Sedona Trolley

Good morning World! It’s the first full day in Sedona. After yesterday’s trials and tribulations we took our time getting up and out. I’ve been here before but  Sandy has not so it was fun listening to her oooh and ahhh over the beautiful red rock formations.

Thunder Mountain

Eventually we made our way out to the car and drove up 89A into upper Sedona. The place was packed with tourists. We just added 2 more to the head count. 🙂 I finally found a place to park. Although it seemed like it was part of the parking area it was way down on the bottom level next to the trash cans and recycling receptacles. That’s ok by me. There wasn’t a sign that said 3 hour limit so I guess it pays to “go slumming” now and then!

Since this is Sandy’s first visit I suggested we take the double ride on the Sedona Trolley. Their motto is that the Trolley is the “First , Best thing to do in Sedona”. I agree. The ride is not just a sightseeing trip, it also helps you get familiar with the layout of the town. Often the drivers make suggestions for places to eat or shop as they point the highlights along their route.

The trolley runs 2 tours, each one covering a different end of Sedona. We bought a combo ticket for both rides. It’s very reasonably priced at around $22.00 per person for the combo.  Once we had our tickets in hand we had about an hour before our trolley ride started  so we used it to explore the shops in upper Sedona. We are saving the actual shopping for the end of our stay but this gave us a chance to see what was available for souvenirs.

Of course “Dirt Shirts” are everywhere and you can watch the episode of Dirty Jobs on how they are made in almost every store.

Back at the trolley we headed out to the area of Sedona the locals use. There’s a Walgreen’s, a Safeway, McDonald’s, KFC and scores of nicer restaurants. We took a side loop to pull over for some photo ops with the Red Rocks like Coffee Pot Rock.

Coffee Pot Rock

 The driver pointed out the plateaus and mesas and buttes. They all probably started life the same way but erosion has changed them into their current shapes. A butte is a small flat-topped hill. Buttes are what is left of a mesa after it has eroded away and they are almost always taller than they are wide.  A mesa is a medium-sized hill or mountain with a flat top. To be really accurate there should be standing water on a mesa but not on a butte. Mesa is the spanish term for table. A mesa is large enough to run a herd of cattle or find wildlife. A plateau is a really big mesa. The Colorado Plateau is an example of a REALLY BIG plateau. Most are smaller than that and they are wider than they are tall.

The driver also told us about the various plants in the area and how the Native American’s used them in their daily life from medicines to making needles and using the fibers for sewing.  She told us  that about 80% of the desert plants have some use to the Native Americans.

Back at the trolley stop our driver left us and we got a new one. This one was a man, I think his name was Wayne. He told more stories including telling us which plants were used to make alcohol and which plants were hallucinogenic ending with “You too can believe in aliens or see a wild jackolope!”


It was this trip that took us out toward Oak Creek and the Chapel of the Holy Cross and the Millionaire’s Mansion that is sitting at the foot of the hill.

Chapel Of The Holy Cross

The Chapel of the Holy Cross is one of Sedona’s most famous landmarks . It is considered to be a very spiritually powerful location like the vortexes of Sedona. The Chapel is built around a simple cross that rises from an outcropping 200 ft above the desert floor. Admission is free but donations are appreciated. There are banks of candles as you enter if you wish to light one for a loved one.

The Mansion at the base of the hill the Chapel is located on gets almost as much attention as the Chapel. Here is a great example of spiritualism vs excess materialism. The mansion is a summer home for a Romanian Millionaire. It has an observatory, more bathrooms than bedrooms, multiple swimming pools and it’s only occupied a couple of months out of the year. The fence around the building actually has real gold in it.

This is also where we got a really good look at Bell Rock

Bell Rock

 and Court House Butte.

Court House Butte

There is also a formation they call the 2 nuns and next to that Madonna and Child.

2 Nuns


Madonna and Child


We also took a quick turn through the shopping area of Tlaquepaque.

As we headed back into upper Sedona the driver pointed out Snoopy Rock with Woodstock on his nose.

Snoopy Rock

We’d seen Elephant Rock earlier in the tour.

Elephant Rock

 He also  said there was a formation that was Lucy but I seem to have missed that one. Sandy said she saw it.

The double tour took us about  2 hours (1 hour each) so we got back to the trolley stop at about 3 pm. Just in time to get something to eat at the Canyon Breeze and recap our ride.

On the deck of the Canyon Breeze

We split a cheeseburger ( 1 cheeseburger at the Canyon Breeze is a 1 lb patty) and fries and sat  on the back patio admiring the view. Sandy spotted a little bird in the rafters so we tried to identify it as well as one we saw at the Chapel. We think we figured it out but I will save that for my post on the “Wildlife” of Sedona and Northern Arizona. Can’t give it all away at one time!

After lunch (brunch ) we made our way back through more shops toward where the car was parked. On the way we could smell the wonderful aroma of chocolate! At the Candy Store Sandy had a discussion with the mascot but we resisted for now. I am sure we will be back. It’s only day 1 so how long can  our will power last?

Back in the car we took a short ride up 89 a  into Oak Creek Canyon to the Native American Crafts stand. We admired the fine beadwork and fine jewelry. Sandy picked up a pair of earings.

Sandy wanted to write  postcards and get them in the mail early plus we had to be up a the crack of dawn in the morning to drive to Williams to catch the Grand Canyon Rail Road. To make it easy on ourselves we stopped at the local KFC and took some chicken back to the condo for dinner.

The evening was spent quietly relaxing. Sedona is a “dark sky” community so you can sit back and enjoy the stars without streetlights overpowering the view. It was cool, but not cold….yet!

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Seems like we didn’t do much but the day was full enough. I think we were both satisfied with the “laid back” approach.

Rough start to vacation

Maybe Rocky had it right and I should have stayed home. Today was  one of those days where for every good thing seemed like there were 2 bad. I don’t want this to sound like I’m whining because I’m lucky to be able to travel at all.  But let me start at the top.

Our plane was leaving from Albany at 8:10 am. We needed to be at the airport 45 minutes before takeoff. Sandy set the alarm for 5am so she could finish packing , drive to Albany, drop the car at Park n’ Fly and take the shuttle to the airport.  I should have know how the day was going to go when the alarm didn’t go off. Luckily since I was sleeping in a strange place I woke up a little before 5 so it was no harm done.

We made it to the Park n’ Fly with no problem where we were met by 2 parking attendants who just about grabbed our bags out of our hands and hustled us to the office. I didn’t think much of that until Sandy reached for her sunglasses in Phoenix. They were still back in Albany in the car. Sandy hadn’t thought of it until we reached Phoenix where the sun was shining very brightly.

In the meantime I noticed that I didn’t have my insulated “hoodie”. I must have left it or dropped it when we were boarding. Wonderful! If the weather was like the last time evenings will be very cool and then it will warm up during the day. In any case, I would need a light jacket or sweatshirt. The Southwest attendant called Albany to see if anyone had turned it in but so far no luck. She suggested I keep trying.

And if that wasn’t enough when we landed in Chicago the pilot must have thought they didn’t need the landing gears anymore. The plane felt like it just dropped onto the runway and then bounced twice. It was the roughest landing I have ever experienced.But again no one was hurt so no harm done. We exited the plane and enjoyed a great breakfast at Harry’s Grill while we waited for our connecting flight.

After breakfast we returned to the gate to board for the 2nd leg of the trip but there was  a “delayed” sign. Yup they broke it! Or lost it..or something. Sandy was telling everyone who would listen “Broken Plane!” Cracked me up! About an hour later, a plane was finally hooked up to the jetway for boarding.

This flight was uneventful and the landing in Phoenix was smooth. Maybe things are getting better? We headed down to the baggage claim, retrieved our luggage and went searching for the rental cars….way down at the other end of the airport we found a shuttle to the rental cars. Now you would think they would drop you off at the rental kiosk. No they dropped us off at the farthest point from the kiosk we needed. Guess who didn’t get a tip.

Finally, sweaty and huffing and puffing we found the Payless counter. Long line! At least we had time to catch our breath before we checked in. All was going smoothly until the attendant told me my credit card wasn’t going through. I said WHAT! since I made sure there was room on the card for the rental. Turned out that he was charging the rental fee of $404.00 plus an additional $250.oo deposit. They also wanted an extra $10.oo/ day to add Sandy as a 2nd driver.  I kicked and screamed and protested to no avail. Sandy finally stepped up and gave them a card for the deposit. You can be sure I will not use Payless again!

Finally in our rental and on our way we took a detour to try to find the Scottsdale Trolley. We saw the trolley stops but we never figured out for sure how to track down the trolley we wanted and the driver, Boston Jim, that we wanted to meet. With the time changes and all we had no idea what time it really was but we were hungry. By luck we picked a place called Clancy’s Irish Grill.

Sandy spotted the Green Bay Packer’s banner as soon as we walked in so we figured we were on the right track.

 Turns out our luck may be changing because it was really good. We met a very nice senior citizen there who chatted with us until it was time to get on the road again.( Mary Lou it was really nice chatting with you. )

Since by now it was 4pm  Arizona time we couldn’t fool around anymore in Scottsdale. We’ll have to catch up to Boston Jim on our next trip. We still had several hours to Sedona and check in was 4pm. Guess we’re going to be late. I think I’ll just blame Southwest for being late.

We arrived at the Sedona Summit around 6pm and began the check in process. I knew they would want a $50.00 room deposit and made sure I had that available on another card. It gets refunded when you check out unless you trash the place. Imagine my surprise when the receptionist gave me my check-in papers and the charge was $100.00. By now I am felling like a real loser with a Capital L! I have to cross my fingers that my direct deposit gets in the account before some outstanding checks come in or each check is going to cost me another $27.00! I was feeling pretty low at this point.

We took our keys and let ourselves into the condo. We both just stood there in shock as it was a studio but the receptionist had confirmed it was a 2 bedroom???I began to look around and then it hit me. Try the door next to the one we opened and there it was. Mystery solved. The condo is beautiful. Full kitchen, balcony, living room , diningroom , fireplace and a big bedroom. The studio is bedroom # 2. We called the front desk and they sent someone over to unlock the adjoining doors. We each have our own bathrooms with showers and there’s even a jacuzzi. Now I’m thinking that things are looking up.

We started to unpack. I was missing a camera battery and a brand new box of tea bags. Tea Bags? What does the TSA want with Tea Bags? Sandy’s bags had been rifled too and they opened her bottle of conditiner..and didn’t put the top back on. What a mess!

So after a day of ups and downs we are sitting here enjoying a glass of wine with some cheese and crackers and drowning our sorrows. I’m looking forward to tomorrow and since there shouldn’t be any more financial surprises, a better day for the start of vacation.

I will continue to keep you updated of our adventures (mis-adventures?) for good or bad because that is what this blog is all about. If I shared only the good, how would that help you with your travels?:)

Writer’s Block

Well it was bound to happen one of these days. I set a pretty ambitious goal to post something 6 days a week. The biggest problem is time. There is lots to write about but I like to give you up to date information and pictures. In fact, I subscribe to the old adage that a picture is worth a thousand words so if I have no pictures, I have no tales.

The past few days were a combination of things including weather that kept me from getting much exploring done. I didn’t even have much time to take pictures for my photo blog. I had my car in for maintenance so with no wheels to get around I missed being out and about gathering stories. It still need some more work too so I hope it won’t be tied up too long. After all I have places to go and people to see and things to do and then tell you all about it all here!

I asked Scout if he had any new tips and he admitted he hadn’t put anything together. He said he could have some in a day or two but by then I should be back on track.

I thought my friend Julie would bail me out with stories of her recent trip to Arizona and California but she had the day off so I haven’t caught up with her at work yet.

My cuz in Florida is going to share her experiences on trip she took to Ireland but she’s still putting that together. I have another co-worker that went to Ireland as well but I haven’t set up a time to get his stories yet. My fault on that one.

My friend Diane still has many, many stories and pictures to share but again I dropped the ball and didn’t leave myself enough time to get together  with her.

Another friend and co-worker, Jay, just got back from his rafting vacation but we haven’t had a chance to chat about that in any detail yet. I can’t wait to see his pictures and he says I can share them here. That will be a treat for us all, I am sure!

Well, sometimes it seems I spend more time making excuses and if I’d just taken that same time I would have had something to write but it’s just human nature, I guess.

I will be on my work schedule now for the next 2 days so I won’t have any time to go anywhere but maybe I can dredge something out of the archives that you might enjoy.

Or maybe I should remind you that you’re welcome to contribute too! I love your comments but you can also share you travel experiences too. Don’t be shy. Sometimes a fresh voice is just what’s needed. In the meantime I’ll share some photos from some of my jaunts. I’ve written about all of the trips shown in these photos but selecting the pictures makes me think that there may be more stories in them to share. Something to think about.

Well enjoy the pictures until I get my next post together. Remember my next trip is fast approaching and we know there will be a lot of things to share from that.

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Classic Car update/ Sedona Trip Update

Classic Car update

My sister sent my car picture on to a friend of hers who told her the car is a Buick…late 30’s early 40’s. My, my but I hope I look that good in another 10- 15 years!

Sedona trip update:

I got an email from the Native American Journey’s group. They are available to take us to the Bottom of the Grand Canyon on Tuesday. I’m calling them today to finalize the reservations and get the details.

That works out good because we’ll do the Grand Canyon Railroad and Rim tour on Monday and then go back for the Bottom of the Canyon tour on Tuesday.

That’s all I have time for today…I’m running late. I’ll get back to my New Bedford story tomorrow!

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Sedona Trip Update

Good morning.

Yesterday I told you my sister and I would conference call for plane tickets. We did it! We got our tickets and the  flights aren’t too bad but I will tell you that it was one of the most challenging bookings I’ve ever done. I had both my desk top and lap top going to check the different sites. Twice we went to book a fare only to be told the price had changed. The fares were jumping up right in front of me!

I have set to send fare alerts for the trip and I didn’t get one until today and that one is still over $100.00 more than the flight we booked.  All I can say is I’m glad that’s done. We are flying Southwest. I haven’t been on Southwest in years but their  “got to getaway” online price was better than anything else I could find besides, “Bags Fly Free” on Southwest 🙂

While I had Sandy on the phone I reserved the rental car. We were in for a shock there. The base cost of the rental was reasonable but then the taxes and miscellaneous charges kicked in almost doubling the cost of the rental! I’ve rented many times before and don’t remember this. I’m not sure if Arizona has extra fees or if I just never noticed it before. This may bear looking into for future reference.

After that call I got back on the phone and booked the Grand Canyon Railroad. I tried booking online but it never asked if there were seniors  in my party and it didn’t let me add the Rim Tour so I called. I got a wonderful agent who applied the appropriate discounts, Senior and AAA and waived the National Park fee of $16.00 because I have a  National Parks Pass.

That done I moved on to the Verde Canyon railroad and the Blazin’M.

We lucked out with that call because they said they were running a special on first class on the train when you combine  it with the Blazin’M. The cost for first class and dinner was only a couple of  dollars more than the coach cost so of course we’ll go first class.

2  more tours to book.

I moved on to the Bottom of the Canyon Tour. I pulled up the reservation page on the Native American journey’s web page and filled it out. I haven’t heard back or paid anything. It seemed to me it was kind of  “up in the air”. I will give it a couple of days to get a response and it if no luck  I will call them. Since I don’t know if we got the day I requested I held off booking the trail ride.

It’s coming together.

I’m going to sign off for now. We have snow on the way and I want to run down to New Bedford to the Whaling Museum. I still need to collect my stamp from my last visit and it’s in the New England National Park Challenge so I can get my first stamp in the challenge. I’ll let you know how I make out in my post tomorrow.