Fly the Friendly Skies with ?

Fly the Friendly Skies

Fly the Friendly Skies is the slogan for United Airlines. Southwest makes it fun. They have a multitude of slogans “Love Is Still Our Field”, “Just Plane Smart”, “The Somebody Else Up There Who Loves You”, “You’re Now Free To Move About The Country”, “THE Low Fare Airline,”“Grab your bag, It’s On!” and “Welcome Aboard.” The airline’s current slogan is “Low fares.Nothing to hide.”. Delta has requested trademark stats for The World’s Most Trusted Airline.” And what about American? I found 4 possible slogans for American Airlines

So do any of them live up to their slogan?

Who do you Fly with?

I fly Delta quite often. I used to fly Southwest but I got tired of their free for all boarding policy. Granted I think they are a good value but as I’ve gotten older comfort and convenience has trumped low fares, especially when the fare difference isn’t that much. It’s been awhile since I’ve flown United too but for no reason other than they either didn’t fly where I wanted to go or there were better schedules with other airlines. I haven’t had a problem.  I’m flying American Airlines to Hawaii when I take my next trip. So far they have been helpful and accommodating. I’ve had some issues with American in the past so I have my fingers crossed. Delta seems to be my airline of choice even though that’s the only airline I’ve ever seen a flight attendant totally lose it.  Yup, one had a complete melt down. Tore the intercom phone out of the wall and threw it across the cabin.  That’s the only time I’ve been disturbed enough to file a complaint.

It’s all about Attitude, Not Altitude

I hear all about the horror stories. I subscribe to several travel sites and hear the complaints. No airline is immune. I fly for business a couple of times a year and I fly for pleasure 2-3 times a year. That doesn’t put me in the same category as those million mile folks but I’d say that’s probably above average in experience. The way I cope is to chill out. I try not to let the little things get to me. Travelling can be stressful so if your plane is late or you have to be re-routed will it really make a difference? Will you still get where you’re going? I’d much rather have a plane grounded for mechanical problems and my trip delayed than to take off and have an engine fail at 30,000 ft. I go into travel with the attitude that things are going to go wrong. Deal with it. Consider it an adventure.  This means that I don’t yell at the gate attendants, flight attendants or anyone else connected with my experience. And do you know what? They always try to help me out.

 My Favorite Airline

There’s good and bad with all the airlines. There are surly TSA agents and there are friendly out going, helpful ones. There are crowded airports and long lines. It can be exhausting, confusing and just plain irritating.   I really think having a good attitude goes a long way to getting  help when you need it. Sure, I’ve had my share of experiences with grumpy attendants but take a minute to watch how the average traveler treats these employees. I don’t blame them for being rude or less than helpful when they are verbally abused by a good number of passengers. Courtesy is a two way street. Remember, expect the unexpected and roll with it. And the next time you need help try honey instead of vinegar. It might help.



Frustration At American Airlines

Frustration Overwhelms!

As I reached the end of the jet way my coat slid out of my arms again as I lifted the carry on over the connection between the plane and the jet way. To my surprise a Flight Attendant caught it for me , asking if I would like some help with my bag. Her kindness after the debacle at the gate caught me so off guard that I started to tear up! She asked what happened and I let her have it! All my frustration with the stupidity at the gate came flying out. The other passengers were staring at me. I felt like an idiot but I couldn’t shut up.

I travel quite a lot. I certainly consider myself a seasoned traveler and usually I handle these things better than this but the whole experience had been one frustration after another. From wandering the airport first for non help at customer service to looking for a working Kiosk…The last straw  was that all they had to do was take my coat out of  the bag for it to fit.  Of course if they did that they wouldn’t have had the chance to go through all of my belongings. I think I felt violated.

This Flight Attendant

I wish I had gotten this attendant’s name because she was wonderful. She let me vent, helped me to my seat, stowed my luggage and offered to get me something to drink!  She checked on me throughout the flight making sure I had the snack they passed out, that I was comfortable and so on. She really went out of her way. It made up for quite a lot. She deserves a commendation!


I do have one concern. Before we took off, one of the gate attendants came on the plane. He came right to my seat and asked my name. He wrote it down on a little pad. I asked him if I could now put my coat in the overhead. He just mumbled “of course”, took my jacket and stuffed it over my suitcase.

It wasn’t until later that I began to wonder about that little seat side visit. I wonder what kind of welcome I’ll get next time I fly American. Have I been blacklisted? I don’t mean to sound paranoid but why else would  he come back to the plane before take off and just single me out?

Home at Last

Once I was home I told my story to my friend Joe. He was as outraged as I was . So he grabbed my cell phone, marched me to the porch and piled me high with the contents of my suitcase to show how ridiculous the gate attendants demands had been. Here’s what it looks like.

And to think this was what they did to a senior citizen using a cane. ( Sometimes I forget I’m a senior citizen but that just makes the whole incident worse in my mind!)

American Airlines leads the pack in complaints

It was another busy month for complaints. Readers filed 337 grievances, just a few cases shy of our record 342 complaints received last August.

American Airlines continued its winning streak in the complaints department, claiming almost 11 percent of our formal grievances.

Read more here:



American Airlines’ Baggage Police

Whatever Happened to Common Sense?

By the time they began boarding zone 4 American Gate attendants were calling for people to check their carry-ons, especially roller bags. Of course you were to remove all electrical equipment, camera, fragile items, medications, and laptops before checking your bag which could be claimed at the baggage carousel of your destination.

In my carry-on I had 1 laptop, in the front sleeve, my medications, my camera and in the remaining space, the camera strap, computer mouse and electrical cord and a book. Since it wasn’t chock full I had stuffed my winter jacket in too so I didn’t have to carry it. I did not have to expand the bag to make it fit.

I was in Zone 6. As I watched the baggage mafia began going through all the bags they felt did not or would not fit into their little display. Sort of a reverse if it fits it ships. In this case if it didn’t drop in cleanly it went into the belly of the beast. No if, ands or buts.

The Baggage Mafia

It was now my turn. Right away the attendant said “Tag It” and just as quick I said OH NO! I have a camera, medications and a laptop in that bag. They are not going into baggage. They told me to take them out but pointed out that I would now exceed my 2 item limit. I pointed out they would be checking an empty bag. Things were starting to heat up now.

As the baggage police began pulling things out of my carry- on I continued to argue.  I was holding up the line and they could see I was using a cane but it made no difference ! I finally turned to the woman pawing through my suitcase and ordered her to put it all back. She stood there looking from me to the gate attendant and back…stalemate.

I took a deep breath trying to be reasonable. I pointed out that there was a puffy coat in the bag . They could just push it down and the bag would fit. But oh no, you can’t push it down. You can’t “force it”. I tried again. If you take the coat out the bag will fit and you can leave my camera, meds and laptop alone.

Nope, They didn’t believe me.

I turned around, grabbed the jacket out of the bag, zipped it back up and dropped it into their little measuring thing.

Perfect! The gate attendant just told me to take it. So now I have my carry-on, my purse, my cane and my jacket to hang onto as I headed down the jet way.

I got madder and madder with each step.

I’m sure my face was red by the time I reached the plane. There it was an entirely different experience.

I’ll sum it up tomorrow but for now here’s another horror story from a different airline.


Oh American, You Let Me Down!

“The World’s Greatest Flyers Fly American” Just ask American!

Yes I’m talking about American Airlines. In recent posts I’ve said how impressed I’ve been with their customer service and friendly manner. My friends who have had ( in their opinion) the misfortune to fly American , have disagreed with me, promising that American will show its true colors and that it won’t be Red, White and Blue.

Well I’m sorry to say that day arrived when I attempted to have a pleasant flight back from Washington DC to Logan Airport in Boston.

Let’s start with the day before check in. All the airlines seem to do that and unless you pay extra when you check in will affect when you get to board, you’re “Zone”, if you will. I usually bite the bullet and pay an upgrade fee to get priority boarding.

Are you Handicapped?

I am not truly handicapped. I don’t have a sticker but I do use a cane if I need to walk a lot because my hip will definitely act up causing painful muscle spasms down to my knee. Experience has shown that as awkward as a cane can be, it does keep me mobile and helps prevent the muscle spasms. Because I’m juggling luggage, a purse (my personal item) and the cane I like to board early.

I checked in right on time on my phone since I was in the middle of the tour. After I returned to my hotel I logged into the American Web site  to purchase a priority upgrade. I was declined. The message was that it would have to be done at the airport. OK, no problem ( I thought).

In Terminal American Assistance

Next morning after a nice breakfast I made my way to the Metro. My stop even turned out to be close to my terminal. I zipped through security and found my gate.  I waited until the gate area had emptied before I approached the attendant with my request for pre-boarding or priority upgrade. To my surprise she first told me she couldn’t help me because it wasn’t her flight!

She must have had 2nd thoughts because she asked for my ticket and tried to enter an upgrade. The computer wouldn’t let her. She told me I would have to go to customer service and pointed out the direction. At least she tried.

I headed over to stand in line there. After several other passengers cut the line I finally reached the customer service attendant who cut me off in mid-sentence. She told me  “they” didn’t handle upgrades anymore and pointed me to a kiosk. I limped over to where she pointed. Out of order. So I went in search of a kiosk that worked.

Once I found one there was no pre-board or priority boarding option. So much for getting help.

I decided to accept my fate, limped back to the gate and with a sigh found a seat.

Once we began boarding I noticed there was no call for soldiers in uniform, no families with children, no one in wheel chairs. In fact zone 3 was boarding before an attendant took a wheelchair person down the sky way!

To Be Continued…

What was going on???? But wait, it’s going to get even worse.

On the Road to D.C.

And I don’t mean the comic books. (DC Comics) There’s nothing funny going on in Washington right now!

But my quick trip has begun. I was up at 6:30 am. I slept on the areo bed last night so that Joe, who is kitty sitting, could have my bed. As I unplugged the seal to let out the air Rocky took a flying leap onto the bed and sunk! Pretty funny. He was quite a confused kitty cat but he got over it. Other than it being cold it was very comfortable. Next time I’ll put a blanket under the sheet or maybe use flannel sheets.

Made it to Braintree by about 8:30 am. The Logan express is a bus to the airport and has a station in Braintree. Parking is $7.00/ day which is much cheaper than parking at the airport. Plus its nice to leave the driving to someone else when navigating Boston. The bus runs on the hour and true to its schedule we were on our way by 9:01. The web site says to allow 45 minutes to get from Braintree to Logan but as it was a Saturday with no traffic. I think we made better time than that.

To my surprise the airport was a ghost town. I was through security in less than 5 minutes and there was no one in the terminal! So after all that rushing around I was seated at table with a muffin by 9:30 am waiting for a flight that didn’t leave until 12 noon. Good thing I brought a book.

In spite of the empty terminal they announced that our flight was a full flight. That could be because we were on a teeny , tiny commuter plane. I upgraded my seat to be sure I got an aisle although it really didn’t matter. The plane was so small that there was no middle seat, just window and aisle on both sides. First class had one seat on each side of the aisle!

At least I got a look at the new paint jobs American Airlines has put on their planes. Pretty nifty!