Natural Wonders of the USA Part 3

Natural Wonders

Lets continue down the list of the wonders in each state. I hope you are finding this as interesting as I am. Maybe you’ll be inspired to check some of these out.

9. Tennessee – Ruby Falls

I’ve been to Tennessee. Best Bar B Que I’ve ever tasted. It ruined me for our local stuff!  Plus I saw so much wildlife on that trip. But I didn’t see the Natural wonder for Tennessee. That is Ruby Falls

Ruby Falls is different. You won’t find it off a trail or roadside. No, Ruby Falls is an underground cascade that follows a series of falls down 145 ft. The underground cavern is located in Lookout Mountain. Lookout Mountain is located minutes from downtown Chattanooga and would certainly be an extraordinary experience.

10. Massachusetts – Chesterfield Gorge

Massachusetts, my home state. I’m ashamed to say that I have never heard of our Natural Wonder. It’s called Chesterfield Gorge and if our weather ever clears up I’ll definitely take a trip to see it. 

File:Chesterfield Gorge, West Chesterfield MA.jpg - Wikimedia Commons

The gorge features deep walls that rise up to 30 feet high. The cliff edges do not feature any trails that go to the bottom but you can travel along the cliff top, which offers a terrific view of the gorge as well as the river and surrounding forest.

11. Arizona – Antelope Canyon

Every photographer has heard of Antelope Canyon, Arizona. I’ve dreamed of photographing it for years. I’ve been to Arizona several times. I usually stay in Sedona,  the beautiful Red Rock country.  It’s hard to believe that the Grand Canyon wasn’t Arizona’s number one Natural wonder but I can truly see Antelope Canyon too

Grand Canyon AZ- 2011 Photo credit Deb Neumann

Antelope Canyon- From internet

Antelope Canyon is  spectacular especially when you have the right light. The best time to view the canyon is in the summer.  Prone to flash flooding, you’ll want to avoid it during the monsoon season.

12. Washington State- Ho Rainforest

Washington is another state that I’ve checked off as visited. I went to Seattle where I rode to the top of the Space Needle and visited the Chihuly Glass Museum. Not Natural Wonders but certainly beautiful.

Seattle Harbor – 2013 Photo credit Deb Neumann

Washington State is located in the Northeastern part of the USA that is considered rainforest. Located in Olympic National Park is an old growth forest that can get as much as 14 feet of precipitation a year! That certainly qualifies the area as rainforest!


Hoh Rainforest, the most famous rainforest in the lower 48 states, has recently gained attention as perhaps “the quietest place in the U.S.”—the perfect remedy to noisy modern life.

I’ve not been to the Ho (Hoh) rainforest but I did experience the rainforest on my trip to Alaska. I believe that was the Tongass National Forest. Amazing places. wet and lush. And yes, quiet. All that moss and soft earth seems to absorb sound.

Next Time on Natural Wonders

We’ll explore 3-4 more natural wonders in my next post in this series. I hope you join in. Have you been to or heard of any of the places we’ve mentioned? Please share your experience in the comments! I’d love to hear from you.

Just a Little Behind


I’ve had a rough couple of weeks so I’m behind on my research for my next vacation. The first glitch came two weeks ago. I was really cooking along. I’d gotten a couple of locations down and prepared my posts then all of a sudden I couldn’t get into my site!? It took a few days to track down the culprit. Blue Host, my web hosting company, had done an update and I’d also done an update and they weren’t compatible. Once I finally got to the right person it was fixed in a snap.

Snap Fingers Cartoon Images – Browse 1,001 Stock Photos, Vectors, and Video  | Adobe Stock

But it was now mid-week and work commands my attention then. 

Life interferes too

So Saturday rolls around and I have a long list of errands to do including the aforementioned mentioned research. Idaho & Indiana are next on my list. I made the unwise decision to start my weekend with my annual flu shot. While I was making my appointment for that the CVS website recommended a COVID booster. It’s been awhile since I had one so I marked OK on my appointment. I was smart enough to ask the pharmacist if it was stupid to get both the Flu shot & COVID at the same time. She looked at my shot record and said I’d  “probably” be fine. Then Stabbed both arms, COVID on the Left, Flu on the right. I got two cute little Band-Aids  and left.

Cartoon character a woman getting a vaccine Vector Image

OOPS! Saturday afternoon the chills started, my ever present cough became unbearable and all I wanted to do was sleep. Nothing got done except cuddles with the kitties. I promise I won’t get both shots at the same time again!

Rain Rain and more Rain

As if those delays weren’t enough I think I’ve been transported to Seattle and the Norwest Rain forest. All it seems to do here is rain. I wake up every morning to drizzle. We had 2 sunny days this week. All the rest was rain. Well the good thing about it is that its not snow and the weather folks can’t complain about drought. Now they just warn of flash flooding.

And the Last Straw

My Dad always said he drank beer because he saw what water did to pipes. (He was a plumber) I have the unpleasant opportunity to see that for myself as the kitchen faucet split. Apparently the cover is plastic and it just gave out leaving rusty, nasty pipe to look at.


So its Saturday again and raining and my plans to dig into vacation planning have to take a step back so I can go to Home Depot for a new kitchen faucet.  At least it isn’t leaking and I have a contractor who will do the replacement for me. Could be worse I suppose.

Know that I am working on that vacation research and will update when I can. Maybe next post!

Washington State…not DC

Only 4 more states in the countdown.  Washington state is a yes. I am able to count that because of my new job. No sooner did I get back from Alaska and I was back on a plane winging my way to the home office in Seattle, Washington. Even with work, I was able to get in a little sightseeing but it wet my appetite for more.

Space Needle copy

My impression is that the locals don’t appreciate what they have. When I said I might plan my next vacation there , everyone tried to discourage me. They complained about the weather, the crime, (Seattle seems to have a lot of homeless people on the streets) but I was struck by the beauty that surrounded Seattle and I want to see more.Seattle 048 copy

While in Seattle I made a point to visit Chihuly Garden and Glass. Chihuly Garden and Glass is a new art experience showcasing the most significant works of internationally acclaimed artist and glass pioneer Dale Chihuly.Seattle 118 copy

But in Tacoma, Dale Chihuly led an effort to bring glass to Puget Sound. Today a $48 million Museum of Glass calls Tacoma home.

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Tillicum Village is a replica Native American Village located on Blake Island in Puget Sound. About 8 miles by boat from the bustle of Seattle, you can reach this destination only by boat. Recommendations are for a tour as even ferries don’t reach the island.


Of course while in Seattle I still need to visit Pike Place Market. Although it is the oldest continuously operating farmers market in the U.S. it really burst onto the scene when it was featured in a series of advertisements promoting entrepreneurial spirit. I think someone might even have written a book about it. A circuslike atmosphere includes street entertainers and (this is the famous scene) fishmongers tossing whole salmon  while shouting “low flying fish!” the equivalent of “Fore!” on a golf course.

Pike Place Market-3

Down on the waterfront is another spectacular sight. The Great Wheel. The Seattle Great Wheel was built in less than a year, but its story goes back much further than that. Seattle businessman Hal Griffith had envisioned a Ferris wheel in the city for nearly 30 years, but it wasn’t until he realized he could build one on his own pier that his dream became a reality.Seattle 058 copy

The Seattle Great Wheel opened to the public on June 29, 2012. Since then, it has become an icon of the city and a destination for tourists and locals alike.


Remember highway 101 from my post about Oregon? Well it’s in Washington too and it circles Olympic National Park.  The park carries a rare dual designation of  World heritage Park and International Biosphere Reserve! The Olympic mountain range stretches through the park where Mount Olympus climbs to 7828 ft., the highest peak in the range.

A deer and Mount Olympus (7980 feet / 2432 meters) are seen along Obstruction Point Road, Hurricane Ridge, Olympic National Park, Jefferson County, Washington, USA.

An speaking of national parks, I can’t forget Mount Rainer National Park and Mount St Helens or the North Cascades National Park.

Once again I have run out of time. I’ve hit my self imposed limit of 400-500 words. That can only mean I have many Washington Vacations to look forward to.

New Tally: 20/27

Lets Hear it for Seattle…one more time

It was the last day of “Boot Camp” (the company’s term for this week of training.) We covered things like benefits, expense accounts and had our pictures taken for the company web site. We also had our “Graduation Celebration”.

June Boot Camp Graduation

I carried my camera to work this time. I wanted one last chance to document this little corner of Seattle.


I wanted to see the “Great Wheel”, a gigantic Ferris wheel  on the Waterfront and visit the Public Market aka Pike Place Market known for it’s “flying fish” but didn’t get there.

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All this walking had brought on a good case of blisters again and it was a different pair of shoes this time. No idea why I am suddenly plagued with blisters. The best I could manage was a hobble to the drug store for first aid supplies. But the building that housed the drug store was eye catching with decorative trim around the top.

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If I’d had more time here’s some of the things I would have liked to do.

  • Great Wheel
  • Pike’s Place Market
  • Mt. Rainier Gondola
  • Boeing Tour
  • point Defiance Zoo & Aquarium
  • Whale Watch
  • Seattle Aquarium
  • Woodland Park Zoo
  • Northwest Trek Wildlife Park

Maybe I need to add Seattle to my list of places to my vacation bucket list.

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A view of the Space Needle from under the mono rail track.

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Seattle from my hotel room window.

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And one final view of the Space Needle