Blocked Again
I’ve been blogging for years and never had so much trouble with my site. I logged in to post an update and found I was blocked from any new posts- AGAIN! This seems to be happening a lot and its very annoying. This time it was a “Fatal error” with my SEO account. All of those things are supposed to update automatically but apparently the hosting platform is still mixing up the old with the new, active one of Anyway it took a couple of days/tries but it seems to be working now. Fingers crossed.
I have a Flickr account and for a long time it was linked to this blog in the side bar. Lately it doesn’t seem to be updating so that’s another thing I will need to work on. I haven’t worried too much about it because I haven’t added too many new photos to my flickr account but the recent photo contest got me busy uploading some of my pics since that gives me online storage. So if anyone is interested here’s the link to my flickr photostream
Here are a couple of examples of what you’ll find there
Yogi Bear

Wyoming Black Bear 2017- photo credit Deb Neumann
Yes, I know this bear doesn’t look black – more of a cinnamon brown and he didn’t look very big. He could have been a big ole Teddy bear sitting in some kind of bush, you could hardly call it a tree, right by the road and everyone was pulling over to get a look. He paid no attention to any of us gawkers. There must have been some berries or something in those leaves because he was really busy licking them up.
Bull Elk

Bull Elk Wyoming 2017- Photo credit Deb Neumann
The same trip I got to see a huge herd of elk migrating to the elk reserve near Jackson Hole. These two handsome guys were just standing there seemingly surveying all of their domain. The herd wasn’t far away and that consisted of the cows and calves and a few younger bulls. .

Elk herd Wyoming 2017- Photo credit Deb Neumann