Wildlife Abounds in Key Largo


Wildlife abounds in Key Largo

Key Largo seems to be a pretty urban setting for wildlife. There are souvenir shops all along RT 1. Mixed in with the Denny’s, Wendy’s and McDonalds are local restaurants , resorts, marinas and fish places. Not exactly what you’d expect for a wildlife nature reserve. Still when I pulled into Ocean Point the first thing I spotted was a feral cat. Definitely feral it was shy and very scruffy looking. The next thing I saw was a sign saying “Don’t feed the Raccoons.” OK both are urban wildlife but wait till I tell you what happened Monday Morning.

Wildlife aboundsMonday Monday

As I was pulling out from my overnight parking something dark slipped into the brush. I froze and watched but didn’t get another glimpse of it. Raccoon, feral cat or something else, I couldn’t tell you. Back in my car I headed for the local Publix (Grocery store) to pick up some breakfast items.  When I came out of the store there was a chicken on my front bumper. Now chickens roam wild in the Keys. Key West is known for them so I wasn’t too surprised to see it there. What did surprise me was when a big huge hawk came swooping down right in front of me trying to grab that chicken! Feathers flew and that chicken started squawking but in the end she avoided becoming the hawks breakfast. I admit I was flabbergasted. I’ve never been that close to the action so to speak. (Unless you count being chased by Buffalo in Yellowstone.)

Wildlife abounds in Key Largo




Wildlife in Key LargoLittle lizards and all

In the afternoon I stopped into John Pennecamp Coral Reef State Park to check out the snorkeling, scuba diving and glass bottom boat trips. It’s been windy so they’ve been canceled so far. They told me to check back on Wednesday. This happened when I was in Key West too. They do have shore snorkeling at Cannon Beach for free.  You just need to rent or buy gear. But watch out for crocodiles.  The Keys and the southern tip of the Everglades are the only place in the US where we have crocodiles and alligators.  I didn’t see any today but I did spot a couple of iguanas and a little anole.


Wildlife abounds in Key Largo