2014 a Year in Review

I’m not going to talk about missing airplanes, radical insurgents or riots that are a throw-back to the 60’s. Nope this is just going to be a nice easy summary of my year. Simple and mundane.

The theme for my 2014 should have been “Be Careful What you Wish For”. I spent almost half the year being bored and restless. Then around April several co-workers and friends started wooing me to a new position. I admit I was resistant. I had my eye on a non-existent position on the “buy” side. I was being teased and pushed toward the “listing” side of the business, sometimes referred to as the “dark side” by the “buy side” folks.

dark side

Taking a shaking breathe and questioning my sanity I accepted the new challenge on May 18.

I’d just come back from my vacation in Tennessee and my mind was clear and relaxed. Good thing too because I found myself thrown in at the deep end of the pool. It was time to Swim like mad or sink. I am happy to say that I did not sink, maybe floundered a few times but eventually I helped my team close over 50 deals between May 18 and December 31! Several were over $1,000,000.00!


I expect to do even more in 2015 because I’ll have the whole year and we have added another team member.

I like the fast pace and the bonuses I can earn. I love feeling like a part of a team rather than being spread over many agents and areas.  Here’s to a rocking 2015.

Because of the activity in the job that pays the bills, my blog and my photography definitely took a back seat last year. My “photo a day” goal died a rapid death once I was thrown into my new job and regular blog posts followed closely behind.   I don’t like to write about work. It either sounds like complaining or bragging and there’s always a chance of giving away something that I shouldn’t so with long hours during the busy season my topics really were limited. I don’t see that changing this year either but I’ll do the best I can. Better to post less often and be interesting than just to post drivel in order to have a post…at least that’s my feeling.


I am finally feeling better. 2014 was a really rough year for health issues.


I’m not 100% but certainly much , much better than I was for most of 2014. Maybe I’ll be able to make a dent on the 2014 goal of losing some weight. Start small. Lets see if I can lose 25 lbs and then go from there.

And that about sums it up. I hope you reach all of your goals for 2015!


2013 in review

The WordPress.com stats helper monkeys prepared a 2013 annual report for this blog.

Here’s an excerpt:

The concert hall at the Sydney Opera House holds 2,700 people. This blog was viewed about 42,000 times in 2013. If it were a concert at Sydney Opera House, it would take about 16 sold-out performances for that many people to see it.

Click here to see the complete report.

A Year in Review

2013…a clean slate. But how did 2012 measure up?

Blogging: If the amount of spam is a measure of success then I’ve made it into the bigtime. My blog has been a victim of an amazing amount of spam. I just seemed to get it under control and then WordPress changed something in their format. Not only is creating an entry much harder and more time-consuming now but the spam has started all over again. It’s very discouraging.

The other way I measure the success of the blog is with stats. 2011 was the first year I used WordPress and in that year I was “Freshly Pressed ” twice. In 2012 not at all.

In 2011 15,802 folks visited my blog but in 2012 it dropped to 14,019. That may have been because I reduced my blogging schedule but I don’t know. I hope I haven’t become “boring”.

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Photo/ Card business: This was the first year of Dusty Roads Photos actually being in business. It’s been slow, slow , slow. I’m not sure if it’s because of marketing (or lack of), the sluggish economy or my skill level. In today’s world everybody has a digital camera and everybody (it seems) wants to be a professional photographer. I’m still trying to find my way.
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My accomplishments were that I have expanded the number of cards available, tried the imprinted cards, picked up some portrait work and had some photos accepted as “stock”.The Cape Cod Crafters Kiosk has been a disappointment so far but I am committed to trying it for a year. It is advertising if nothing else.

Travel: 2012 was a busy year for travel. I went to Orlando in January, Maine twice, and New York for the Adirondack Balloon Festival in the Fall.
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It felt like I spent a lot of time on the road.
2013 looks like it will also be a busy travel year with 2 cruises and possibly one additional trip. More on that in later posts.

Health and Fitness: Well I didn’t do so well in this area. That weight just loves to sneak back on when you aren’t looking. Especially when you love to cook and like to eat what you cook!
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With the holidays behind me (again) I’ll give it another try. Never give up.

Friends and Family: Some family members and some friends had some health scares and issues in 2011 but so far it looks like everyone came through ok. Here I need to include my furry family. Smokey is doing well. Followers will remember that he was diagnosed with early renal dysfunction but he seems to be in remission. Rocky, our furry editor in chief , is on a break from the blog due to stress. I’m not sure what set him off but he began over grooming, usually a cats’ attempt to comfort themselves. This started last summer. After ruling out fleas and other pests I added soothing pheromones in other words “kitty aromotherapy”. Although he seems calmer it will take 2 – 3 more months to see if he lets his hair grow back. Fingers crossed.

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Well I’d say that about sums up 2012. Life is an adventure so let the adventure continue in 2013 with places to go and people to see and things to do.