Happy Birthday Balboa!

Happy Birthday

Its Balboa’s birthday! Sometimes its hard to believe that the “annoying little brother” has survived that long. He is always picking at Big Brother.  Banner. I have to say that Banner is pretty patient usually. Once Banner gets sick of it he does put Balboa in his place .

Photo credit Deb Neumann

My favorite thing is when they race back and forth through the apartment chasing each other.  Its usually right after they have breakfast in the morning. First they run to the bedroom. Maybe Banner leading and Balboa chasing but seconds later they come racing back but then the positions have changed and Balboa will be leading and Banner chasing. Over the couch , up the cat tree , across the mantel they go.  It doesn’t last long but its hilarious while it does.


The Birthday Boy

May be an image of cat and text

Photo Credit Deb Neumann

Balboa has grown into a beautiful House Panther.  He’s still very skittish even though he has been through a bathroom remodel, HVAC  replacement and lots of housekeepers so having strangers in the unit isn’t unusual. Still I am afraid we’ll have to drug him for his physical this year. 

His favorite hiding place is behind the headboard of the bed. You definitely can’t get to him there. My neighbor’s dogs got into the apartment the other day when the door didn’t lock behind me. That time Banner beat Balboa to the headboard so Balboa settled for the tub! 

Sir Talks A lot

Balboa is still the “talker” He makes his demands known-loudly! But he is also the cuddlebug of the family.  He likes to sleep with me and sit on my lap whenever he gets the chance. 

Photo credit Deb Neumann

Quite the Pair

So now that Balboa has turned 4 years old he’s caught up to big brother Banner. They are quite the pair. They fill my day with their antics. It’s hard to believe it been 4 years. Time flies

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Banner & Balboa credit Deb Neumann




May be an image of cat

Photo Credit Deb Neumann




Photo Credit Deb Neumann

Happy Birthday Balboa

Love you even when you are being the “ALB” (annoying little brother !)

Things Keep Changing

Hi Everyone.

There have been a lot of changes at work and more on the way. What makes it hard is that a lot is just speculation right now. Makes for a very uneasy feeling. The biggest change is that we all have to work in the office. No More working from home. Its back to the daily commute. Eventually they were planning to morph my job (listing coordinator) into more of a hybrid where I handled both listings and buy side. Now they are re-thinking that. At the moment there are only 2 of us in the Boston Office that do my current job.


I think a lot will depend on how they can cover vacations. Right now my co-worker is on vacation so I’m holding down the fort. It isn’t too bad. The exception is she has one very high maintenance agent. The first day I was covering I had 18 emails and 3 calls from that 1 person. Ugh! Thankfully none of the others were that bad.

On the home front Rocky seems to be adjusting to being an only cat. He is eating well and playing. He is becoming very attached to his “baby” a toy he has had forever. He carries it around crying at the same time, a very mournful meow. I wake up with it tucked next to me in the bed.Rocky 001 copy

He’s also turning into a lap cat. We have quality time every evening for 30 minutes to an hour. I just love that. For 15 years he wouldn’t set foot on my lap, now as soon as I sit down he’s right there.

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The last thing on my mind is Hawaii. I keep meeting people that have been or want to go. I love comparing notes. The most recent conversation centered on the Island of Kauai. That is the island of choice for the  friend I just spoke with. I don’t think my time share has a resort on Kauai. I still love the Big Island but we’ll see how Maui stacks up after this coming vacation.

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Well busy day today with errands and chores…laundry, grocery shopping, eye doctor (annual exam), hair cut etc. Tomorrow I’m driving to New York to take my Mom to lunch for her birthday so I don’t know if I’ll have much chance to get back for another update this weekend. We’ll just have to see how the time goes.


This is what 90 Looks Like

Yesterday was my mother’s 90th birthday. She still lives on her own and goes bowling in a league every week. That’s 10 pin, “big balls”. No little wimpy candle pins or duck pins for her.


My Mother lives in New York State so I drove up to join the celebration. Her two brothers and their wives, my youngest brother and his wife  and my sister were all there to sing happy birthday. Missing was my other brother and his wife. They live  in Virginia and just couldn’t get away this time but it was still a good turn out.

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For some reason my mother doesn’t want to acknowledge that she’s 90 but I think it’s an awesome milestone.

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Good thing my mother doesn’t go on the internet or she’d be shortening my life for telling and we can’t have that!

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Happy Birthday Mom…and many more 🙂

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