Reading, Writing and Real Estate?

They say no news is good news but it makes for boring writing.

That’s kind of where I am at the moment. I did hear back from the magazine publisher. I must admit they were very kind and encouraging. They told me they had decided to go with someone with “proven credentials”. They went on to suggest that I submit ideas and articles as a “Freelancer”. Once I’ve been published a few times doors will open for me or so they say.

So onto the next and that one is a clerical-type work from home position for a real estate firm. The job I applied for required a salesperson license, which I do not have, so I coughed up the $400.00 for the course fee and have been throwing myself into it with single-mindedness.  I need to complete the 40 hour course which is being doled out in 4 hour increments to get a certificate that will let me take the state exam. That’s another $100. Then if I pass he exam  there will be another fee for the license.

The firm decided to speak to me about another position that would not require the license to start but if I get that job I would still need to get the license eventually so I might as well bite the bullet and do it. Having the license will open up additional opportunities. I actually got in the door for a face- to – face interview for that position. The manager promised I’d hear by May 10. Fingers crossed but at the same time I kind of believe that if it’s meant to be it will be.

Unemployment found a position for me. The only one they had was for a bilingual dispatcher. The only problem is that I am not bilingual. English  is my only language and sometimes I wonder about that! 🙂

The weather has been sunny and warm and the air is filled with pollen. Even with allergy pills I’m sneezing, coughing and dealing with itchy, runny eyes. Ah how we suffer for the beauty of flowers!

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The 3 cats are doing better together. Smokey still tends to “Mix things up” with Buddy which is stupid on his part.

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Buddy is probably 10 years younger and 2 lbs. heavier, which is a lot for a cat, plus Buddy has claws and Smokey does not. (I did not de-claw Smokey, he was that way when I got him). I think you can see that this isn’t going to end well for Smokey so I have been intervening. Rocky holds his own. I think in his case it’s just rough play.

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Other than that I’ve done nothing but fret over my weight (but done nothing), read novels, and try to figure out where to go for new material for photos and this little corner. Judging from my lack of posts this week I think you know how that’s been going.

Counting down to the Alaska cruise.

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I don’t know how the WIFI connection will be on the ship and I don’t plan to pay an arm and a leg for it so my posts  may be spotty then  too. But I’m sure the Alaska posts and photos will be worth waiting for.

Well, now you’re up to date with my life. I hadn’t forgotten you. Aroundustyroads is always on my mind. Thanks for hanging in! 🙂

Real Estate, Interviews and Alaska…Busy , Busy

Sorry I missed posting yesterday. I had an interview right in the middle of the day. I just couldn’t get myself settled enough to write and I didn’t want to jinx myself by talking about the interview before it was over.

The other excuse is that I need to buckle down again to finish the real estate licensing class. That’s four hours a day for 10 days not counting the additional studying. I’ve completed 8 hours and I’m working on the 3rd block of 4 hours. It would be nice if I could finish and get the test done before we leave for Alaska but it will be cutting it close.

I ‘m also staring at my home office that needs a major renovation and I haven’t taken even a baby step toward getting that done…ugh. I am feeling overwhelmed and I’m not even working. So much to do so little time.

Now you have my excuses so please bear with me over the next few weeks. I may be a bit “spotty” on my posts until we get back from Alaska but I know I’ll have tons to share from that.


Oh and speaking of Alaska I picked up our cruise documents and plane tickets. Other than confirming the dates were correct and that I had vouchers for everything I didn’t look at them too closely. Then I got an email from Princess Lines referring to changes. Again I glanced but didn’t look too closely. I had too many other things going on but my sister looked. She emailed me that we had a balcony room!


Well that got me moving and I looked it up. Sure enough. We were upgraded from an ocean view on the Baja deck to a Balcony on the Aloha deck. How cool is that!

I’m getting excited. Hard to believe it’s almost here!

A is for…

I was thinking about the upcoming Alaska trip and it hit me that after Alaska I will still have 2 more states that start with A to visit.
Two visits to Arizona gave me memories of the Grand Canyon, Montezuma’s Castle, Meteor Crater to name just a few of the sights.

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On my second trip I even got to share some of those experiences with my sister.

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There’s still so much more to see there as well.

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Slot Canyons and Monument Valley to the north and Saguaro National Park and Tombstone to the south and much more. I could plan return tips every year and not see it all.


Coming up in just a couple of weeks is another “trip of a lifetime” but this one is to Alaska. From Vancouver to Anchorage by sea and the interior for a stay in Denali. We have a full schedule but once again we’ll only be scratching the surface. I’d love to see the bears of Katmai especially during the salmon run and  the aurora borealis.



Museums, battlefields, botanical gardens and nature trails. I’m sure there’s more. Usually when I start looking at a state more and more places of interest crop up. When we went to South Dakota the most common question I got was “What’s in South Dakota?”. Way more than you’d think but I’ll save that discussion for “S”.


And the 4th state starting with A is Arkansas. The thing that comes to mind first is The Clinton Library. National Geographic lists a drive through the Ozarks as one of the “Drives of a Lifetime” . Blanchard Springs Caverns  are ranked among the most beautiful underground discoveries of the 20th  century. National Parks, a diamond mine, civil war battlefields, even a restore antebellum town to explore, seems like Arkansas has  a lot to offer when its turn come up.

So tell me, have you been to an “A” state? Do you live in one? What can you share about any of the “A’s”?

Some Things Just Need to get Done

Yesterday was a beautiful day but instead of “going fishing” I ended up throwing open the window and sliding door to the deck to air out the condo. I started my spring cleaning. Seems like things really got out of hand this winter.

My condo is little, only 1 bedroom and with 3 cats it can seem pretty crowded. Since I moved in 6 years ago I’ve been trying to adapt the deck so that the cats could use it too. The problem is that the deck runs along the back of building from one end to the other. About 5 condos have sliders that open onto this deck and in the middle are the stairs to the 3rd floor and the fire escape to the ground.

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I can’t just close off my section because the condos on the end from me need to be able to get to the fire escape by crossing my deck area and the condo by-laws prohibit anything from being attached to the exterior. That includes screens and TV dishes or antennas.

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One of my favorite TV shows is “My Cat From Hell”. First of all the cats on this show are really out of control but the owners usually aren’t anything great either, still I do pick up some tips now and then  and “Catios” are big suggestions. Based on some of the things I’ve seen on the show I’ve gotten some ideas.

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I’m thinking of screened sections that could be folded up and moved out of the way when the deck is not being used. I could also go low and use the lattice fencing with an lightweight screen attached at a 45 degree angle. I  think that might be more trouble than the screen scections. But one thing is for sure if I don’t want a run-in with the condo association…it has to be attractive!


The problem is I’m not sure I am up to the task of making this enclosure. I’m hoping that I am back to work quickly with a regular paycheck again and that maybe I can get a handyman/ carpenter to create this enclosure.

I did look into some of the “training area” fences and they are geared more to dogs and too low. I also looked into cat fences and they need to be attached to the deck and they were kind of ugly as well as expensive.

Anyone else have any ideas? Has anyone else created a “catio”?