Red Sand Beach

Red Sand Beach of Maui

You don’t want to miss the Red Sand Beach while you are on Maui.  It’s called Kaihalulu Beach in Hawaiian. Located just outside of Hana we made a stop after we went to the Black Sand Beach. It’s just a tiny beach tucked into a pocket cove. The rust colored sands of the beach are just that, rust. The lava that forms the Ka’uiki Head cinder cone is filled with iron which rusts. The lava breaks off and washes up onto the beach breaking down into the red sand. 

Beaches of Many Colors

The Islands of Hawaii are blessed with many colored sands in their beaches. We visited both a black sand beach and a red sand beach on Maui. There’s a green sand beach on the Big Island. The green sand is created by a common mineral in Big Island lava called olivine,

All of these beaches get their colors from the lava rock that breaks down to form the sand. The exceptions are the beautiful white sand beaches. White sand beaches are actually fish poop. Shocking I know. But the parrot fish eat the coral to get the algae that grows there. Then the hard coral passes through their system to come out as , well,  Fish poop.  It then washes up onto shore to form beautiful white sand beaches. Parrot fish can poop up to 200 lbs of sand per year per fish! Think about that next time you spread your blanket on that pristine beach. 

Stoplight Parrotfish (Sparisoma viride) at Salt Pier

Be Cautious at the Red Sand Beach

Like most of the beaches in Hawaii there are no life guards on duty so you swim at your own risk. Kaihalulu Beach is beautiful to visit and look at. The water is usually a deep blue with splashing white where it breaks against the rugged coastline.  That very rugged coast creates currents and rip tides that can drag an unsuspecting swimmer out to sea or toss them against the sharp lava rocks. Either way the swimmer is likely toast so Beware. 

Cultural Highlight

Ka’uiki Head is the birthplace of Queen Ka’ahumanu, and site of historic battles and an ancient heiau.

The Hawaiian name means “roaring sea.”


The Black Sand Beach

The Black Sand Beach

There is a Black Sand Beach on Maui. We stopped for a visit while on the Road to Hana Tour.  Waianapanapa State Park is located just outside  of Hana. I think this is one of the most spectacular stops on the Hana Highway. The beach is nestled in a private cove. The tour bus dropped us off in the parking lot and we followed a wooden walkway. Eventually you come to the stone stairs down to the black sand beach. I never got down there as I was captivated by the views from the lookout.

Not just the Black Sand Beach

Waianapanapa State Park is not just the black sand beach. It includes Hawaiian Cemeteries, Sea Stacks, Blow Holes and even a Lava Tube. There are various legends associated with the park. One such legend is as follows: 

A Hawaiian legend states that long ago in Hana a Hawaiian princess named Popoalaea was forced to marry an older chief named Kakea.  The chief was very jealous and suspicious of his young bride and beat her often.  One day she fled with her faithful serving maid and they hid inside a lava tube cave near Hana’s black sand beach.

To enter the cave required a dive into the fresh water pools called Waianapanapa (the meaning of the word is “glistening fresh water”).The king and his men grew furious looking for them.  Finally one day while searching for her he spotted the two women’s reflections in the waters of the cave as they sat on the ledge.

They were killed on the spot and every spring thereafter during the dark nights of Ku when this murder took place the waters seem to glow red, signifying the blood of the princess.

Cliff Jumping from the Sea Stacks

As I sat quietly enjoying the sun, the sea bird colony on the large sea stack became quite agitated. Moments later a head appeared. Then the rest of the body followed. A young man must have swum out to the Sea Stack and was now climbing the huge rock. Eventually he made it to the very top. I watched him set himself then cannonball out over the water. What a long drop! He is either crazy or far more brave than I!