Its Puffin Day!

Saturday arrived with more clouds and threatening rain. We were up really early. Breakfast was 5:15 am! We had to go to Dunkin Donuts because Helen’s Restaurant wasn’t open that early. That’s when I found out that we didn’t even know if we would be going out. The leaders were manning their cell phones with the captain while the rest of us got our breakfast sandwiches and coffee.

To the relief of all we were given the green light and headed off to Cutler where the Barbara Frost was moored and waiting for us.

Cutler Harbor1

The Barbara Frost is a bare bones, hard working charter boat. It’s no frills all the way. Bench seats line the sides and stern. The only heat is in the little cabin where the captain and mate were steering the boat. (Notice I did not call this a ship)

boatYou may be asking yourself “heat? Its July why do they need heat?” Well That thought crossed our minds too but a winter parka wouldn’t have been out of line. It was March in July. Cold and blustery!

On board the Barbara Frost

On board the Barbara Frost

This was the Bay of Fundy, known for 50 ft. tides, tidal bore rafting and whales! It was exciting just to be on one of the 7 Wonders of North America.

Getting to the Barbara Frost was also an experience. They loaded us into a tender, a little boat, to ferry us out to the “mother ship” (That was the Barbara Frost) but there was no ladder. You got your butt onto the gunwale and then swung your feet over and into the Barbara Frost.  Then you got out of the way so the next person could get in. Captain Andy, owner of the Barbara Frost and Bold Coast Tours was right there to help everyone.

Bold Coast Charters is the only US based company to be authorized on Machias Seal Island. The only other tour company  is based in Nova Scotia, Canada.

Machias Seal Island

As we headed into the bay I realized this was not the same island I visited from Bar Harbor. That one was located in Frenchman’s Bay.