
As Mr. Roberts would say “It’s a lovely day in the neighborhood.” And that would be very true here in Anchorage. Sunny and warm, a perfect day! We ate breakfast in the hotel. When we were ready to go exploring the doorman pointed us in the right direction. It was just a couple of blocks to the Visitor Center, a sod thatched log cabin right there  on a main street.

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Our plan for the day was the Anchorage Zoo. There was a shuttle from the Visitor Center right to the Zoo. We got there just after the shuttle had pulled out so we had about 30-40 minutes to wait. I wandered the street exploring the souvenir shops while Sandy went into the Visitor Center and chatted with the ladies working in there.

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Nearby was a Cultural Museum. That would have been interesting if there was more time. The totem poles were different.

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One of the stores had a big plush bear in front of it.

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Another was called   “Once in a Blue Moose.”  How cute is that !

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I loved the Blue Moose totem pole by the door.

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Look at that! They have a sign post! The first time I ever saw one of these was in Hawaii. Its a sign post with the distance to other places like North Pole. San Francisco, Seattle, Boston and so on.  It’s always interesting to see what places made it onto a sign like this.

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A trolley was offering city tours and if we’d had more time that would have been high on my list of first things to do. Trolley tours at a new location are one of the best ways to get the “lay of the land” but since we were only going to be here one day the zoo was a better choice.

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When the Zoo shuttle arrived and we got settled, the driver told us how nice it was to finally get sunshine and warm weather. Like everyone else she said spring had come late this year. Normally the weather we were getting now should have started 2 weeks earlier. Just our luck!

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It was about a 20 minute ride to the zoo. We were dropped off right by the entrance. We’d have about 1.5 hours before we’d have to catch the shuttle back so we could get back to the hotel for our shuttle to the airport. The driver said it was a little zoo and that we’d have plenty of time.

Maybe now I’d finally get to see some of the iconic Alaskan animals that had been eluding me.

Wilderness to City

We relaxed in the sun until our bus arrived. Still cool in the shade, it was T-shirt weather in the sunshine. Amazing the  difference from when we started this adventure.

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Right on time our bus pulled up and once again we went through the head count process as we boarded the bus, this time we were heading to Anchorage. I wondered if it would be quicker than our trip from Whittier on the train.

Going into Talkeetna was one very popular tour that we didn’t get to do. For one thing it involved another bus ride of about an hour to get there. I needed to move now, not ride another bus!  Talkeetna is an interesting little town. The TV show Northern Exposure was based on the town and yes , they do have an Annual Moose Dropping Festival. Another claim to fame…the mayor is a CAT! Yes, a feline. And it holds office hours. I would have been able to get my “kitty fix” if we’d taken the hour+ tour into town.

Mayor Stubbs

Mayor Stubbs

Alas, this will have to wait for another trip. I was feeling pretty mellow. This was a longer vacation a than usual and a lot more packing and unpacking and climbing on buses and long train rides and…well, I’m not complaining, but I think I was slowing down.

Our bus driver was pleasant, chatting about the different towns we passed. It was all highway so we made good time.  At about the half way mark we got a rest stop at a little ice cream shop.


As the bus pulled in I spotted him. Our eyes met and I knew, just knew, we were destined for each other.

“Pierre” was soon sitting next to me and on his way to Anchorage.

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I haven’t been one to buy souvenirs for myself since I started lugging the camera with me. The pictures are usually my memorabilia. But I couldn’t leave “Pierre” behind.

As we entered Anchorage we hit the first traffic we’d seen in all of Alaska! We were in a “Thoroughly Modern City. ” The driver said that moose might be found wandering the city streets and I had seen that on the Discovery Channel too, but we didn’t see any moose on the loose while we were there.


The driver took us around the block a few times pointing out different places to go for dinner or drinks. Like a mother hen he warned us not to go past certain streets after dark. Well who needs to? It doesn’t get dark until after 11pm!

Eventually he pulled up to the Hotel Captain Cook.

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Here were didn’t get an envelope on the bus.  Princess had a desk set up where we picked up our keys, once again speeding the check in process.

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We were on the 15th floor.

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Another beautiful room, well appointed as they say. And free WIFI! Finally connected again! And our luggage was waiting!

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I have to admit that all of the accommodations have been outstanding.

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This would be our last night in Alaska.


Whittier is the end of the line for the cruise and the beginning for the Denali portion of the trip. We should get into Whittier at  12:30 am (midnight) and we won’t need to meet our train to Denali until 5:45 pm. The leaves us open all day.

Once again I turned to the shore excursions. We want to be sure that whatever we do we will make our connections so we chose to explore with the cruise line vendors.

The tour we settled on here has me really excited because it starts with a stop at the Alaska Wildlife Conservation Center.


Like most places with the words wildlife conservation center in their titles, this where animals unable to survive in the wild are given refuge in spacious habitats. Here, you can safely get close, observe and photograph some of Alaska’s biggest land mammals, including moose, bison, bears and musk ox.


This is right up my alley!


But as an old commercial used to say…But wait, There’s more!

30 minutes away our tour will take us to the base of mighty Mt. Alyeska, home to one of the most breathtaking year-round destination resorts in the world. Ride Alyeska Resort’s Glacier Express Tram and take in panoramic views of Turnagain Arm and the surrounding valley from 2,300 feet above its floor. Woo Hoo! Can’t wait!


The last leg of the tour is the return to Anchorage (Whittier)  along the Seward Highway-Alaska’s “Scenic Byway.” We should be back at the Welcome Center with plenty of time to make it to the train station at 5:45 to head to Denali.

Of course these tours are all subject to change. I’m pretty sure we’ll do them all. The only one I really want to confirm with the excursion desk is this one. The special notes say you have to be staying in Anchorage because you have to get your luggage from the ship. I might try to call Princess to confirm but if I can’t get through there is an excursion desk on every cruise I’ve ever been on so we’ll have plenty of time for adjustments if necessary.

So our trip is all planned. Excursions booked. It’s just a matter of counting down the days. I can’t wait to share our actual experiences and of course…my actual photos.

The pictures I’ve used in these recent posts have all been on the internet with no copy write information. I was careful not to knowingly pirate any other photographers work.