and dinner was the fried scallop plate. Lightly breaded, moist fresh scallops. Makes my mouth water just to think of it.

The day started out cloudy and cool and never really warmed up but eventually the sun did come out. We spent a relaxing day just wandering the town and the wharf area. No shopping this trip just enjoying the sights and indulging in a photo taking orgy.

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Testing The New Cat Tree

It was time to replace the old (10-year-old) cat tree. In spite of trying to save it, the tree has really bit the dust.  So it was time to go cat tree shopping and we were lucky enough to hit a sale!

Finally the new furniture is in the living room. It’s not by the window yet. I still have to take the old one out but there’s no holding back the curious cat…Rocky , of course.

Looks like it meets with his approval!

Spring Exuberance

While we were enjoying our soft serve and the flowers at Ward’s Berry Farm we decided to check out the 4H buildings. Ward’s supports the 4H Clubs of America by allowing them to have some of their livestock there. We’ve seen the little lambs in the past and the miniature horses but today the goats stole the show.

The first one we saw was the old guy. 🙂 I don’t know his real name but I called him Billy Goat Gruff.

Give him a good scratch and he just about falls asleep. Can’t you just hear the contented sigh?

Next to him was another pen where a Mama goat was resting. We didn’t spot the kids until we went around to the back of the shed. That’s when we got the springtime show!

Man, those little guys were fast and like kids everywhere, into everything! 🙂

Smokey’s Turn

After my photo shoot with the Tiny Terror named Copper, I retrieved my basket and took it home. I thought it would be fun to see if my cats would show an interest. I doubted they would be able to fit in like that little kitten did.

To my surprise it was Smokey that took an interest.

Rocky sniffed it and walked away. Smokey managed to squeeze himself in but he wasn’t able to present  the wide-eyed innocence of the tiny kitten.