Rain and Kitty observations

Rain Rain Go Away

I saw this post on Facebook and I had to laugh. It took me back to one of my Hawaii trips. It was to the Big Island where I was going diving with Manta Rays.

May be an image of 3 people, people swimming, pool and text that says 'After seeing a group of people in a pool, huddled together under an umbrella to stay dry, I understand why Aliens don't visit us. AMERICASBESTPICS'

I was at the boat launch for the Manta Ray dive chatting with the dive master when it started to rain. It was just a few sprinkles , no thunder or lightening.  One of the other divers interrupted us to point out it was raining and ask if we were still going to have the dive. She was concerned about getting wet in the rain.  I managed not to loose it before she walked away. 

Manta Ray

internet photo

The Perversity of Cats

Banner and Balboa get along good for the most part. One of Balboa’s many nicknames is ALB (Annoying Little Brother). Banner is about 2 months older than Balboa and was the first one added to the household. He is amazingly patient with Balboa but everyone gets pushed to the limit sometimes. 

Balboa has to have attention all the time. If not from me he goes looking for Banner. Banner spends a lot of time in the bathroom sink since there’s only room for 1 there.

Photo Credit Deb Neumann

Let me give you an example. Balboa was asleep on my lap and Banner was sleeping in the Kitty Condo on the new cat tree. I had to get up and that disrupted Balboa so he went looking for Banner. When he found him in the kitty condo he began to inch his way in too. Not much room for both but Banner didn’t fight with him. Instead he wrapped his paws around him and started a crowded grooming session.

Banner & Balboa 2023 Photo Credit Deb Neumann

One More Of the Kitties

Another grooming session. You can see how much bigger Banner is than Balboa here but a lot of it is fur. Banner has a thicker coat that my Persian cat had. We are constantly brushing and combing to keep his coat from matting or him getting hairballs. That’s how he earned his nickname of Fluffy Butt. 

Photo credit Deb Neumann



Better Late Than Never

Late is Better than Not At All

Hi Friends. I know I’ve been negligent in keeping up with my posts. To be completely honest I’ve just been tired. My energy has not bounced back since my hip surgery in December. Oh Don’t get me wrong, I’d do it again in a heartbeat. Its wonderful to be pain free, at least on my left side. Now if I could just figure out what to do about the right knee and right hip I’d be ready for the Boston Marathon. Needless to say, with this lack of energy I haven’t been out with my camera or going on any “adventures”. It’s been enough to get me to work and home again every day.  But I managed  to roust myself enough this week to go thru my photos from 2018. And that’s what I plan to share today.



The Deer Did It

Lava Lake Glow

Kilauea Lava Lake Glow- 2018

Driving home from work on Wednesday I saw 3 deer playing in a field in Easton, and they were playing, not just grazing. Seeing them I felt a  little tug. My hand reached for the camera but it wasn’t there. It made me realize how far away from things I love I’ve gotten. The reason for my surgery wasn’t just to be pain free but to give me mobility to get out and do things. And I was squandering my chance. To get back on track I decided I needed to pick up  some of my old habits. Number one is to review the photos from the previous year and narrow it down to the top 10. 

2017 Was a very Good Year

The first thing I did was to start uploading my 2018 photos. When I did I happened to notice my 2017 choices. Oh my! They were going to be hard to beat. 2017 was a very good year for my photos. For good or bad I didn’t have a lot of photos from 2018 to wade through but that didn’t make the decisions any easier.  Here, in no particular order are my top ten choices from 2018. You can see them full size in a slide show at https://dustyroadsphotos.zenfolio.com/

2018 Photographer’s Choice

Rockin’ the Park

Rock The Park

There’s a Saturday morning children’s show called Rock The Park that I just love. I’m just a kid at heart anyway. In this show Jack & Colton travel to different places and share their adventures. Most of the time the adventures are in a National Park. I love shows that either feature someplace I’ve been or someplace I want to go. I caught a double header the other day. The first episode was Yellowstone National Park and the 2nd episode was about The Big Island of Hawaii.


Akaka FallsAkaka Falls

The Hawaii Show caught my attention when I heard the stars mention Akaka Falls. I’ve been there on multiple trips. It is one of my favorite waterfalls. To reach the falls you have to either hike a loop trail or take the stairs.  The trail is only about .5 miles and takes you past 300 ft Kahuna Falls before ending at 442 ft Akaka falls. You can also take the stairs directly to Akaka Falls.This is one of the most beautiful Hawaiian waterfalls that I’ve seen and the easiest to see. 

Diving with Manta Rays

After visiting the falls Jack & Colton went on a night  scuba diving adventure  with Manta Rays. I am no longer certified so I haven’t been scuba diving but I did go on a night snorkel with Manta Rays on my last trip. That was pretty brave of me or maybe stupid because my left hip was pretty much useless but aside from the safety factor this was a pretty awesome experience. We took a boat out to about 40 ft of water. There the Captain launched a lighted raft to attract plankton. Once it began to work its  magic we entered the water.

Manta Ray

Just Floating with the Rays

Once in the water we held on to the raft and did a “dead man’s float”. It wasn’t long before graceful manta rays were approaching from the dark. They circled and swooped. One even swam up my body and flipped on its back. It was like being a part of a water ballet. The whole experience lasted about 45 minutes and then it was time to leave. That was when my hip became a liability. I was struggling to climb the ladder to get back on the boat. Our Captain rescued me. He simply reached down and gave me a tug. I popped out of the water and onto the deck in one easy pull. This was an amazing experience. One I highly recommend. My only regret is that I didn’t have a camera or “go-Pro” to capture the moments.

Hello Hawaii

Yes, I did Make it to Hawaii

Hi Surf off Kona CoastI’m sure you are wondering if I made it to Hawaii back in October. After all, the plan was to get back to see the Kilauea eruption and take the boat tour to see the lava flowing into the sea. Even with my bad hip I was determined. Sadly, Kilauea had other ideas. She has never been terribly cooperative with me. When I left in March the BIG Eruption was just sending out feelers. A week later ba-boom one of the largest eruptions in Kilauea’s history was wreaking havoc on the Big Island. Volcano National Park was closed and whole developments were being wiped off the map. There were earthquakes and Lava bombs and I was safely back on the mainland!

Its still ParadiseParasailing off Kona

By the time I was able to return to the Big Island the eruption had ended. It slowed down and died the end of September so I was too late. Once again I stayed on the Kona side of the island. It was paradise as usual. Since my plans had been derailed I spend a couple of days just enjoying the island ambiance. Finally I kicked myself into gear. My first adventure was to tour Volcano National Park and see what had changed.




To the Park

Crater Road collapse


At first glance it didn’t seem that much different to a casual observer. There was the crater, the steam vents were still steaming but some roads were closed. With a closer look it was obvious the crater was much larger. Then I saw a bit of road half way down into the crater. I was on that road in March! Kilauea will erupt again someday. Will it be in my lifetime? No one knows. But for now there’s no lava flowing into the ocean, no bubbling lava lakes and no night glow in the park. Pele has gone to sleep. 

Volcano National Park

The park is open again and even without the bubbling caldera the park is still worth a visit. Be sure you include a stop on your next trip to the Big Island. Enjoy a nice lunch at the Volcano House while staring at the crater.

Captain Cook Dinner Cruise

Our Historian Dinner Cruise along the Big Island Coast

It was time to board for the dinner cruise to Kealakekua Bay. As we cruise along the coast we’re going to see the Big Island from a new perspective. A lovely local historian told the stories of the Island as we cruised along. She also pointed out landmarks that look so different from the ocean side. We also had musical entertainment when the historian wasn’t presenting.  The boat had two levels. The upper level was open while the lower level was semi enclosed. It was easy to step to the bow and be out in the open.

The Entertainer

Royal Kona from the oceanAlong the Coast

The cruise is about 12 miles and lasts about 3 hours. When we first cast off the cruise seems to follow Ali Ave on the land. There are the shops and church and then there is the resort. I got  a great view of the Royal Kona Resort, my home away from home. After we pass the resort the coastline becomes  rugged and less developed. We pass caves and lava tubes and learn that they were once used as burial caverns and are still considered sacred.

cave or lava tube


We even saw a fisherman using the traditional nets perched on the lava rocks.

Net fishiing

Captain Cook’s Monument

As we approach the bay our captain turns the boat in toward the shore. There is a white monument dedicated to Captain Cook. Originally Captain Cook and his men were considered Gods and given adoration and respect. But eventually the native Hawaiians realized Cook and his men were mere mortals. Relations quickly deteriorated after that resulting in  a confrontation the ended in Captain Cooks’s death.

spinner dolphinsWhat’s for Dinner?

Leaving The Monument we turned into Kealakekua Bay where we were greeted by an active pod of spinner dolphins. They seem to be such happy animals jumping and spinning and putting on quite the  show. While were busy with the dolphins the crew was busy setting up the dinner buffet. Heading back to the pier we dined on Kalua Pulled Pork & Cabbage, Braised Brisket of Beef and Grilled Pulehu Chicken. For Side dishes we had Lomi Lomi Salmon, Steamed Rice Vegetable Pilaf,  Garden Salad,  Punalu’u guava and taro dinner rolls & butter. There was also a fruit platter that was my favorite part of the meal. All fresh, local fruit including the orange slices. A bar was available for both soft drinks and stronger refreshments. A drink ticket was provided with your boarding pass. All in all  a good, relaxing  time. A prefect way to wrap up my Big Island experience.