
We will never forget!

There are many memorials to those we’ve lost in war or tragedy. From the ruins of Pompei to Pearl Harbor to the Oklahoma City Memorial. Each and every one as well as the Vietnam Wall and all the others move me. But the one that strikes me with the most horror and vivid memories is Nine Eleven.

It’s the one event that I had a front row seat for. It is burned into my memory and my emotions as if it had just happened.

I remember getting up that morning and turning on the television for the news. There was video of smoke pouring from the Twin Towers. As I watched fascinated the first tower crumpled. I thought it was a trailer for a movie, it couldn’t be real. Things like that don’t happen here. But then the horror hit me. It was real and it was happening right before my eyes.

I was stunned…numb. I stood in my robe with my eyes glued to the TV screen. I couldn’t think. I could barely breathe.

Most of the rest of the day was a blur of emotions. But the image of those planes and the blue sky and the smoke will be with me forever. It’s the day America lost its innocence and I don’t think life has ever been the same again. It was the day civilians became the victims of a terrorist war. It was the day my generation learned the hard lesson that other generations had learned before.

The Older generation knew from  Pearl Harbor that evil and danger can invade but that was wartime and it was before “my” time. This was real, this was close, and this was a different kind of atrocity.

September 11th marks the death of innocence, New York, Pennsylvania, the Pentagon.

September 11th immortalized acts of heroism in the face of terror.

I will always remember September 11th.

WE will always remember!

Taking Responsibility

I saw a great quote while I was on Facebook the other day.. I reposted it as my status and I’d like to address is a bit more here.

“I’ve arrived at this outermost edge of my life by my own actions. Where I am is thoroughly unacceptable. Therefore, I must stop doing what I’ve been doing.”
Alice Koller

What caught my eye about this quote is that I need to accept responsibility for where I am in my life and if I want something different then I am going to have to change or make changes. That’s something I am slow or even resistant to doing.

I may not be happy with everything in my life but I am content and as secure as I can be in these uncertain times. But some changes need to be made as retirement is looming on the horizon and I am not ready financially. Don’t get me wrong, I am more than ready mentally! 🙂

So I am stuck “working for the man” in a less than satisfying position just to pay the bills.  Granted there are many  people less fortunate than I am who would give anything for my position and  I am not unaware of this. So I need to get myself motivated to develop other skills that will open doors to another alternative.

Health: Oh I have been so lazy! I have let myself go. As I have gotten older I have exercised  less and eaten more. The result a very rotund body accompanied by joint aches and pains and other weight related illnesses. This is definitely within my power to correct. I can get myself off the couch!

There are a lot of benefits to getting in shape. I can get back to activities that I’ve put on the back burner…scuba diving, kayaking & canoeing, and hiking to name just a few. I do a little hiking and I use the term hiking loosely. It’s more like casual walking. The flume gorge hike was a good example of how out of  shape I’ve gotten.

So the bottom line is that I need to address my current skill level and get myself to the gym. Since I’ve put it out to the public like this I guess I’ll have to live up to my goals now.

Just think, with a nice slim figure that’s not just thinner but stronger too, I’ll be able to have all that many more adventures to share with everyone here.

That was then:

This is Now:

Where will I be in 6 months?


Day 2 of the Great Kitty Collection

Well It’s day 2 of the so far fruitless pursuit of a urine sample from Smokey. 

 I’ve decided that I am not going to bother separating the cats. Yesterday was too stressful on all 3 of us. Rocky still isn’t eating which is not good for cats. When I got up (earlier than normal) I checked the cat litter hoping to get to it before Smokey let loose a flood but no luck. The Litter with special pellets is now sitting in the middle of the living room so I can keep an eye on it. I have to make sure Rocky doesn’t use it.

Of course Rocky is the cat who is showing interest not Smokey. He keeps going over and sniffing it. I keep calling him away. Of course that’s the way it’s going to be. If we aren’t successful today I won’t get to try again until next week because of my work schedule. It might be easier on all of us if I just take Smokey to the vet after all.

How Do you collect Bodily Fluid from a Cat?

As you know if you have been following this blog recently, I have a sick cat. Actually I have 2 cats and one of them was having excessive bathroom issues. Hmmm. The problem was that neither I nor my pet sitter had been able to catch the culprit in the act so I didn’t know which one.

Don’t get me wrong. The culprit was very clean. He wasn’t missing the litter box or anything like that. It was just there was so much volume that there were not puddles but lakes in the box when I’d go to “scoop” it.  That kind of thing can be a sign of kidney disease, diabetes or thyroid just to name a few. All are very common in senior cats.

Smokey is 13 (as best we can figure out) and Rocky is 10. That meant that they were both considered seniors and were both candidates.

$400+ later and a couple of stressful visits to the vet for blood tests and the results were in. Rocky was fine but Smokey had elevated levels. Don’t ask me which levels. I couldn’t spell them even if I knew what they were. But I do appreicate the vet telling me and not “dumbing down” the results. The next step is to collect a urine sample for more testing.

I’m sure most if not all my readers have had to “pee in a cup” for their doctor at one time or another. Sometimes it isn’t easy to “go” on demand but at least we can understand why we have to do it. How do you explain to a cat that you need him to “pee in a cup”?

My vet had 2 options. One was to bring him in and they would keep him in a cage until he decided to “go”. They said sometimes it can take up to 3 days because the cat will “hold” it  in since he is in a strange environment.

Option 2 was for me to take a little kit home and collect it myself. (Fun).

First problem..I have 2 cats in a 1 bedroom condo. Isolating one is not easy. The current set up is that the “Kitty commodes” are in the closet next to the human bathroom as the human bathroom is so tiny there’s no room for litter boxes in there. If I close the bedroom door then one cat will not be able to get to their bathroom.

 So I made a trip to Walmart for a Mini-kitty pan ($1.98) and put the pellets from the kit in that. I then got water and cat food and put all of that in my tiny bathroom. I next caught my poor, trusting kitty and dumped him there too and closed the door. Starting his solitary confinement.

Special "Kitty Pellets"

About 2 hours later I need to use the facilities so I figured it would be a good chance to check on Smokey. He was on strike. He hadn’t touched his food , water or his “special” litter and the bathroom was getting pretty stuffy and warm. Time for an alternative.

I pulled out the “Kitty walk” tunnel and moved the food and water to one end and put the kitty litter in the other end. Smokey was in the middle. I located this by the open slider in the living room. Now Smokey could see outside and Rocky and I would be there with him. No isolation this way.

Within the first 1/2 hour Smokey had flipped both his water dish and the kitty litter box and was hunkered down for a good sulk. I refilled the water and scraped up the little pellets and put them back in the litter box but did not give up. Smokey stayed in the enclosure. He just gave me evil kitty looks.

Ok two hours later the water and litter are both upside down again and Smokey is huddled in a lump in the middle of the Kitty walk. I don’t think this is going to work.

The last idea I can come up with is to drag one of the litter boxes into the living room for Rocky. Close the closet door so Smokey can’t get in to use one of the other boxes. I emptied  Smokey’s favorite box and pulled that out and set the “mini” box inside it. I gave him fresh food and water and showed him the box. He is now confined in my bedroom. He has a window, my bed, a chair, cat toys, food and water and the Special litter box. Rocky is on the other side in the living room.

I didn’t count on Smokey having an accomplice to escape captivity. Rocky can open anything. All of my cupboards have child safety locks to keep him out. The tri-fold doors all have stools or something in front of them because he can open those too. Anyway, within 10 minutes I see 2 fuzzy bodies come racing around the end of the couch and the bedroom door is open. It was the Great Kitty Escape!

I caught Smokey and returned him to the bedroom. I then closed the bedroom door and stuffed a dust cloth in the door so it would stick. Hopefully “Houdini” cat won’t be able to open that.

Success…sort of. Rocky started to work on the door right away. When he couldn’t get it open he turned into a maniac cat. He raced around the living room yowling. I guess that was his way of venting his frustration. Right now he is standing on top of his cat tree with his tail whipping back and forth in aggravation.

one very aggravated cat

I have seldom seen the Rockster so upset.

Well he’ll just need to “get over it”. I can only hope that Smokey will finally get the message and “pee in the cup.”

This and That

Oh no! Labor Day has come and gone and I missed it! I was working! Maybe that’s why they call it Labor Day. Believe it or not the first big Labor Day in the US was celebrated September 5, 1882. Oregon was the first state to make it a holiday 5 years later in 1887. It became Federal Holiday in 1994 and by then 30 states were celebrating the day.

Although Labor Day was meant to support and celebrate the Labor movement it is more likely to be thought of as the symbolic end of the summer with cookouts and parties. It is also the date when fashionable women stop wearing white.

Speaking of fashionable women, my friend Diane is going to try her hand at blogging. Was it really just about a year ago that I took the plunge? I love her concept of a Saturday Morning Coffee Klatch. I hope you’ll check out her site and encourage her along.


I had to stop at Walmart last night on my way home. As I entered the store I followed a young man who was wearing the baggiest pants I have ever seen. They were below his “butt”! I kept waiting for them to fall right down around his ankles and leave him standing there in his boxers. They had a blue print by the way. He certainly wasn’t leaving anything to the imagination. I may be an old fogey because I was offended. It made me angry that his parents/family would let him out of the house like that so I was thrilled to hear that Florida has outlawed Baggy Pants on Campus, including high schools. Belts are even being issued to hold the pants up!

And my last observation for this post is the Postal Service. I just heard that they will be bankrupt in 30 days. They apparently have some loans and are about to default on them unless Congress bails them out. The news spot went on to say that the Post Office is prepared to eliminate Saturday Service, close a whole bunch of offices and reduce their workforce by 1/3. The postal workers have a union and their union contract includes a “no lay off clause”.  I can see where this is going to go. Are you ready for a postal worker’s strike?

That almost makes me want to comment on the Verizon situation but I said the Postal Service headline would be my last observation for this post so before I get myself in trouble I think I will close this out. 🙂

Bye Bye Summer