The Ides Of March


In modern times, the Ides of March is best known as the date on which Julius Caesar was assassinated in 44 BC. Caesar was stabbed to death at a meeting of the senate. As many as 60 conspirators, led by Brutus and Cassius, were involved. According to Plutarch, a seer had warned that harm would come to Caesar no later than the Ides of March. On his way to the Theatre of Pompey, where he would be assassinated, Caesar passed the seer and joked, “The ides of March have come,” meaning to say that the prophecy had not been fulfilled, to which the seer replied “Aye, Caesar; but not gone.”


I remember  learning this is school. I think we learned it in English class, not history, when we read some of Shakespeare’s plays. I was not a fan. To this day I find the Bard hard to understand. But this phrase did stick in my mind and apparently in many other peoples minds as well. I think everyone is familiar with the expression if not where it comes from.


It seems March 15 is right behind Friday the 13th as a day with bad vibes. 🙂 The ‘superstitions’ concerning the Ides of March are that on that date there would be forebodings that certain tragic events might befall persons if they do not heed the warning signs.

I am no soothsayer and I am not particularly superstitious but I will wish everyone well today while I remind you to “Beware the Ides of March”.

50 Years Ago Today

Ask not what your country can do  for you – ask what you can do for your country. Words that are always associated with John F. Kennedy. Words that helped inspire us to walk on the moon. But words that today speak to the many sacrifices made by our loved ones in the armed forces.


Today our Nation is divided in more ways than ever. While loved ones fight on foreign soil, welfare, drugs and crime run rampant at home. Ban guns or  protect our right to bear arms? Democrats and Republicans would bring the country to a standstill rather than work together.

50 years ago today John F. Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas. The controversy and conspiracy theories still abound. Single shooter, pawn of the evil empire? For some that question will never be answered.

But today, none of that matters.


Today is a day to Remember.