When someone is not a “cat” person it’s hard to make them believe that cats have facial expressions and experience emotions. To avoid “sibling rivalry” or jealousy I try to give each of my cats plenty of attention. Now that I work from home you’d think that would be easy. (Not!) I almost think it’s worse.
Let me give you an example. It was a peaceful morning. I was cleaning out my email inbox and the cats all seemed to be snoozing in various places. I got up to get a cup of tea and spotted Buddy on the big green cat tree. Usually he sleeps on my bed in the morning. I paused on my way into the kitchen to give him a pat and tell him it was nice to see him in the living room with the rest of us.
At that point I got the feeling of being watched. Yup, Rocky who had been snoozing under the heat lamp was glaring at me. If looks could kill I’d have been cat food.
I left Buddy and went over to offer a pat to Rocky who eagerly accepted my attention but that aroused Smokey who was sleeping on the cat tree above Rocky. His little paw snaked out to tap me on the shoulder. Ok, a few minutes of attention there…no harm, no foul.
I returned to the kitchen and picked up my tea. Back at the computer I had company. Rocky wasn’t done with his demands for attention. (What had I started?)
More petting and cuddling and Rocky hopped down. I thought he was satisfied and was going back to his sunlamp to sleep but I was wrong. He started circling the base of the big cat tree where Buddy was relaxing. He was fixated on Buddy. I knew any second now he was going to start the assault right up the side of the tree.
Time to intervene. More Petting all around. My quick run to the kitchen had disrupted my routine for 45 minutes and Rocky was still going. He’s annoyed and jealous and letting me know it. Every time I turn my back he gets into something. That’s his way of demanding attention.I guess I’ll just have to wait him out like a child having a tantrum.
So tell me again how cats don’t have emotions???
Hurray It’s Approved! My boss approved my vacation time so it’s official, I can really count on heading to Tennessee in May.
So far I ‘ve got a at least 1 day in Dollywood with a ride on the Dollywood Express, a day exploring the trolley routes of downtown Gatlinburg and a day sampling moonshine and whiskey.
Along with the liquid treats my cousin recommended an restaurant called The Greenbrier Restaurant . It’s billed as a romantic, fine dining establishment.
Well since I’ll be alone we can skip the romance but I like the fine dining description and I loved the menu. Two of my very favorite things are on it. I could make a meal of just the appetizers, My favorite: Escargot Ala Bourguignon French selects served in mushroom caps and simmering garlic butter. I’ve never had them served in mushroom caps but I like mushrooms so should be yummy.
The main course is bound to be just as good : Lobster Tail
One Tail or Two ? Steamed and served with lemon wedges and drawn butter.
Who would think that someone from Massachusetts would always be on the lookout for lobster tails when I’m surrounded by Maine lobster all the time. Well, they are not the same and (I’ll probably have to hide out after this comment) I like the tails better than Maine Lobster. There I said it. My New England Yankee card will probably be revoked. I don’t dislike Maine Lobster I just prefer the Langoustines , those big , juicy tails usually served on the shell. They are a different animal and more common in the south. When I was growing up in upstate New York the frozen variety was more common than the live Maine lobsters. I imagine that’s changed now. Every high end restaurant seems to have a lobster tank.
Now I’m hungry and it isn’t even noon yet!
Anyway the same cousin that tipped me to the restaurant also gave me a link to a train ride out of Chattanooga. Known as the Hiwassee River rail Adventure it sounds perfect. The ride is described as the historic Hiwassee River Rail Adventure scenic rail excursion through the unspoiled Cherokee National Forest, along beautiful and scenic Hiwassee River, and through the secluded Hiwassee River Gorge. It leaves from Etowah. My only decision is do I do the short or long version?
I think I’m leaning toward the all day trip but I’m open to suggestions too.
Photo of the Week ~ 9
The week 9 tallies are in. The Photo of the Week with the most hits, likes, shares and/or comments is Blue Skies and Turrets with a total of 25 points.
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Complaining Again
I feel like I’m stuck in an existential novel or something…just waiting, waiting, waiting …in this case for spring or warm weather or sun.
Sorry I’m just frustrated. Here we are in March. Spring is less than 3 weeks away and it’s still cold. I mean really cold. March is never “balmy” but we should have left the 20 degree weather behind by now, especially when there’s the wind chill factor involved. There’s more sun but we’re still getting a lot of overcast days too.
You run out to the store dressed like Nanook of the North, hats, scarves, mittens heavy coat and question your sanity but when you get there you see you are not alone. Everyone else is bundled up too.
What’s really getting to me is that I’m burning out my creativity. I started the 365 day project to kind of give my photos a boost but I’m not much of an indoor photographer. I like to be outside for pictures and all of the cold days have kept me trapped inside. I’m running out of inspiration. I don’t know if I would have tackled the project if I’d realized I was going to be either stuck inside or freezing outside.
Spring can’t be much farther away, can it?