I don’t mean to be going on and on about Maui but it was the last trip I took and I will be going back again in February so it’s on my mind.

In fact it is so much on my mind that it is distracting me from some other things that I should be focusing on.

Like the sleigh ride photos, wolves, a winter harbor cruise. I’ll update you on all that stuff once my mind is back here on the mainland.
Besides, I have all these neat pictures to share.


 So today I thought I’s make a FAQ list and see if I can share some of the basic of Maui with you.

 What is the time difference from the continental US?

Hawaii has its own time zone, Hawaii Standard time. This is 5 hours behind EST and 2 hours behind Pacific Standard time. Hawaii does not observe Daylight Savings Time so add one extra hour to the time difference between March and November. (Quick tip…if you use your phone  in place of a watch it should automatically update. If it doesn’t turn it off and back on and that should get it to Island Time.)


Where is the main airport on Maui?

The main airport is Kahului Airport (OGG). There are smaller commuter airports in Kapalua (West Maui and Hana (East Maui). It’s about a 45 minute drive from Kahului Airport to Lahaina.


Do I need a car to get around on Maui?

Maui dose have public transportation, shuttles, tour buses and taxis but I found that to have the most freedom to explore a car really came  in handy.  There are car rentals at both the Kahului and Kapalua airports.


Do I need my passport to get to Maui?

Hawaii is the 50th state so no, you don’t need a passport as long as you are traveling from the US. If you are coming from another country then you will need one. With all the security restrictions these days, I use my passport anyway for my ID. Something to think about.

passport 002 copy

When can I see whales?

Whale watching season begins in December and runs to May. The whales begin arriving in late October and November but things don’t really get “hopping” until December when the ocean starts to get a large number of humpbacks.

Whales 066a copy

Well I think that sums up the most frequently asked questions for now. If I think of more, I’ll let you know. Feel free to jump in with your own questions. If I can’t answer  them now I’ll be sure to get answers when I visit Maui in February.



Airports can be fun

I was just thinking how much air travel has changed in the last 30+ years. Yes that’s how long I’ve been flying the friendly skies. But I didn’t always travel for fun so I don’t think of those business trips as “travel”. “Travel” to me is a vacation, an exploration of my choosing.

But anyway, “back in the day”  they didn’t have security, x-ray machines, body scans and pat-downs. Oh occasionally there was a hijacking but it was to get to Cuba or some such thing. Because gates weren’t locked away the duty-free shops and restaurants were all along the concourse.

Since we didn’t have to take our shoes off and belts were ok, travelers dressed up. Flying was a “Big Deal”. I know I always felt very important. Jet ways were rare if at all. Most of the time you crossed the tarmac and climbed the stairs. The planes were small but they weren’t crowded. I seldom had to share a row with anyone unlike today where we sit on top of each other.

But in spite of the  modern inconveniences of air travel there are some nice trade offs.


The airports are much fancier. Some have the moving sidewalks like flat escalators. Many have shuttles to take you from concourse to concourse . Good thing because the airports are so big now that we’d never make our connections if we had to walk and carry luggage too.

The restaurants have definitely improved and since they are often beyond security they are closer together. Lots more choices in less space.

We dress simpler so we can get through the security scanners without setting alarms off and slip on shoes like loafers or boat shoes are much more comfortable than even sneakers.

Yes, air travel has changed, some good , some bad but I like it more now because most of the time it’s taking me to someplace new and exciting, or so I hope. 🙂

(PS. I had more pictures to share but they were all taken with my camera phone and for some reason, the transfer keeps failing. I’ve been trying for 2 days to get them from my phone to the computer so I’m just settling for the one that went right through. That was in Chicago O’Hare )