Its a Rainforest Kind of Day

Like a Rain Forest

Its going to be hot and humid today. Predicted to hit 100 and rain! So far just cloudy but it was already 77 degrees when I got up at 7:30 am. I usually only run the AC at night. I like the hot weather but when I opened my slider it was like being hit with a wall of hot air. The air is so thick with moisture it feels heavy. I think this will be one of those rare days when  I’ll keep the windows shut and AC on.

Looking out my back door- Photo Deb Neumann


Strange Kitties

Well now that the weather report is out of the way I just want to mention that I have very strange cats. I’ve had cats all my life. Each cat has their own quirky personality but there do seem to be some universal behaviors so common they make jokes and cat food advertisements about them You know the ones, you turn the can opened on 50 cats come running. 

Hungry Cats Who Have Just Heard The Sound Of a Can Opening (Memes) - I Can  Has Cheezburger?

Internet photo/meme


Well not my two cats. 

Photo credit- Deb Neumann

Banner will only eat dry food. I’ve tried enticing him with all sorts of wet food, kitty broths and the stuff in the tubes that you squeeze out.  No interest at all. When I put his dry food out he ignores it too. After I go get busy and leave he’ll go eat a little bit- just to check it out. He eats the most after we go to bed at night. Nothing like those midnight snacks.

Banner- Photo Credit Deb Neumann


Balboa is also strange. When it’s breakfast time he’s like a lazy teenager. He’ll peek over the top of his cat tree at me but it takes me calling him multiple times before he’ll come running. Then he has to do this stretching walk thing–2 steps and stretch, 2 more and stretch again.  This goes on until I can grab him and put him in front of his bowl of food. If he had to get the food himself he’d starve to death. Once its presented to him he’ll agree to eat.  Its like he has to have an engraved invitation to come to breakfast!

Balboa- Photo credit Deb Neumann



Its clear to me that with behavior like that I’ll never get to live off proceeds from cat food advertising. 


My cats have other strange behaviors too. Just last night I was trying to get them to play before bedtime. I was using a feather wand. Balboa got involved for about 2 minutes then when Banner came over Balboa went off to sit under the table. It was clearly a sulk because he was no longer the center of attention. He shouldn’t have worried.  Banner had no interest in the feather wand. He want to play with the fishing pole. He was so determined that he managed to drag the fishing pole out of the chest I keep it in for safety. We had a rousing game of chase the lure while Balboa watched from the sidelines.

I have more silly things they do but I’ll save some for another time.


Happy Saturday

It’s Saturday!

Yes I know Saturday is a post day but I didn’t do one this week. I had planned to wrap up the Natural Wonders series but I got distracted. I’m not sure on what. I don’t feel like I accomplished anything this week. but there it is. Saturday morning and nothing to say!  Not that it’s an excuse but I did spend over 2 hours yesterday at the dentist. I had a cleaning first then tons of impressions for my 2 implants. I left the office with a very sore mouth and $1000 poorer.  The good thing is that we are in the home stretch. I should get the finished product in my next visit. 

Mix of zirconia dental implants technical picture | Picture … | Flickr

The Storm

All week the weather folks have been going nuts about the BIG storm. 

Snow storm is coming. - Lolcats - lol | cat memes | funny cats | funny cat  pictures with words on them | funny pictures | lol cat memes | lol cats

Maybe the north and west got it but doesn’t look like much here so far. When I got up it looked like we might have gotten an inch of snow and some ice. The temps have risen now and it’s rain and all the ice seems to have melted.  It looks like its going to be one of those gray, dull days with lots of rain. I think I’ll snuggle in with a book and be lazy all day.

Banner & Balboa

Photo Credit- Deb Neumann

Both cats seem to agree with me. Usually after they have breakfast they run and chase like crazy until I finish with my emails and morning ritual on the computer. Today they are both just draped over the furniture. 

Balboa- Photo credit Deb Neumann

They are waiting for their morning treats. Maybe once I give them those they will get the morning crazies. Then again, maybe they see it as a lazy day too. 

Nothing to see here

When the boys roll up at area 51 : r/southpark


So sorry I have nothing exciting to report this week. I’m happy we are into March. That means that spring is approaching. Maybe there will be some day trips once we get some sunshine. Something to look forward to. Catch ya all later!


Raining Fire

I’ve seen it rainin’ fire in the sky

To all the John Denver Fans out there, I have now experienced the “Raining Fire in the Sky”.

Turns out I was really close to Breckenridge when I stopped for my lunch at Wendy’s. As I poked along through the construction traffic the sky opened up with a tremendous BANG! Rain came down in a deluge, but the most amazing part was the lightening! I could see the lightning strikes hitting the mountains. 

It wasn’t like on the east coast with flashes followed by rumbles and grumbles of thunder. No this was Thor on a rampage. Lightning bolts rained down and the thunder cracked. The storm was intense. In Boston it would have had folks pulling off to the side of the road but here it was just business as usual!

The Lodge by the Blue

It was during a lull in this storm that I spotted my goal, the Lodge by the Blue. The rain didn’t let up for long, so I waited out the worst of it in my car.  Check in isn’t until 4 pm but I gave it a shot even though it was only 3:30. By now I had a mild headache which I chalked up to lack of sleep. the long drive and minimal food (except for the Wendy’s stop). It never occurred to me that I might have some mild altitude sickness. 

As I checked in my host pointed out that I was now at 10,000 feet. Another guest who lives in Colorado offered to help me with my bags as I was on the 3rd floor (no elevator) and he felt strongly that I probably was suffering from the altitude. 

Dragging those suitcases upstairs did seem awfully hard and I was out of breath by the time I got my door unlocked. I did notice my hand was shaking so I just bailed for the bed. No dinner for me tonight, just sleep.

The Lodge By The Blue

Silver Run Falls

Storm Damage

Storm Damage

It was quite a week here in SE Massachusetts. We had a Nor’easter blow through leaving thousands without power. Some places had winds over 100 miles per hour. And it’s still raining off and on so it’s slowed the clean up.  

Silver Run Falls

Silver Run FallsSilver Run Falls Trail

But Back to my North Carolina stories. I was not going to be discouraged.  The next morning I limped back to the car to search for the 2nd waterfall on my list- Silver Run Falls. Whitewater Falls was supposed to be in the same area. Maybe I could get a twofer.

I located the trail head to Silver Run Falls. There wasn’t much room to park, just a gravel shoulder at the side of the road. The trail was well marked but it started off down a hill. I knew this was going to hurt. It would hurt my knees going down and then it would be an uphill trek coming back out. I took a deep breath and took the plunge.

It wasn’t long until I could hear the falls but I couldn’t see it through all the foliage. Note to self- make the next trip later in the year after the leaves are off the trees.  
Just about when I was wondering how much longer my knees would hold up I saw a well made bridge ahead.  According to my directions I was getting close.



Silver Run Falls

The bridge was a brief respite  but then I was climbing the stairs at the end, The trail made a sharp turn to the right and then there were ROCKS! I wanted to cry. I could hear the roar of the falls but I couldn’t see it. There was a mine field of rocks to get over before I would reach a beach/sandy river bank. I’d come this far. I carefully placed my trekking poles and climbed over a couple of rocks. Just enough so I could see the falls. 

About that time a mother and her 4-5 year old came around the corner. The kid didn’t look twice at the rocks and just bounced over them to the sand bank. The young mother gave me a friendly hello as she easily followed her son to the water’s edge. 

I may have just been shown up by a 5 year old but at least I got a glimpse of the falls. 

Silver Run Falls


Another Rainy Weekend

Another Rainy Weekend

The forecast is for high winds and torrential rains. Warnings of possible flash floods. This is the rainiest start to July in 100 years! Last weekend wasn’t a wash out and I had all good intentions of writing a post but somehow by the time I got 5 minutes (and believe me it takes me more than 5 minutes) the weekend was gone. So I had big plans for this weekend so I would have something interesting to share. But it looks like mother nature has other ideas.

Rainy weather, the inscription rainy on the sweaty glass.

How Do I plan my Weekends

If it ever stops raining I have plenty of ideas for weekend adventures. I bought 2 “Adventure Books“.  One is Lighthouses of New England and the other is Massachusetts State Parks. Both books are huge. If I went to every lighthouse I’d have years worth of places to visit. Add in the State Parks and I don’t have to travel to find something new to see. Toss in the Sand Castle events from Hampton Beach to Cape Cod and a whale watch or two and I’ve just booked myself for the rest of my life! 

So what’s up with This Weekend?

A friend of mine bought a farm recently. So far they have chickens and donkeys. They almost got a horse but that didn’t work out. Today they are having an event of some kind with crafts and vendors. I planned to drop in, say Hi and check out the goods for sale. But so far my day has not gone as planned. I woke up to no electricity so that got my day off to a slow start. I stuck my nose outside for a temperature check and wow! It’s a jungle out there. Hot and steamy and not even 7 am!

I need a haircut and have to do some grocery shopping. Then I’m free to head over to my friends event- if the rain hasn’t started by then.  So I’ll just play it by ear. Sunday is supposed to be a washout so I really hope the rain holds off so I’ll have some pictures and stories to share next week.


May be an image of horse and nature

There’s Always the Cats

Of course I never mind being stuck at home too much. I always have entertaining company with Banner & Balboa!