Happy Anniversary to me

Happy Anniversary

Today is the 1 year anniversary of the day that turned my life upside down. Yup I was laid off from Redfin 1 year ago today. It’s not as if I’d never been laid off before but I’d never been laid off when I was 70+ years old. I just didn’t have it in me to start over again. so I’m trying out retirement. Evan after  a year I’m not sure it suits me. I still wake up in the morning feeling guilty because I’m not rushing around to get ready for work.  I worry about paying the bills.  Social Security doesn’t go that far and my Redfin investments are still in the tank.  I got a nice severance package and I’ve been using that to make up any shortfalls but it can’t go on forever.


Medtronic, Halyard Health's Corpak to lay off 266 in Illinois - MassDevice


Typical Day since Layoff

I’m trying to live the frugal life since the layoff. No spontaneous shopping trips. Minimal take out or restaurant meals. I stopped taking road trips to save on gas.  One  big thing I did was restrict my time ordering kindle books. Since I like series I made it a rule that I had to re-read all the books in a series before I could add a new one.  I’m working on the Stephanie Plumb series now. I’m currently on book 12 but the new book is #30 so I have a way to go. 

I also dropped cable and just have streaming now. That saved me $100/ mo. I’m debating if I want to downgrade the streaming service. I have “Live TV” but the price just went up and I only watch a couple of channels. If I’m patient eventually the new programing will be added to my streaming service.


The Frugal Lifestyle - Blog



My cats are a constant source of entertainment.  Just last night Banner was trying to stuff his fluffy body into a paper grocery bag, The whole side ripped out. Balboa was quite interested in watching this and when Banner got out of the remains of the bag Balboa was there to try to get in.  Banner immediately lifted his paw and bopped Balboa on the head- no claws, no rough housing just  “BOP!” It was such a surprise and so deliberate. It just cracked me up. Surprised Balboa too. 



Banner Photo credit Deb Neumann



Balboa photo credit Deb Neumann


If I could just shake the feeling that I should be working I think I’d like retirement.  I don’t mind relaxing and reading or playing on the computer. I’m not bored yet. I guess as long as the money holds out I’ll keep up the routine. I wish I could think of something to do on my own time to make money. A side hustle so to speak.  If I get bored or get itchy feet and want to travel again I can look for a part time job to support my habit. 






Retire? Me?

Suddenly I’m Retired

It is with mixed feelings that I am writing this post. I’ve wanted to retire for some time now but I wanted to retire on my terms. I’ve been putting every spare penny toward paying down debt and investing in my nest egg. That’s not to say I planned to stop exploring. I have often said I work so that I can take vacations. Well, surprise. The decision was made for me. I was laid off! Oh I’ll look for work but I have no desire to stay in my current career.

Retirement - Granville Central School District

What does Retirement feel like to me?

After my initial shock wore off, I had to take a hard look at my finances. After all I wasn’t quite ready to give up a  paycheck. I seem to be struggling to remember that I don’t have to cram everything into the weekend. Old habits die hard. I have to let the various Real Estate boards know that I’m no longer with Redfin.

Then I have to figure out my health insurance. At my age I have Medicare but I need to get some part C coverage with Dental and Vision. COBRA is way too expensive but I may be stuck with that until I have finished the tooth implants  (2) I’m in the middle of getting.

I wouldn’t be so concerned if the stock market hadn’t tanked. (Thank you Fed Reserve) My investments are mostly in Redfin Stock and it has taken a nose dive with rising interest rates. From a high of almost $100/share it’s down to $5.00/share.  At least it went up a couple of dollars after the layoff. 


What are my plans

 What am I going to do, you ask. Basically hang in there until my retirement account recovers. ( At least 2 +years) I am looking for work and may get up my courage to try freelance writing. There are a lot of those jobs listed and I can do them on my own time, any place. I will certainly need to take a different look at my trips and explorations. I’ll have more time and freedom but less money.

Yesterday I found myself thinking about a road trip through Minnesota, North Dakota and Montana. There’s a scenic drive in Minnesota along Lake Superior that I’m interested in. Then Theodore Roosevelt National Park  in North Dakota.  From there drive to Close Encounters Mountain, real name Devil’s Tower and then off to  “Going to the Sun Road.” (I’ll get into more in additional posts) but after consideration I decided it was too long to be away from my kitties. Pet care is expensive.


I can assure you that with more time on my hands you’ll be exploring retirement right along with me.  I’ll keep you posted as plans develop. 

So What’s Up Doc?

So What’s Up Doc?

So now that you know about the lost domain what else has been going on? There’s a 6 month gap from November 2021 to May 2022.  It seems only fair that I explain at least a little.

November 2021 to January 2022

This absence was work related. I tried again (twice) for a promotion at work. This makes 3 tries.  I was passed over again with really bogus excuses. I won’t say what I think of the hires but suffice it to say they are much younger than I. Neither hire has hit 40 yet and I clock in at 71.  I’ll let you draw your own conclusions. 

To add insult to injury not only was I passed over for the promotions but I was told that I won’t get any more raises unless I change positions since I’m “capped out” where I am. That creates an issue for me. How do I change position if you won’t give me the jobs I apply for? It also occurred to me that this was the first and only time in my long work history that I haven’t gotten  a position  I applied for easily. As for the job I’m in, I’ve won every award they have for my position.  I was depressed and angry. Since I make it a policy not to bad mouth my employer I wasn’t in much of a mood to write anything. 


February 2022 – April 2022

In February I came down with a cold. I coughed and sneezed and wanted to sleep all the time. I was so wiped out I took a week off from work as vacation where the cats and I just snuggled and slept. When I finally got in to see the doctor she thought I had Covid. I had to argue. After all I was vaccinated and boosted. I was still having my groceries delivered and only went out when I absolutely had to. And then I had a mask. 



My doctor’s answer was you didn’t end up in the hospital so your vaccines did what they are supposed to.  But after that happy statement she went on to tell me she thought I had “Long Covid” and that it could be a year or more until I was symptom free. She is just full of good news. If I’m short  of breath walking across my living room at sea level, what will happen when I’m at 9600 ft in Colorado?


As if to add insult to injury I developed an abscess under a bridge. The dentist gave me an antibiotic. The pill was big enough to choke a horse but it’s a good thing she did because the root canal specialist can’t see me until May. Without that horse pill I’d have been in a lot of pain!

May 2022

During this hiatus from writing I did attempt to accomplish some things. Because I didn’t feel well the bathroom was a real point of pain. I never liked the wall paper. Not only was it ugly but it wasn’t even put up properly. The cats had started trying to pull it off the walls. So I decided it was time to bite the bullet and update/redecorate the bathroom. But that’s a story for another day! Stay tuned!






Dreaming about Retirement

Dreaming about Retirement can Make it Real

So I’ve always been told that when you write down your dreams it gives them substance. It makes them real and possible. I’m a lot like the  Grasshopper in Aesop’s Fables.  I’ve worked hard but I played hard too. I haven’t planned ahead. I always figured there’d be more time. I’ve had a lot of fun but now when I think about retirement I don’t think I’m ready. So I’ve been dreaming and putting together a 5 year plan in my head. It’s time to put it in writing.  Make it real!

The 5 Year Plan

The first thing I need to do is develop a source of income. It doesn’t need to be a lot, just a bit to supplement  my social security so I don’t have to raid my savings account. And I do plan to keep on traveling. I’m thinking a e-commerce site maybe using my photos as a base. The downside is that everyone is a photographer these days with cell phones and all so I need a twist.  I’m looking into cards, puzzles as well as photos. I like the puzzles but to make them affordable I will need to make them, not farm them out and for that I need a work space. Which brings me to where I would live.

Location Location Location

I currently live in a condo. It’s convenient but small. If I want to have room to work I will need more space. Plus I have arthritis in my knees so getting up and down the stairs on laundry day is getting hard.  So in a couple of years I’ll update the condo, fresh paint, new rugs etc and put it on the market. Hopefully I will make enough from the sale to purchase another place. I don’t really care what state I’m in as long as it’s affordable. I’d like to stay in New England but property values may make that impossible. This little project will have to evolve as time goes on.  I see a cottage/cabin/ranch- one level. A small home with one bedroom and a work space. There needs to be a washer/dryer hookup and I’d like a fireplace.

Maybe a log cabin? Or a Manufactured home? 


Simple needs. I would want high speed, reliable internet, cell phone service and some type of TV. Sounds simple but I might end up very rural to make it affordable and those perks may not be as easy to come by. 

So anyone who has been through this, I’d love to hear from you. I’d really like suggestions for a side income. I think that’s the #1 priority. What do you think?


Working From Home

So You Want a Work From Home Job?

I bet you thought a work from home job would be great. I bet you’ve even searched job sites to see what might be out there. No more long commute. No more getting dressed up.  In most cases it was customer service phone work or stuffing envelopes but now a pandemic has hit and whether you want to work from home or not, here you are. Is working from home as great as you thought it would be?



Not What You Expected

So your office is closed and you’re at home. You still have your tasks and skills but you also have your dog and cat and your 2.5 kids underfoot. Yes your children are home from school and not just in the afternoon. Schools are closed so they are home with you all day, everyday. Maybe you have a spouse that is willing to help out. But maybe your spouse is “essential personnel” so he/she is still getting out of the house for work and that leaves you all alone with your dog and cat and 2.5 kids. How’s that working for you?

What is your Coping Strategy?

In my state the liquor stores are still open. They are considered essential services. I guess someone in power knew the realities of working from home with children would push sane adults to the limit. It’s hard enough to entertain energetic young ones without trying to juggle your own work. Are you a one or two fisted drinker? 

I Used to Work from Home

 I didn’t have kids but I had a cat.  Every time we started a video meeting my cat had to climb onto my desk top and peer into my computer camera. Now instead of seeing cats and occasionally dogs interrupt meetings it’s children. Somehow children just don’t interrupt quite so quietly. 

I Feel Your Pain

So my parenting co-workers I don’t envy you at all. You finally have the chance to work from home but not in a peaceful, quiet, atmosphere. Your kids are the ones living the dream. No school! But just think of all the wonderful stories you’ll be able to tell your grandchildren! You may not have had to walk to school in a blizzard, up hill, both ways but you survived working from home with children and pets.