All I want for Christmas

Sigh! I’m beginning to understand a bit about the aging process.


All I want right now is to get my home back in order and cleaned up. It seems like forever that I’ve been living in boxes. First the kitchen and now the furniture that I need moved.


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And it’s mainly because I can’t do this by myself. I used to be able to move this furniture alone but now I can’t get it to budge! So I am at the mercy of other people’s schedules.

I can see how someone, particularly the elderly, could become hoarders! No strength or energy to throw stuff out!

The kitchen still isn’t finished.

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I’m still waiting for the electrician to install the microwave range hood. That would get one big box out of the way. Then I’m waiting for my neighbor to help me move the sideboard and hutch.

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I emptied that out to make it easier and lighter to move but I haven’t connected with him since he said he’d help. So that means I have all those boxes sitting here.

There’s an armoire on it’s way. It’s a Saunders so I know that means it will have to be put together. I hate putting together furniture. My knees and back hurt so much it makes it very hard but the ones that were already assembled were terribly expensive. To make room for the armoire I need to clean out the book case and move it to another corner. I used to be able to move this book case by myself. Now I don’t know if I still can or not. I sure hope so!

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Then there’s an old rickety book case in that corner that needs to be cleaned off and thrown out. It’s sitting where I want to put the book case that’s where the armoire is going to go.

It’s like a puzzle.

It makes me tired just thinking about it but everything is at a standstill until either my electrician gets here or my neighbor. Until one of them makes me some room I am stuck and I hate being dependent on someone else. I hope one of them gets here before the armoire otherwise I have no idea where that box will go!

In the meantime I am living surrounded by boxes, dust and cat hair. I may not be the best housekeeper but I’ve never lived this long surrounded by such chaos, not even when I’ve just moved.

I mean it when I say all I want for Christmas is a clean and organized home.

It’s a Little Tree

The hectic pace continues around here. I no sooner got the boxes emptied out from the kitchen than I started filling them back up again from the china cabinet in the dining area.

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No point painting the kitchen and not the adjoining wall. My neighbor has said he will help me move the cabinet which is really a side board and hutch.

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Unfortunately for my clutter tolerance I’m not stopping there. I ordered an armoire to put next to the hutch. I’ll ditch the old beat up book case. This will give me a place to hang coats and jackets instead of over the back of a chair. One  side of the armoire has shelves so I can put the things from the old book case in there. It’s mostly photography stuff anyway, not too many books. Maybe that will keep them from being constantly knocked to the floor by Mr. Rocky.


I’m still waiting for my electrician who is having some issues of his own. So by extension my kitchen is at a standstill. He says maybe Monday??? Fingers Crossed.

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On the upside my heavy winter gear came from Cabela’s and it fits.  I think. It’s been a long time since I’ve worn a snow suit so it feels really bulky. I’ll have to get used to it I guess. At least I’ll be warm and it’s camo no less! I’ll be able to get out in the snow and maybe get some really decent pictures instead of hibernating all winter. The insulated boots didn’t come. They are out of stock for the winter. Maybe I can wear extra wool socks in my hiking boots.

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With the delays and all the boxes I decided this was not the year to upgrade my Christmas Tree. I pulled the small tree out last night and will dig out the ornaments today. I hung my wreathe on my door so at least that’s done.

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It looks like I have a bit of a problem. I usually put the tree on the hope chest but that’s one of Buddy’s favorite places to snooze. As soon as I started messing around there he claimed it.

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Taunton, MA, The Christmas City, had it’s tree lighting today at 5 pm. Of course it was raining but they went forward with the festivities anyway. I love that this city always goes all out for the holidays. I won’t try to get there today but maybe tomorrow evening I can take a break and get some photos to show you.

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Thanks Buddy. I can see tonight will be a long night!

Just a Lazy Sunday

I spent the day picking at the boxes of kitchen stuff. There are only a few shelves I can use at this point as they all need to be washed down and have new shelf liners. The problem is with no plumbing (water) in the kitchen yet it’s hard to make much progress with just a bucket and running back and forth to the bathroom for refills of fresh water.

I got through 2 boxes and gave up. I really need the shelves fixed in the new cabinets so I can figure out what I can put there and what needs to go back into the existing cabinets. I also have to keep the counter clear until the tile people get here.

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I have a big box of cleaning stuff that needs to be under the sink but I can’t put that away  until the plumber is done. Oh and did I mention the glassware is covered in dust from the sawing and sanding and all needs to be washed. Of course the dishwasher isn’t working yet either! Same thing with the stove. It’s disgusting. The stove top is covered with a fine dust! No way can any food be prepared on that stove top. I think I know why people add new appliances when they re-do their kitchens. Its to  avoid the clean up of the old appliances!  I hope I have an old toothbrush so I can get into the little cracks and crevasses.

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I think I’m going to cut back on my Thanksgiving dinner. I’m beginning to doubt I’ll have the kitchen ready for the preparation. I’ll have the turkey and maybe some green beans (from a can), sweet potatoes, stuffing (Stove top) and gravy. Skip the mashed potatoes, glazed carrots and cranberries, and desert. Just stick with the basics. That will be more than enough food for just for me and will minimize the pots and pans I’ll need to locate!

The Thanksgiving Turkey float  during th

Of course, I’ll be watching the Macy’s Thanksgiving parade 🙂  and I will be counting my blessings because for all my complaining, I still have a very blessed life.