Under the Sea

I’d like to be under the sea
In an octopus’ garden in the shade
He’d let us in, knows where we’ve been
In his octopus’ garden in the shade

After my solo adventure you’d think I’d have had enough of being underwater but no. I love the ocean with all the fish. I miss scuba diving. I think it is much easier than snorkeling. I forget that I have to keep the snorkel tip above the water in order to get air. I’m just so used to being able to breathe easily through a regulator!


Anyway, we scheduled a ride on a submarine and it was today! Sandy’s willing to go “Under the Sea” as long as she doesn’t get wet. Kathy said she had been on a submarine before so she stayed behind.

We’ll be going more than 100 ft below the surface. That means entering a blue world as colors will slowly filter out as we descend.

To get to the submarine we boarded a smaller boat to cruise out to the dive site.


Once there, the surface support boat let the Atlantis know that the next group had arrived.


Roxie, the surface support boat

Pretty soon we could see a ghostly outline as the gleaming white sub rose toward the surface.


Then there was bubbling and rushing water as it broke the surface.


Hatches were opened and the previous group transferred from the sub to our boat. Then it was our turn to board the sub.


Inside seats run down the center of the sub facing the portholes.


There’s room for 2 people per window.


There was a map on the wall between the port holes of our undersea cruise.  I forget if there were 4 or 5 stops before we had to surface. At one point the depth gauge read 127 ft.

My favorite was the artificial reef called the Carthaginian. This ship was scuttled in 2005 and it hasn’t taken long for the fish in the area to take up residence.


As long as we were on or near a reef, there was plenty of activity. We saw a huge puffer fish, some reef sharks and even some spotted eagle rays.


Lots of reef fish schooled around but the minute we left a reef and headed over the sandy bottom we left the fish behind.


Our 50 minutes under the sea passed quickly. Too soon we were the ones making an exit so the next tour could board.


Going down! Dive, Dive Dive!

Sibling Rivalry in Vegas?

I’m still exploring Free things to do in Vegas. I’m pretty sure our budget will be tight so I figure we should do the Free things first and save our money incase we run out of Free things to do.

The Forum Shops at Caesars sounds like a place to go shopping so I was just going to skip right over that. I’m not much of a shopper as anyone who has ever looked in my closet can attest. As my waistline has expanded  and my need for business attire has diminished my wardrobe has shrunk accordingly. Jeans, sweats and T’s are my wardrobe du jour. But then my curiosity got the better if me. What did it mean by “Fall of Atlantis” at Caesars Forum Shops?


A little more google and voila! I have answers! 🙂

This was the best description:

Fall of Atlantis at Caesars Forum Shops Description:

The Atlantis Shows inside the Forum Shops is sibling rivalry at its fiercest. Sure, you may have once fought over toys, food or even listened in on each other’s phone calls with your own brother or sister, but this feud is like no other. 


Roaring fires. Splashing waters. Thunderous sounds. A huge, horrific beast. These all come into play in the free 11-minute show. Get your video camera ready for the dramatic, mind-blowing special effects, neon lights and the surrounding fountains. For a second, you’ll forget you’re in a mall.

Witness the fall of Atlantis reenacted by 9-foot-tall lifelike animatronic statues (and a scary 20-foot winged dragon) costumed in armor and leather by the legendary Hollywood blacksmith company Sword & Stone. 


The tale begins with King Atlas deciding whether his son or daughter should take over in ruling Atlantis. Greed and haughtiness get the best of the two as they brag about how one’s ability is better than the other. The sister waves her staff and shows off her water power. On the flip side, the brother waves his torch and bursts of flames erupt all around him. The warmth of the heat is shockingly strong. You can also feel the sound waves.

The family learns the ultimate lesson — let’s just say it doesn’t result in a “time-out.”  The decision falls out of the father’s hands and the other gods show their wrath with the Fall of Atlantis. A terrifying beast with wings appears from behind Atlas’ throne and watches the destruction of Atlantis. The ferocious flames and wild water effects prove that these guys are serious.

Be sure to get to the show a few minutes early to grab a good spot since it tends to fill up fast. You’ll find it next to Nike and the Cheesecake Factory. 


Before or after the show, make sure to check out the 50,000-gallon saltwater aquarium behind the Fall of Atlantis. The breathtaking aquarium features more than 300 fish. You can walk right up to the glass and snap amazing shots of stingrays, flounders, tropical puffers and other fish you’d see in Disney’s “Finding Nemo.” Another plus? There are plenty of places to sit around the aquarium. Lose track of time while you watch in awe.

Sounds like another “Not to Miss” experience!