Photo of the Week ~ 15

We did a little better in the Photo of the Week area. Seals off Plymouth just nosed out the Dandy Daffodil by 1 point!

The week 15 tallies are in. The Photo of the Week with the most hits, likes, shares and/or comments is  Seals Off Plymouth with a total of 26 points.

Votes calculated from activity at

Spring pond 062a copy


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Photo of The Week – 14

The visits to seemed to fall off this week.


The winning photo only got a total of 23 combined points. Comments were definitely off as none were left at all! Now I know everyone has an opinion. Comments are fun. 🙂 And they count toward your favorite photo. Maybe my photos weren’t “up to snuff” this week or maybe my tags weren’t descriptive enough, or maybe everyone got spring fever and ran outside to take their own pictures.  Whatever the case, I hope you’ll help pick the winner this week  by giving us a visit.

The week 14 tallies are in. The Photo of the Week with the most hits, likes, shares and/or comments is  It Fits with a total of 23 points.

Votes calculated from activity at

catbox 001a copy

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Photo of the Week ~ 13

Wow this picture represents the end of the first quarter. 1/4 of the challenge down 3/4 to go. It’s been a hard challenge so far with so much bad weather. Snow pictures get boring after awhile and all look alike and rain.. well rain is just gray, cold and nasty this time of year. It doesn’t even have the advantage of  looking pretty (like snow)   when it first comes down.

The week 13 tallies are in. The Photo of the Week with the most hits, likes, shares and/or comments is  Water Over the Dam  with a total of 33 points.

Blue Heron 020a copy

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