Meet the Residents of Parrot Mountain

Do you want to know a secret?

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I loved Parrot Mountain.

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The birds are beautiful.

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As usual when I find something I like I went overboard on pictures.

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I’d never be a good editor.

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Pick just one or two pictures??? Not a chance.

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I could never decide so here’s a few more from that lush and colorful venue.

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More birds

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They look so curious

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More Flowers

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Remember the bird from Barretta?

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But just like the show, it’s time to sign off. If you like birds I can whole heartily recommend Parrot Mountain!


Parrot Mountain

It’s my last full day in Tennessee. Tomorrow afternoon I’ll be flying the friendly skies back to Providence RI. So what to do? Dollywood was still on my list and I was still dragging my feet. Admission is $60.00 for the day and I’m only luke-warm  about it.

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I’d heard about a place called Parrot Mountain but no one seemed to have much information. I couldn’t find any brochures but the web site looked interesting. Yes I think I’ll explore that. If I hate it or it’s a rip-off I’ll be right down the street from Dollywood.

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Since I was headed to Parrot Mountain I decided to drive instead of taking the trolley. I’m glad I did. I spotted the big billboard sign on the side of a mountain so I headed for the sign. I passed Dollywood and the signs kept pointing ahead. Finally I started up a very steep driveway. At the top was a big sign telling me I had arrived at Parrot Mountain.

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If first appearances count for anything I was already happy. The entrance was so pretty and quaint. Birds sat perched along the retaining wall.

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The entrance was like a little cottage. A large stairway replicated Thomas Kincade’s Stairway to Paradise.

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The entrance fee was only $16.95. The very first pace I entered was the Bird garden. There were perches everywhere and each had a bird or two. Each perch was labeled so you knew which birds were safe to feed or touch ad which should just be admired. There were seed dispensers located through out. I could spend all day right here.

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Even the squirrels agree!

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A bit more expensive is the opportunity to have a picture taken with the birds. Handlers bring over the most docile birds and pile them on for your photo op.

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There’s also a meditation garden with caged birds and  religious stations of the cross. Religious or not is peaceful and beautiful along that path.

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I entered the lory aviary with a cup of nectar and before I could say come and get it I was loaded with those colorful little birds. They landed on my arms, my hands ,even my head. There wasn’t anyone to take a picture which was too bad. It was such fun.

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No matter which path you followed there were birds, butterflies, flowers and colors.

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A truly wonderful experience!
