Fifteen Years Later

It’s been 15 years since the planes hit the World Trade Center, 15 years since the plane slammed into the Pentagon, 15 years since flight 93 crashed into a field in Pennsylvania.

Are we any safer today that on 9/11? That is a question for another day. Today we remember.

I still remember the images as if I am just seeing them. I remember the feelings. It was surreal. It can’t be happening. This is America, my home. Wars don’t come to our shores and yet there was the black smoke billowing from the tower, there was the plane, seeming to be in slow motion, crashing into the 2nd tower.  For me it is like yesterday. I will never forget.

So it came as another shock to realize that there are children that have no memory of the events that day. Children that were born after that tragic event. Of course when I stop and think about it logically, there will be young people that read about 911 as history like I studied Pearl Harbor.

And as we remember Pearl Harbor we must remember 911. Never Forget!



A Little Behind

Yes I missed Labor Day, the unofficial start of fall. Of course we’re in the middle of a heat wave in Boston so why worry about the end of summer!


9/11. Yes, I missed posting my thoughts on this terrible anniversary but many others posted my feelings and far more eloquently than I could. It was a work day for me just as it was 14 years ago but now the world and my life doesn’t come to a stop like it did that day. That’s not to say I forgot that terrible tragedy or that I didn’t take more than a few moments to remember. That just means that my thoughts and feelings were mine to hold close and remember quietly. There was no time to write a post here but there was time for quiet contemplation and remembrance.



A week in Review

Strange things are happening in the world today.

Of course nothing is stranger or sadder than the government shutdown. I saw a FB post the other day saying they all should be fired. That is an understatement but I doubt enough “outraged citizens” will remember when it comes time to vote. Anyway, I said my piece  about that so I’m not going to waste any more space on it here.


Did you hear about the groom that left his bride at a gas station? Yeah, it happened in Germany. Gotta watch out for those German men. (Just a joke as I have a good dose of German in me)

BERLIN (AP) — A German couple’s marriage got off to a rocky start when the groom forgot his bride at a highway gas station on the way home from their honeymoon, only noticing she was missing after hours had passed.

missing bride

Police said Friday the couple was heading home to Berlin from France when the man pulled over near the central town of Bad Hersfeld late Thursday to fill up their van.

The woman had been sleeping in the back but got up — unbeknownst to the man — to use the toilets and he drove off before she returned.


Only after 2 ½ hours on the road did he notice she was gone and called police, who said she was patiently waiting.

Associated Press


Ok so how ’bout the man who’s alive but declared dead?


Seems an Ohio man who was declared dead by the courts after he disappeared in 1994 can’t now be declared alive just because he showed up in court breathing and talking. He only had 3 years to let the government know he wasn’t really dead. Just in time for Halloween!

Hancock County Probate Court Judge Allan Davis called it a “strange, strange situation.”

“We’ve got the obvious here. A man sitting in the courtroom, he appears to be in good health,” said Davis but Davis also said the three-year limit was clear.

“I don’t know where that leaves you, but you’re still deceased as far as the law is concerned,” the judge said.

Maybe he’s one of the “Undead”


And all I can say is at least she’s off the road!


A Montana woman called 911 for assistance. When asked the reason for her emergency she said she couldn’t get out of her car. The dispatcher asked her if the reason  was medical or mechanical. The woman replied…”Because I’m too drunk!” Prosecutors say her blood-alcohol level was 0.311 percent!

I hope she’s  sleeping it off behind bars keeping the roads safe for the rest of us.

And that’s the week in review! 🙂